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Commerce Finds Unfair Dumping of Rectangular Pipe and Tube from Four Countries

The U.S. Department of Commerce announced its affirmative preliminary determinations in the antidumping duty investigations of imports of light-walled rectangular pipe and tube from P.R. China, Korea, Mexico, and Turkey.
Commerce preliminarily determined that Chinese producers/exporters have sold rectangular pipe in the U.S. at 223.52 to 264.64% less than fair value; Korean producers/exporters sold the same product at 1.30 (de minimis) to 30.66% less than fair value; Mexican producers/exporters sold the product at 0.00 to 4.96% less than fair value: and Turkish producers/exporters sold product at 27.04 to 41.71% less than fair value.
Based on the preliminary determination, Commerce will instruct U.S. Customs and Border Protection to suspend liquidation of entries of subject merchandise and to collect a cash deposit or bond based on the preliminary rates, except when de minimis, no cash deposit or bond will be required.

Dumping occurs when a foreign company sells a product in the United States at less than fair value.
From 2004 to 2006, imports of rectangular pipe from China increased nearly 840% by volume, and were valued at an estimated $44 million in 2006; imports from Korea increased almost 14% by volume and were valued at an estimated $18 million in 2006; imports from Mexico increased more than 9% by volume, and were valued at an estimated $110 million in 2006; and imports from Turkey increased more than 362% by volume and were valued at an estimated $33 million in 2006.

Commerce is scheduled to make its final determinations in the Mexico and Turkey cases on or about April 7, and in the China and Korea cases on or about June 6.
Petitioners for these investigations are
  • Allied Tube & Conduit Corp., Ill.;
  • Atlas Tube, Mich.;
  • Bull Moose Tube Co., Mo.;
  • California Steel and Tube, Calif.;
  • EXLTUBE, Mo.;
  • Hannibal Industries, Calif.;
  • Leavitt Tube Co. LLC, Ill.;
  • Maruichi American Corp., Calif.;
  • Searing Industries, Calif.;
  • Southland Tube, Ala.;
  • Vest, Inc., Calif.;
  • Welded Tube, Canada;
  • Western Tube and Conduit, Calif.
The investigations cover welded carbon-quality light-walled steel pipe and tube with a rectangular cross section and a wall thickness of less than 4 mm. Rectangular pipe can be used for fencing, window guards, and railing for the construction industry, but not for conveyance of liquid or gas.