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Trade Issues

Steel-related trade disputes and actions, including antidumping and countervailing duty orders.

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China Calls U.S. Cold Rolled Duties 'Protectionist'

23 June 2016 - China is taking the United States to task after American trade officials affirmed anti-dumping and countervailing duties of more than 500 percent on Chinese cold rolled producers.

U.S. Cold Rolled Producers Injured by Imports, U.S. Trade Commission Finds

22 June 2016 - American producers have been harmed by unfairly traded imports of cold rolled sheet from China and Japan, the U.S. International Trade Commission ruled on Wednesday.

China Acquisition of Unprofitable Serbian Mill Undermines Efforts to Reduce Global Overcapacity, Says EUROFER

17 June 2016 - As Chinese President Xi Jinping visits Serbia this week, the European Steel Association is raising objections over the sale of Serbia’s largest steel mill to a state-owned producer in China.

India Investment Program Expected to Generate Significant Steel Demand

16 June 2016 - Indian miners and steelmakers are likely to see significant new demand arising from Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s US$87 billion Make in India initiative, reports The (India) Economic Times.

Some Doubt China Pledge To Curb Excess Steel Capacity

08 June 2016 - China has promised to cut down its enormous steelmaking capacity by limiting new mills, eliminating antiquated mills and putting a final end to the so-called "zombie" operations that have returned from the dead.

U.S. Official Rebukes China for Excess Steel Capacity

06 June 2016 - U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew criticized China on Monday for enabling the steel glut, which has driven down prices and forced steelmakers to idle mills, reports The Washington Post.

U.S. Should Resolve Trade Disputes Through Discussion, Not Protectionist Measures, Says China Official

03 June 2016 - Barring Chinese-made steel from the U.S. market would be an abuse of trade remedies, Zhu Guangyao, China’s vice minister of finance, said on Thursday, according to Xinhua, the country’s official news agency.

Trade Commission Moves Forward on U.S. Steel Corp. Complaint

27 May 2016 - The U.S. International Trade Commission will pursue United States Steel Corporation’s Section 337 trade complaint against the largest of Chinese steel producers, the commission has announced.

G7 Resolves to Address Global Steel Glut

27 May 2016 - Leaders of the world’s seven wealthiest countries promised on Friday that they would take steps to address global excess steelmaking capacity, reports the Reuters news service.

China Trying to Discourage Steel Exports, Industry Group Says

24 May 2016 - Exports of Chinese-made steel are being driven by market forces and rose last year in spite of government action intended to reduce incentives for selling overseas, the China Iron & Steel Association said, according to the Reuters news agency.

Commerce Department Slaps Chinese Cold Rolled Steel With Duties of More than 500 Percent

18 May 2016 - The U.S. Department of Commerce is imposing duties of more than 500 percent on Chinese-made cold rolled steel, an action likely to ratchet up trade tensions between the countries.

Producers, Buyers Ask U.S. Trade Commission to Quash U.S. Steel Complaint

15 May 2016 - China’s second-largest steelmaker – and some U.S. buyers – have told the U.S. International Trade Commission that it should reject United States Steel Corporation’s petition to bar imports of Chinese-made steel from entering the country, according to reports.

ArcelorMittal Sees Another Quarter in the Red

06 May 2016 - The world's largest steelmaker posted another unprofitable quarter on Friday, recording a net loss of US$416 million due to low steel prices.

Stolen Data Helped Chinese Producer Quickly Commercialize Ultra High-Strength Steel, Alleges U. S. Steel

28 April 2016 - China broke into U. S. Steel's computer network and stole production research on its advanced steels, allowing at least one overseas producer to side-step years of work and quickly roll out ultra high-strength grades, U. S. Steel alleges in its Section 337 complaint before the U.S. International Trade Commission.

Losses Continue to Mount for United States Steel Corp.

26 April 2016 - United States Steel Corp. posted a first-quarter net loss of US$340 million on Tuesday and announced that it filed a Section 337 petition seeking to bar unfairly traded, Chinese-made steel products from entering the country.

U.S., E.U. Call for Market-Driven Restructuring of Steel

20 April 2016 - The European Union and seven countries, including the U.S., Canada and Mexico, have called for a market-driven restructuring of the world’s steel industry as the way to resolve the capacity crisis.

Steelmaking Countries Leave Brussels Without Agreement on Capacity Problem

19 April 2016 - The world’s largest steelmaking countries agree that there is more steel than the planet has use for, but they disagree on how to solve the problem and left a meeting in Belgium without having made any commitments to reduce it.

China Agrees to End Subsidy Program; Steel Executives Press for Aggressive Enforcement of Trade Laws

14 April 2016 - The U.S. has signed an agreement with China to end a disputed program that subsidized Chinese exports from seven sectors, one of which includes specialty steel.

Steelmakers Suggest Ways to Fight Excess Capacity During Hearing

12 April 2016 - Steelmakers, labor representatives and community leaders were in Washington, D.C., Tuesday to offer testimony about the impact of the world’s excess steel capacity and to suggest ways to combat the problem.

Thousands of German Steelworkers Take to the Streets, Protesting Imports, Potential Consolidation

11 April 2016 - Thousands of German steelworkers staged nationwide protests Monday, demanding more action against Chinese imports -- and a seat at the table in any discussions about possible industry consolidation.

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