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Public policy affecting the iron and steel industry.

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Steel Institute and Others Ramp Up Call for Currency Policy Remedies

14 August 2014 - The American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) and allied manufacturing groups reiterated their call for strong and enforceable currency manipulation disciplines in all future trade agreements, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

AK Steel Applauds Enactment of Highway and Transportation Funding Act

11 August 2014 - AK Steel is applauding the enactment of the Highway and Transportation Funding Act, legislation that is vital to maintaining and improving America's infrastructure — much of which is made with steel.

SMA Applauds Senate Passage of Highway Trust Fund Bill

04 August 2014 - The Steel Manufacturers Association (SMA) commends the U.S. Senate for passing H.R. 5021 and funding the Highway Trust Fund with US$11 billion through May 2015.

AISI Lauds Passage of Bill to Fund Highway Trust Fund

16 July 2014 - The American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) commended the U.S. House of Representatives for approving H.R. 5021, by a vote of 367-55, which provides US$10.8 billion to restore solvency to the Highway Trust Fund through May 2015.

Annual Report on the Implementation of the EU Steel Action Plan

25 June 2014 - At today's High level expert group on the future of the European steel industry the annual report on progress in the implementation of the Steel Action Plan will be presented. The plan was devised in June 2013 to help the sector confront challenges and lay the foundations for future competitiveness by fostering innovation, creating growth and jobs.

Steel Scrap Prices Could Plummet: WSD

19 June 2014 - Global steel scrap prices could "plummet" in the coming months due to sluggish export demand and pressure from lower-priced iron ore and coke, according to two World Steel Dynamics Inc. (WSD) analysts.

USW Promotes Buy American Initiative to Save New York Jobs; Provide Massive Economic Stimulus

09 June 2014 - The United Steelworkers (USW) announced today that they have launched a campaign to urge state lawmakers to co-sponsor and pass Buy American legislation to require all NY State Procurement, such as the Port Authority of NY (PANY) and the Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA), to abide by Buy American rules in infrastructure projects.

AISI Says New Report Shows Continued Harm From Unfair Imports

22 May 2014 - The American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) said a new report ("Surging Steel Imports Put Up to Half a Million U.S. Jobs at Risk") released on 13 May reaffirms that the rising tide of foreign steel imports is harming the U.S. steel industry and diminishing the industry’s ability to fully recover from the recession.

USW: New Study Highlights Threats to U.S. Steel Sector

22 May 2014 - United Steelworkers (USW) international president Leo W. Gerard issued the following statement on the release of a study of the enormous challenges facing the U.S. steel sector from a flood of imports and rising excess global capacity in steel production.

Steel Institute Hails Letter from Senators on OCTG Trade Case

20 May 2014 - The American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) said that a letter sent on 16 May 2014 by 57 U.S. Senators expressing concern with the Department of Commerce’s preliminary determination in an ongoing trade case on certain steel pipe imports used in oil and gas exploration (OCTG) "sends a tremendous message to the Administration that the majority of the U.S. Senate will not tolerate anything but the strictest enforcement of our trade laws against unfair trade practices."

AISI Says Highway Funding Needed Now

19 May 2014 - The week of 12 May 2014 was designated "Infrastructure Week 2014," an initiative highlighting America’s infrastructure challenges and underscoring the importance of increased infrastructure investment in building a more competitive economy, the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) announced.

U.S. Steel Institute Comments on Proposed Utility Greenhouse Gas Emissions Regulations

15 May 2014 - The American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) in conjunction with over a dozen other leading energy, agriculture, and manufacturing associations, submitted comments Friday to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in response to the proposed regulations of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from electric generating utilities.

Jury Awards US$52 Million in Steel Industry Antitrust Dispute

28 March 2014 - A Texas federal court jury awarded US$52 million to Houston-based steel distributor MM Steel, LP, which alleged that four big steel companies colluded to organize an illegal boycott against their new company in 2011, Yetter Coleman LLP and co-counsel said.

American Steel Institute Supports Tax Provisions for Capital Investment

26 March 2014 - The American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) joined 22 other manufacturing and business groups in urging the congressional leadership to renew bonus depreciation which encourages increased capital investment.

U.S. Executives Bring Steel Industry Jobs Focus to Capitol Hill

25 March 2014 - On 25 March 2014, chief executives from a number of leading steel companies in the U.S. told members of the Congressional Steel Caucus that many government policies on trade, energy, environment and infrastructure need to be reformed to ensure U.S. industrial competitiveness and preserve American jobs in steel and other manufacturing sectors.

AIST Reps Push for STEM Funding at SWE's Capitol Hill Day

17 March 2014 - AIST was a co-sponsor of the Society of Women Engineers’ (SWE) Capitol Hill Day in Washington, D.C., on 5–6 March 2014, for a second consecutive year.

European Steelmakers Send Letter to Lawmakers on Competitiveness, Energy and Climate Targets

12 March 2014 - 64 CEOs of the European steel industry have signed an open letter to the EU heads of state and governments who will discuss EU industrial competitiveness and energy and climate targets next week, EUROFER reports.

President Obama Announces Two New Public-Private Manufacturing Innovation Institutes

27 February 2014 - President Obama announced new steps to partner with the private sector to boost advanced manufacturing, including lightweighting and modern metals manufacturing.

AISI Lays Out Pro-Manufacturing Agenda for 2014

06 February 2014 - The American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) Board of Directors voted to approve the Institute’s 2014 Public Policy Agenda during their board meeting on 6 February 2014 in Washington, D.C.

U. S. Steel Receives President Obama for Tour, Speech at Mon Valley Works

30 January 2014 - The United States Steel Corporation hosted U. S. President Barack Obama at its Mon Valley Works steel mill outside Pittsburgh, Pa., on 28 January 2014.

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