Past Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter Events

Plant Tours and Dinner Meeting — October 2024

The Philadelphia Member Chapter hosted two plant tours and a dinner meeting on 22–23 October 2024. On 22 October, 18 attendees enjoyed a private tour of the National Museum of Industrial History in Bethlehem, Pa., USA. The tour was followed by a networking reception and dinner at the Historic Hotel Bethlehem, where Laurent De Mey, Nucor Corp., provided a keynote presentation to the 26 professionals in the audience. 

The following day, 18 attendees made the trip to West Hazleton, Pa., to tour Nucor Towers & Structures.

Golf Outing — July 2024

On Monday, 22 July 2024, the Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter held its 64th annual Canton section outing at The Quarry Golf Club in Canton, Ohio, USA. A sold-out crowd of 144 members and guests joined the event for a perfect day of golf and networking. Special thanks go to the SES company for sponsoring the hole-in-one competition again this year.

Proceeds from this event helps to fund the four scholarships that are awarded annually by the Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter. AIST members who have a college-aged child or grandchild are reminded to apply for a scholarship if their student is pursuing a degree in engineering. Details can be found at

Members of the Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter golf committee greeting guests at sign-in at the outing on 22 July 2024 (left to right): Yvonne Vancamp, Terry Pyles, Jaime Hart and Pete Rebuelta.

Dinner Meeting — April 2024

On Tuesday, 9 April 2024, 2023–2024 AIST president Barry T. Schneider, president and chief operating officer, Steel Dynamics Inc., concluded his AIST Member Chapters tour as president at the Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter’s dinner meeting at the Sheraton Suites Akron Cuyahoga Falls in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, USA, with 103 professionals in attendance.

Members of the Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter executive committee welcomed keynote speaker 2023–2024 AIST president Barry Schneider to the meeting on 9 April 2024 (left to right): scholarship chair Jaime Hart; Pete Rebuelta; chapter secretary Larry Marks; Schneider; chapter chair Steve Murphy; Bill Winters; Pat McCon; past chair John Bondy; and AIST’s executive director Ron Ashburn.

The Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter presented 2023–2024 AIST president Barry Schneider with a clock in appreciation of his presentation at their chapter meeting on 9 April 2024 in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, USA (left to right): chapter chair Steve Murphy, Schneider and chapter secretary Larry Marks.

Meeting — February 2024

On Thursday, 22 February 2024, the Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter hosted their Young Engineers’ Night at the Sheraton Suites Akron Cuyahoga Falls, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, USA. The meeting was held jointly with the Association of Women in the Metal Industries (AWMI). Presenting companies included Materion, Rockwell Automation, Metallus Inc., and The Rudolph Libbe Group.
The meeting provided local engineering students with an insight into what the industry offers in terms of career paths for graduating engineers. Students from Youngstown State University and Akron University were in attendance along with over 90 members and guests.

Abby Heldt presented her experiences with onboarding and working for Materion as a strip processing engineer, and her focus on cold rolling operations.

Andrew Quick discussed his experiences working at Metallus Inc. in a number of positions in IT, and in the Manufacturing Excellence group, making business improvements and working on efficiency initiatives.

Kristen Kosatka, Rockwell Automation, detailed her multiple experiences of the training she received as a new hire, and subsequently her role of onboarding new hires as well as what to look for when changing roles within a company.

Nick Horton wrapped up the presentations by reviewing the projects he has worked on at the Rudolph Libbe Group and encouraged student engineers to explore co-ops with different companies to gain a better perspective on the opportunities that are available. He also noted the importance of “learning all you can” from engineering courses.

Members of AWMI attended the joint meeting with the AIST Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter on 22 February 2024 in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, USA (left to right): chapter scholarship chair Jaime Hart, Sabrina Schiefelbein, Cassie Marich and Christine Kish.

The chapter officers presented gifts to the Young Professionals during their meeting on 22 February 2024 (left to right): vice chair Larry Marks, Abby Heldt, Kristen Kosatka, Nick Horton, Andrew Quick and chair Steve Murphy.

Annual Fall Dinner Meeting — October 2023

On Wednesday, 11 October 2023, the Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter hosted AIST Foundation president-elect Terry Fedor II, executive vice president, Operations East, Cleveland-Cliffs Inc., at the Holiday Inn Cleveland South in Independence, Ohio, USA, for their annual fall dinner meeting. There were 209 guests in attendance at the successful event.

Members of the Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter’s executive committee thanked Terry Fedor II for his presentation at the 11 October meeting (left to right): Pete Rebuelta, chair; Steve Murphy; Fedor; Steve Asseff, vice chair; Larry Marks, secretary; Jaime Hart, scholarship chair; and Ron Ashburn, AIST executive director. 

Golf Outing — August 2023

On Monday, 28 August 2023, Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter’s Cleveland section held its second golf outing of the year at Shale Creek Golf Course in Medina, Ohio, USA. This year, 124 members, guests, and sponsors attended the outing and dinner. Proceeds from the event, as well as the chapter’s Canton section golf outing, fund the five scholarships that are awarded every year by the Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter.

Golf Outing — July 2023

On Monday, 24 July 2023, the AIST Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter’s Canton section hosted its 63rd annual Joe Szasz Memorial Golf Outing at The Quarry Golf Club in Canton, Ohio, USA, with 140 people in attendance. Proceeds from the outing help to fund the four scholarships that are awarded by the chapter each year.

On Wednesday, 2 August 2023, the chapter held its annual scholarship awards dinner at Ken Stewart’s Grille in Akron, Ohio, USA. Members of the chapter’s executive committee hosted the recipients and their parents to celebrate the achievements of the students. The chapter awarded a total of US$14,000 for the 2023–2024 academic year.

Attendees enjoyed the day at the Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter 63rd annual Joe Szasz Memorial Golf Outing and dinner on 24 July 2023.

Social Event — June 2023

Chapter members and guests of the Northeastern Ohio Chapter gathered for a social event at the at The Terrace Club inside Progressive Field in Cleveland, Ohio, USA, to watch the Cleveland Guardians play on Saturday, 10 June 2023. More than 60 attendees enjoyed a beautiful day at the ballpark.

Keynote Address — March 2023

On Thursday, 16 March 2023, 2022–2023 AIST president Keith J. Howell, chief operating officer, ArcelorMittal North America, presented to 125 attendees at the Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter’s dinner meeting at the Sheraton Suites Akron Cuyahoga Falls in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, USA.
AIST executive director Ron Ashburn opened the meeting and presented an update on AIST and upcoming events, along with the message for the need for continued involvement in the organization to continue the mission of sustaining a strong global steel industry.
In his keynote address, Howell detailed ArcelorMittal North America’s long-range plans and upcoming investments slated to cut their CO2 emissions and make their operations more sustainable for the future.

Members of the Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter executive committee welcomed keynote speaker Keith Howell to the meeting on 16 March 2023 (left to right): chapter scholarship chair Jaime Hart; Lincoln Braden; chapter secretary Larry Marks; 2015–2016 AIST president George Koenig; 2022–2023 AIST president Keith Howell; chapter chair Steve Murphy; Pete Rebuelta; chapter vice chair Steve Asseff; and AIST executive director Ron Ashburn.

Golf Outing — July 2022

On Monday, 25 July 2022, the AIST Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter hosted its 62nd annual Joe Szasz Memorial golf outing at The Quarry Golf Club in Canton, Ohio, USA. There were 118 golfers in attendance.
On Monday, 12 September 2022, the Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter held its second golf outing of the year at Shale Creek Golf Course in Median, Ohio, USA. This year, 120 members, guests and sponsors attended the outing and dinner. Proceeds from the event, as well as the Chapter’s Canton Section golf outing, fund the five scholarships that are awarded every year by the Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter. Two of these scholarships (Glossbrenner and Klush scholarships) are both four years in duration. Members who have a college-age child or grandchild are reminded to apply for one of these scholarships if their student is pursuing a degree in engineering. Details can be found at

Networking Event — April 2022

Members and friends of the Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter gathered at the Hooley House Montrose in Copley, Ohio, USA, on Thursday, 23 June 2022, for a networking event. There were 15 in attendance at the informal get-together. The chapter also hosted a day at the ballpark to watch the Cleveland Guardians play against the Boston Red Sox on Saturday, 25 June 2022, at The Terrace Club inside Progressive Field in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. More than 75 attendees gathered for a picnic-style lunch and enjoyed the chapter camaraderie.

Spring Dinner Meeting — April 2022

On 28 April 2022, the Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter hosted Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. chairman, president and chief executive officer Lourenco Goncalves at the Rockside Road Holiday Inn in Independence, Ohio, USA, for their annual spring dinner meeting. There were more than 300 guests in attendance for the dinner, making this one of the largest Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter functions in the last several years.
Goncalves’ keynote address focused on Cleveland-Cliffs’ recent acquisitions resulting in it becoming the largest flat-rolled steel company and the largest iron ore pellet producer in the U.S. and North America. Goncalves detailed his early years in the industry and how those experiences shaped his drive and perseverance. He also detailed for the audience how his company’s use of direct reduced iron has already reduced their carbon emissions by 50% over competitors worldwide. 
As part of the meeting, Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter chair Steve Murphy, TimkenSteel Corp., recognized past chair John Bondy, Cleveland-Cliffs Cleveland Works LLC, for his contributions over the past several years with an AIST Member Chapter Outstanding Service Award.
AIST executive director Ron Ashburn was also in attendance and presented an update on AIST and upcoming events. He stressed the importance of strong membership involvement to continue AIST’s mission of sustaining and advancing the steel industry.

Social Hour — March 2022

The Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter hosted a social hour on Tuesday, 15 March 2022, at the Winking Lizard Tavern in Independence, Ohio, USA. The event provided fellowship and networking opportunities for the 50 attendees.

Golf Outing — September 2021

On Monday, 27 September 2021, the Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter’s Cleveland Section held a golf outing at the Medina Country Club in Medina, Ohio, USA. A great turnout of 101 golfers enjoyed a day on the course and at the dinner that followed. Proceeds from the event will benefit the AIST Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter’s scholarship fund.

Golf Outing — July 2021

The AIST Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter hosted its 60th annual Joe Szasz Memorial golf outing on Monday, 19 July 2021, at The Quarry Golf Club in Canton, Ohio, USA, for 75 golfers.

Day out at the ballpark — June 2021

The Northeastern The AIST Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter hosted its 60th annual Joe Szasz Memorial golf outing on Monday, 19 July 2021, at The Quarry Golf Club in Canton, Ohio, USA, for 75 golfers.
Ohio Member Chapter hosted a day out at the ballpark to watch the Cleveland Indians play on Saturday, 12 June 2021, at The Terrace Club inside Progressive Field in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. More than 90 attendees gathered for a picnic-style lunch and enjoyed the camaraderie.