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Company Wins Contracts for Blast Furnace Improvement at Italian Steel Works

The blast furnace was shut down in March on account of environmental concerns. Once completed, the upgrades, which will incorporate EU defined best available technologies, will allow the furnace to run in compliance with environmental standards, according to the company.

Under the contracts, the company will provide the technology as well as oversee the engineering and installation.

The company said that on the hot-blast generation side, four Krupp-Koppers units will be replaced by three one-dome hot-blast stoves with an external combustion chamber. The sub-plant will include Paul Wurth’s patented waste gas heat recovery system and a complete EIC system.

Additionally, the company will replace the top-gas cleaning plant’s dust catcher and modify the scrubber system. A new seawater-based steam condensation system is to be installed at the slag granulation plant, eliminating the release of sulfur-laden steam into the atmosphere.

Lastly a new de-dusting system is to be installed in the furnace stock house. The system will have a suction capacity of 2 million cubic meters per hour.

The company said it expects to complete the project with 12 months.