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New Monitoring System Could Generate Better Steel Import Policies, Officials Say

Officials said the hope is that the Global Steel Trade Monitor will give steelmakers, lawmakers and the public a better sense of the ebbs and flows of the steel trade, leading to better policies. 

In a statement, U.S. Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker said the new system is in response to demand for more comprehensive and transparent information. Pritzker was at the mill Monday to announce publication of the Trade Monitor’s first batch of quarterly reports, which focus on the world’s top 20 importers and exporters.

More reports are to come, and the new system is to be fully implemented in 2017.

“The Global Steel Monitor significantly enhances the scope of the department's monitoring and analysis of the steel sector, and confirms our commitment to provide the public with relevant trade data in this key industry,” said Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and Compliance Paul Piquado in a statement.  

“These new reports provide parties with an additional tool to analyze the market.”

You can read the first batch of reports here.