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Paul Wurth Introduces New Tuyere Phenomena Detection System

An integrated system employing digital cameras provides continuous visualization of all tuyeres on any computer connected to the network. Machine vision methods (extraction of process relevant information out of pictures) are applied for automatic phenomena detection, which is backed-up by an integrated mathematic blast furnace model for the raceway zone. This feature also includes detection algorithms especially designed for the use with tuyere-injected auxiliary reducing agents like pulverized coal. Direct link to the furnace’s automation system helps to implement additional emergency measures (for instance, immediate shut-off of PCI) improving safety for personnel, equipment and plant. In the course of normal operation, continuous remote monitoring of the tuyere area improves the BF process stability and opens potential for higher PCI rates with, subsequently, reduced hot metal cost.
Paul Wurth’s new tuyere phenomena detection system (TPDS) has now been operating for more than eight months on four blast furnaces in Belgium and Germany, fully equipped (each tuyere) with 117 units in total. While two plants in Germany and Spain are currently evaluating the system’s benefits on individual tuyeres, Paul Wurth has recently received orders for equipping four more blast furnaces (in the Netherlands and in Germany) completely (128 tuyeres) with this highly convincing technology.