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Trade Issues

Steel-related trade disputes and actions, including antidumping and countervailing duty orders.

Latest News

ITC to Conduct Sunset Review of Steel Wire Rod Imports

11 December 2007 - The U.S. ITC votes to conduct full five-year sunset reviews of a  countervailing duty order on carbon and alloy steel wire rod from Brazil, and antidumping duty orders on wire rod from Brazil, Canada, Indonesia, Mexico, Moldova, Trinidad and Tobago, and Ukraine.

Domestic Stainless Tube Producers Express Concern over Imports from China

05 December 2007 - Domestic producers representing the Seamless Stainless Tube Trade Action Committee (SSTTAC) express growing concern with the rapidly expanding increasing volumes of low-priced seamless stainless steel tubing from China.

Commerce Finds Subsidization of Pipe and Tube Imports from China

28 November 2007 - The U.S. Department of Commerce a preliminary finding that imports of rectangular pipe from China have been unfairly subsidized.

U. S. Steel to Challenge ITC Decision on Welded Line Pipe from Mexico

22 November 2007 - United States Steel is challenging the ITC’s recent determination that revoking an antidumping duty order on large-diameter welded line pipe from Mexico would not be likely to cause material injury to domestic producers.

Commerce Dept. to Impose Tariffs on Steel Pipe from China

07 November 2007 - U.S. pipe makers and the United Steelworkers applaud the U.S. Department of Commerce for its preliminary finding that the Chinese government has been providing improper subsidies on Chinese circular welded steel pipe exports to the U.S.

AISI Commends ITC Decision on Hot-Rolled Steel Duties

12 October 2007 - The American Iron and Steel Institute issues a statement commending the U.S. International Trade Commission for its decision in the 5-year sunset review of antidumping and countervailing duty orders covering imports of hot-rolled sheet.

ITC to Uphold Most Duties on Hot Rolled Steel Imports

11 October 2007 - The ITC will uphold existing duty orders on hot-rolled steel products imported from China, India, Indonesia, Taiwan, Thailand, and Ukraine, but will revoke duty orders for the same products imported from Argentina, Kazakhstan, Romania, and South Africa.

AISI Releases Expanded Report on U.S. Indirect Steel Trade

10 October 2007 - The American Iron and Steel Institute has updated its analysis of U.S. indirect steel trade, a report that identifies the volume and value of steel imported and exported between the United States and 11 major countries and four regions.

ITC to Uphold Duties on Welded Line Pipe from Japan, Revoke Duties for Mexico

03 October 2007 - The U.S. International Trade Commission will uphold the existing antidumping duty order on imports of welded large diameter line pipe from Japan, but will revoke the existing order on imports of this product from Mexico.

Pipe Producers Petition to Accelerate Pipe Duties

20 September 2007 - Six U.S. producers of welded standard steel pipe and the United Steelworkers file a critical circumstances allegation with the U.S. Department of Commerce in pending antidumping and countervailing duty investigations on dumped and subsidized imports of circular welded pipe from China.

Commerce Department Announces Launch of Nafta Steel Monitor

23 August 2007 - The Department of Commerce announces the launch of the North American Steel Trade Committee’s NAFTA Steel Monitor, a website that provides online public access to consolidated steel trade data from the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

Commerce to Investigate Light-Walled Rectangular Pipe and Tube

13 August 2007 - The U.S. Department of Commerce will continue its investigations of light-walled rectangular pipe and tube imports from China, Korea, Mexico, and Turkey, following the ITC’s determination that there is a reasonable indication of real or threatened material injury.

Justice Department Seeks Appointment of Trustee to Sell Sparrows Point

07 August 2007 - The Department of Justice asks a federal judge to appoint a trustee to sell Mittal Steel's Sparrows Point facility, as Mittal has failed to complete a sale prior to the consent decree deadline of August 6, 2007.

CITAC Calls on ITC to End Duties on Hot-Rolled Steel Imports

01 August 2007 - At the U.S. International Trade Commission sunset review investigation, the Consuming Industries Trade Action Coalition called for revocation of the current antidumping and countervailing duties on hot-rolled steel imports.

USW Calls on U.S. Trade Commission to Uphold Steel Tariffs

01 August 2007 - The United Steelworkers testified in support of tariffs on hot-rolled steel as the U.S. International Trade Commission opened its public hearing on whether tariff orders on steel from 11 countries should continue for another five years.

New Report Details Chinese Government Subsidies to its Steel Industry

31 July 2007 - An extensive new study has been released that concludes the Chinese steel industry has benefited from significant government subsidies, many of which violate China's World Trade Organization obligations.

Department of Commerce to Investigate Welded Pipe from China

23 July 2007 - The U.S. Department of Commerce will continue its investigations of welded steel pipe from China, following the ITC’s determination that there is reasonable indication of material injury due to imports of this product from China that are allegedly sold in the U.S. at less than fair value.

Domestic Industry Applauds ITC Decision on Rebar Imports

11 July 2007 - AISI, SMA, and counsel to the Rebar Trade Action Coalition express their appreciation to the U.S. International Trade Commission for its decision to maintain antidumping duties on steel reinforcing bar imports from China, Belarus, Indonesia, Latvia, Moldova, Poland and Ukraine.

ITC to Uphold Most Antidumping Duties on Rebar

11 July 2007 - The U.S. International Trade Commission will uphold existing antidumping duty orders on steel concrete reinforcing bar from Belarus, China, Indonesia, Latvia, Moldova, Poland, and Ukraine, but will revoke a similar order for the same product imported from Korea.

Domestic Producers File Steel Pipe Case Against China

08 June 2007 - Six U.S. pipe producers and the United Steelworkers filed petitions with the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. International Trade Commission alleging that imports of welded standard pipe from China into the United States are being dumped and subsidized by the government of China.

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