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Public policy affecting the iron and steel industry.

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EU Seeks to Join China on Complaint Over Steel Tariffs

23 April 2018 - The European Union has asked to join China in its dispute over the U.S. decision to impose a 25% tariff on imported steel, the Reuters news service reports. 

EU: Steel, Aluminum Tariffs Imperil Economic Growth

18 April 2018 - President Donald Trump’s tariffs on imported steel and aluminum are endangering global economic growth, European Union trade commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom said Wednesday.  

EU Disputes Underlying Assertion in US Steel Tariffs

16 April 2018 - The European Union has joined China in challenging U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to impose a 25% tariff on imported steel. 

In Vietnam, Is Coating Chinese Steel Transshipping, or Good Business?

10 April 2018 - Among the U.S. steel industry’s trade-related grievances has been the practice of transshipping – exporting goods via a secondary country to disguise their origin. 

Japan Bets on Winning Product Exclusions to U.S. Steel Tariffs

05 April 2018 - While certain U.S. allies negotiate potential countrywide exemptions to President Trump’s Section 232 steel tariffs, Japan is taking a different tack, reports the (London) Financial Times. 

AISI Lauds Plans to Revise Vehicle Emissions Standards

05 April 2018 - The American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) said it supports the Trump administration’s decision to revise the new fuel efficiency standards laid out during the Barack Obama presidency. 

Industry Group Says India Has Inched Out Japan as World's Second-Biggest Producer

04 April 2018 - India’s crude steel production has surpassed Japan’s output, making the country the world’s second-largest steelmaker, reports the Press Trust of India (PTI).

Steel Tariffs Enabling Potential Mill Restarts in Ohio

28 March 2018 - Republic Steel might restart a bar rolling mill at its idled Lorain, Ohio, USA, facility as soon as this spring, reports American Metal Market.  

Section 232 Decision Prompts Canada to Shore Up Import Defenses

28 March 2018 - Canada is instituting new regulatory measures intended to thwart transshipping of steel through the country, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s office has announced. 

Steel Tariffs Prompt EU to Launch Safeguard Investigation

27 March 2018 - Fearing that President Trump’s Section 232 steel tariffs will create a surge of diverted imports, the European Commission has opened a safeguard investigation on 26 products.  

Some U.S. Allies Granted Provisional Exemption to Steel Tariff

22 March 2018 - U. S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer said the European Union and four countries will be granted an initial pass on the Section 232 steel tariffs that go into effect Friday.

Trump Administration Opens Tariff Exemption Talks

21 March 2018 - The Trump administration is discussing potential country-level exemptions to the steel and aluminum tariffs with the European Union, Australia, Argentina and, soon, Brazil, reports the Bloomberg news service.

Policy Expert Criticizes Argument Behind Section 232 Decision

20 March 2018 - The Trump administration fails to make an adequate argument for imposing steel tariffs on national security concerns and will likely face numerous legal challenges, a former economic and trade policy adviser to President Bush said on Tuesday.

Steel Tariffs Might Allow for Plant Restart

15 March 2018 - President Donald Trump’s decision to impose a 25% tariff on domestically imported steel continues to reverberate around the world. Here are some of the recent developments arising from the decision. 

U. S. Steel Foresees Better 2018 Earnings

13 March 2018 - United States Steel Corporation has increased its 2018 earnings forecast by 13%, reflecting the restart of an idled blast furnace and the imposition of a 25% tariff on steel imports.

It's Official: Trump Imposes 25% Tariff on Imported Steel

08 March 2018 - U.S. President Donald Trump signed proclamations on Thursday imposing a 25% tariff on imported steel and a 10% tariff on imported aluminum, but left open the potential for certain countries to be exempted.  

Section 232 Decision Prompts U. S. Steel to Restart Illinois Blast Furnace

07 March 2018 - United States Steel Corporation plans to restart the B blast furnace at its Granite City Works in Illinois as a result of President Donald Trump’s proposed blanket tariff on imported steel, the company said on Wednesday. 

Trump on Steel Tariffs: 'We're Not Backing Down'

05 March 2018 - Here’s a look at some of the latest developments in the Trump Administration’s plans to impose a 25% tariff on imported steel and a 10% tariff on imported aluminum. 

The World Reacts to President Trump's Section 232 Decision

02 March 2018 - On Thursday, U.S. President Donald Trump announced that he plans to impose a 25% tariff on imported steel and a 10% tariff on imported aluminum under a trade law that allows the preside to restrict imports in the interests of national security.

UPDATE -- Trump to Set 25% Tariff on Imported Steel

01 March 2018 - U.S. President Donald Trump said Thursday that he plans to impose a 25% tariff on imported steel and a 10% tariff on imported aluminum for the sake of national security, according to reports.

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