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U. S. Steel President And CEO Mario Longhi Commends President Obama For Strengthening Trade Enforcement Laws

Longhi's statement follows:

"I commend President Obama for strengthening our trade enforcement laws by signing Trade Promotion Authority and Trade Adjustment Assistance. This legislation will open new markets for American goods and services, but also clarifies the injury standard in dumping and counterveiling duties cases to better protect our workers and companies from the harm of unfairly traded products.

"I and the more than 34,000 employees who work for United States Steel thank President Obama and our Congressional champions for pursuing responsible fair trade policies. Fair trade is critical to a successful economy, and these laws are another step on our drive to ensure that America remains a global economic force.

"The president and members of his administration have visited our facilities and have seen first-hand the power of American manufacturing and the American worker. He knows that we can compete against any country if the rules apply to all. Today he took an important first step in the process of leveling the playing field against unfairly traded products and supported fair trade at home and abroad. We look forward to working with members of the administration to ensure that U.S. trade laws and practices are strong and that countries who break our laws are punished before irreparable harm is done."

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