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Paul Wurth Group

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Paul Wurth Wins Order for Blast Furnace Equipment

12 February 2016 - SMS group subsidiary Paul Wurth has won a contract for two of its Bell Less Top charging systems, which are to be installed at a new Chinese ironmaking plant.

Company Wins Contracts for Blast Furnace Improvement at Italian Steel Works

15 September 2015 - The Paul Wurth Group has been awarded contracts for major environmental upgrades to the idled No. 5 blast furnace at Italy’s ILVA steel works in Taranto.

EU Supports Testing of Groundbreaking Iron Production Technology

07 July 2015 - The European Union has agreed to contribute 7.4m euros towards testing a groundbreaking new iron production process being developed at Tata Steel’s IJmuiden steelworks in the Netherlands.

Tosyali Holding to Build World’s Largest DRI Combo Plant

23 June 2015 - Tosyali Holding has awarded Midrex Technologies, Inc., and its partner Paul Wurth S.A. Technologies, Inc., the project to build the world’s largest multiple product direct reduced iron plant for Tosyali Algeria located in Bethioua (Oran), Algeria.

Co-Operation Agreement Signed Between Paul Wurth and China Steel Corp.

08 May 2015 - On 8 April 2015, Paul Wurth S.A. and the Taiwan-based steelmaker China Steel Corporation (CSC) signed a Co-operation Agreement in the field of upcoming ironmaking plant construction projects in the Southeast Asian region, including material handling, sinter plants, blast furnaces and direct reduction plants.

EVRAZ ZSMK Signs Off on PCI Plant from Paul Wurth

19 March 2015 - EVRAZ ZSMK of Novokuznetsk, Russia has issued in favor of Paul Wurth a final acceptance certificate for the pulverized coal injection plant designed and delivered by the Luxembourg-based plant builder.

Paul Wurth and SAB to Incorporate Valve Competence Center in Luxembourg

09 December 2014 - On 21 November 2014, Paul Wurth S.A. and SAB S.àr.l. signed an agreement for setting up an equally-owned joint venture company called VCL Valve Competence Luxembourg.

Paul Wurth Announces Resignation of CEO, Names Succesor

17 September 2014 - Marc Solvi, CEO of Paul Wurth S.A. since 1 January 1998, will resign from his function as of 31 December 2014 but remain a member of the company’s Board of directors.

Paul Wurth Moves All North American Activities to Indiana; Closes Pittsburgh Office

14 August 2014 - In the frame of the reorganization of Paul Wurth’s business in North America, from 13 August 2014, all Paul Wurth activities have been moved to the office in Valparaiso, Ind.

Paul Wurth Introduces New Tuyere Phenomena Detection System

08 August 2014 - Within the past three years, Paul Wurth has developed new monitoring technology for the tuyeres and raceway area of blast furnaces.

Paul Wurth to Purchase Schalke Coke Oven Machine Technology

16 July 2014 - On 2 July 2014, Paul Wurth Italia S.p.A. and the German company Schalker Eisenhütte Maschinenfabrik GmbH signed an Asset Purchase Agreement regarding the transfer of Schalke’s coke oven machine segment to the Paul Wurth Group.

New Gas Cleaning Plant from Paul Wurth Commissioned at SAIL’s Durgapur Plant

06 May 2014 - On 25 April 2014, Durgapur Steel Plant, belonging to the Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL), successfully commissioned a new gas cleaning plant (GCP) at its blast furnace No. 3.

Paul Wurth to Present Nine Technical Papers at AISTech 2014

28 April 2014 - The Paul Wurth Group cordially invites the international coke and ironmaking community to its presentations and to discuss related aspects with its experts at at AISTech 2014 in Indianapolis.

Paul Wurth Becomes MIDREX® Process Construction Licensee

10 March 2014 - Kobe Steel Ltd. of Japan and Paul Wurth S.A. of Luxembourg, a member of the SMS Group, have signed a construction license agreement that enables the SMS Group to market, design and erect MIDREX® direct reduction plants around the world.

Paul Wurth Wins 2013 FEDIL Environment Award

03 December 2013 - The Environment Award 2013 presented by the Business Federation Luxembourg FEDIL this year recognized Paul Wurth’s innovative dry slag granulation process with energy recovery.

Paul Wurth Performs 24-Hour Preventative Maintenance for ThyssenKrupp CSA

22 August 2013 - On 8 July 2013, the service experts of Paul Wurth do Brasil performed a 24-hour preventive maintenance program at blast furnaces No. 1 and 2 and at the INBA® slag granulation facilities of ThyssenKrupp CSA’s integrated steel plant at Sepetiba Bay in Brazil. It was the first time ever that Paul Wurth was in charge of such a servicing package.

Paul WURTH Reports Good Performance in a Gloomy Economic Environment

23 May 2013 - Paul WURTH provided an update on its operations and earnings results for the 2012 financial year, as well as an update on the company's outlook.

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