Women in Steel Conference

22–24 September 2025 • Marriott Indianapolis Downtown • Indianapolis, Ind., USA


This annual event supports the recruitment, engagement and professional development of women in the global steel industry. Over two-and-a-half days, the event will feature breakout sessions, panel discussions, keynote speakers, and plenty of networking opportunities to enhance attendee personal and professional growth. We are expecting an audience of more than 500 steel professionals, from operators to human resource personnel, representing individuals at various stages of their careers, to participate in this event.


This event is for women and men who are passionate about creating an equitable and inclusive workplace. It’s ideal for those who:

  • Want to collaborate to bridge the gender gap in the steel industry.
  • Believe in the rewards and opportunities of a career in steel.
  • Recognize the impact of unconscious bias on the workforce and aim to address it.
  • Value the importance of female leadership and allyship in fostering success.

Join us to champion progress, celebrate leadership and work together for a stronger, more inclusive industry.


This program may qualify for up to 13 Professional Development Hour (PDH) credits. Upon completion, attendees may request a certificate outlining the PDH credits earned. Please note, it is the responsibility of the attendee to verify with their certifying body whether these courses meet their requirements.


AIST recently launched the Bring Your Own Young Professional (BYOYP) program to encourage our members to help boost the next generation’s involvement in AIST and the steel industry. If you are an AIST member and are bringing a Young Professional (age 30 and under) to the conference, you can receive a free gift. All you have to do is enter their contact information on the registration form when you sign up for the conference. Please be advised that the Young Professional will still need to register and pay for their own registration. Find out more information about the program here.  

Association For Iron & Steel Technology

186 Thorn Hill Road  |  Warrendale, PA 15086-7528 USA
 PH: +1.724.814.3000  |  FAX: +1.724.814.3001