Benefits & Eligibility
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Membership in AIST means you want to be part of advancing the global steel industry. You want to join a faction of intelligent, like-minded individuals who work together to keep the industry successful while enhancing your own professional development.
Members Receive:
A monthly subscription to Iron & Steel Technology — the premier technical journal for steel industry personnel and academics.
Discounts on:
registration for all AIST events, including AISTech, Global Steel Dynamics Forum, Women In Steel, MS&T and Technology Training Conferences.
hundreds of publications in the AIST Resource Center.
Access to:
29 Technology Committees — a network of peers who meet regularly to solve problems and cultivate the progression of steel technology.
22 regional Member Chapters — a grassroots level of volunteers dedicated to assisting in the exchange of ideas.
AIST Resource Center — an online repository of more than 12,000 downloadable technical articles from Iron & Steel Technology, conference proceedings and industry data. AIST members receive 100 free downloads per year.
AIST Member Directory — an online directory of all current AIST members.
AIME Digital Library -- an online repository of historical documents and proceedings from the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers (AIME)
Additional Benefits Available as part of the ABM-AIST Combi-Membership
ABM-AIST Combi-Membership
AIST members also have the option to join Associação Brasileira de Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração (ABM) at a reduced rate. The partnership between AIST and ABM allows AIST members to stay informed about the Brazilian steel industry. Benefits include:
A quarterly subscription to ABM’s magazine, Metallurgy and Materials.
Discounts on ABM seminars, conferences, surveys and publications through ABM’s Library.
Industry acknowledgement to authors of outstanding papers presented at ABM events through the ABM Awards Recognition Forum.
Networking opportunities with mining and metal professionals.