Golf Outing — August 2019 On Monday, 26 August 2019, 116 members of the Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter gathered for their golf outing at the Medina Country Club in Medina, Ohio, USA. Golfers came out and enjoyed a day on the course and a dinner that followed. Proceeds from the event will benefit the AIST Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter’s Scholarship fund. |
Golf Outing — July 2019 On Monday, 22 July 2019, the AIST Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter hosted its 60th annual Joe Szasz Memorial golf outing at The Quarry Golf Club in Canton, Ohio, USA. The rain held off and 95 golfers enjoyed a great day on the course, followed by a networking dinner. |
Baseball Game — May 2019 The Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter hosted a day out at the ballpark to watch the Cleveland Indians play on Saturday, 18 May 2019, at The Terrace Club inside Progressive Field in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. More than 100 attendees gathered for a picnic-style lunch and enjoyed the camaraderie. |
Young Engineer's Night — April 2019 The AIST Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter hosted a Young Engineer’s Night on 9 April 2019 at the Sheraton Suites Akron/Cuyahoga Falls in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, USA. Four young engineers presented to the group of 125 professionals and students in attendance. The presenting engineers included: Nicholas Thomas, ArcelorMittal Cleveland; Farres Sarrouh, Middough Inc.; Bill Katko, NLMK Pennsylvania; and Don Dixon, TimkenSteel Corp. Plaques were presented to Larry Marks, TimkenSteel Corp., and Pete Rebuelta, MINTEQ International, in appreciation of their service to the Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter as past chairs. The Chapter also held a networking social hour on Wednesday, 20 March 2019, at Club Impulse at the Holiday Inn Rockside in Independence, Ohio, USA, which 40 professionals attended. |
Golf Outing — August 2018 On Monday, 27 August 2018, the Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter’s Cleveland Section hosted a golf outing at the Medina Country Club in Medina, Ohio, USA. A great turnout of 116 golfers enjoyed a day on the course and at the dinner that followed. Proceeds from the event will benefit the AIST Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter’s Scholarship fund. |
Golf Outing — July 2018 On Monday, 23 July 2018, the AIST Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter hosted its 59th annual Joe Szasz Memorial golf outing at The Quarry Golf Club in Canton, Ohio, USA. This was the chapter’s second outing on the course and 140 golfers enjoyed a great day of networking. |
Ballpark Outing — July 2018 The Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter hosted a day out at the ballpark to watch the Cleveland Indians play on Saturday, 16 July 2018, at Progressive Field in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. More than 90 attendees gathered for a picnic-style lunch at The Corner Bar inside the stadium and enjoyed the camaraderie. |
Young Engineers' Night — April 2018 The AIST Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter hosted a Young Engineers’ Night on Wednesday, 18 April 2018, at the Sheraton Suites Akron/Cuyahoga Falls in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, USA. Four young engineers presented to the group of professionals and students in attendance. The young engineers represented ArcelorMittal Cleveland, Middough Inc., The Rudolph Libbe Group and TimkenSteel Corp. |
 | Larry Marks talked with a student attendee at the Cuyahoga Valley Career Center in Brecksville, Ohio, USA, on 3 February 2018. |
2018 Career Showcase — February 2018 The AIST Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter participated in the Cuyahoga Valley Career Center STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) 2018 Career Showcase on Saturday, 3 February 2018, in Brecksville, Ohio, USA. Approximately 400 students in grades 7 through 12, along with their parents, attended the event. Larry Marks, AIST Board of Directors representative and past Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter chair, TimkenSteel Corp., along with scholarship chair Jaime Hart, Rudolph Libbe Group, provided information and answered questions about engineering careers in the metals industry as well as encouraged parents and students to apply for AIST scholarships. It was a great opportunity for kids to learn about STEM career fields and why the steel industry seeks STEM knowledge and skills. |
Golf Outing — August 2017 On Monday, 28 August 2017, the AIST Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter’s Cleveland Section golf outing was held at the Medina Country Club in Medina, Ohio, USA. A great turnout of 144 golfers enjoyed a day on the course and continued networking at the dinner that followed. Proceeds from the event will benefit the AIST Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter’s scholarship fund. |
Golf Outing — July 2017 On Monday, 17 July 2017, the AIST Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter hosted its 58th annual Joe Szasz Memorial Golf Outing. The annual fundraising event was held at a new course this year, The Quarry Golf Club in Canton, Ohio, USA. The weather cooperated and 132 golfers enjoyed a wonderful day followed by dinner, networking, awards and prizes. The event is one of two golf outings the Northeastern Member Chapter hosts each year in its efforts to raise scholarship money to fund the chapter’s four scholarships: The Alfred B. Glossbrenner scholarship, the John Klusch Scholarship, the Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter Akron University Scholarship and the Northeastern Ohio Youngstown State Scholarship. In total, the Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter awards US$14,000 annually in scholarships.  |  | 1. Jaime Hart, Rudolph Libbe Group and Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter scholarship chair, presented awards and prizes at the golf outing on 17 July 2017 in Canton, Ohio, USA. 2. Three of the recipients of the Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter’s 2017 scholarship were presented with certificates (left to right): Patrick LaRoy, Indiana University of Purdue; Alexis Yerkey, University of Akron; and Mark Mulhollen, University of Akron. |
Dinner Meeting — April 2017 On 27 April 2017, the Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter hosted a dinner meeting at the Sheraton Suites in Akron, Ohio, USA, that highlighted the emerging technology of drones. Matthew Roberts, survey manager, DLZ Services, presented, “Unmanned Aerial Surveying and Inspection.” Roberts provided an in-depth perspective on the requirements of and benefits associated with the many types of aerial surveying and inspections made possible through drone technology. He discussed how the technology is applied and how it has enhanced his company’s ability to improve topographical mapping and speed modeling efforts by calculating volumetric quantities for industrial, mining and power companies. Roberts also illustrated how this technology can improve inspections of structures, bridges, dams, wind turbines, cell towers, etc. He noted how the use of infrared camera technology can also be applied to provide more technical data on systems being studied. Roberts pointed out the future advances will incorporate the use of light detection and ranging technology as equipment becomes lighter. Larry Marks, Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter chair, TimkenSteel Corp., concluded the evening by presenting Roberts with a commemorative clock and thanking him for presenting to the 52 attendees. |
Student Engineers Night — March 2017 On Thursday, 16 March 2017, the Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter hosted a Student Engineers Night at the Sheraton Suites Akron/Cuyahoga Falls in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, USA. The event provided a good networking event for both student and young professional engineers present. The dinner meeting focused on providing local engineering students an insight into what the steel industry offers in terms of career paths for graduating engineers. Students from Youngstown State University, Akron University, Cleveland State University and The Ohio State University were in attendance, along with more than 60 guests and members. Members were also encouraged to BYOYE (Bring Your Own Young Engineer), which provided the student engineers firsthand information about the opportunities available in steel through talking with engineers early in their own careers. The evening’s events included four recent graduates who presented their experiences on entering the workforce, and tips for the student engineers to help them better meet company’s expectations for entering the industry as a graduating engineer. Cory Gravesmill, steel processing engineer, TimkenSteel Corp., presented on his experiences within company, and the Steel Business Associate program in which he works in multiple areas of the steel manufacturing process. Gravesmill provided insight to the students regarding the many career opportunities available to engineers who work in the steel industry. Jon Muszik, mechanical engineer, Globex Corp., detailed the uses and benefits of 3D and finite element analysis modeling. Muszik noted how he built upon his college experience to develop his skills in the different modeling processes, and how valuable modeling is to today’s engineers. Ryan O’Hearn, structural engineer, R.E. Warner & Associates, next presented on the benefits of co-oping and his involvement with organizations such as AIST and the American Society of Civil Engineers. O’Hearn detailed how important networking is for student engineers, and the “doors” networking can open for students upon graduation. Mike Zottola, engineer, ArcelorMittal Cleveland, concluded the presentations detailing his experiences with ArcelorMittal, illustrating the varied responsibilities an engineer is exposed to within the industry and the many opportunities available. The chapter presented the speakers with gifts of appreciation and thanked the students and facility members for participating in the annual event. |
Dinner Meeting — October 2016 On Wednesday, 12 October 2016, the AIST Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter hosted a dinner meeting at the Holiday Inn Cleveland South–Independence in Independence, Ohio, USA. The evening was highlighted by Wendell Carter, ArcelorMittal Indiana Harbor, with his inaugural presentation to a Member Chapter as AIST president for 2016–2017. Carter’s presentation focused on ArcelorMittal’s presence in the world steel markets, in particular the Americas, as well as AIST’s presence throughout the world. Carter noted the impact imports have had on all U.S. flat-roll producers in recent years, and the current trade case duties levied on the countries found to be “dumping” their products in the United States. Carter also detailed how these duties will help correct some of the imbalance caused from these dumping activities here. He explained the benefits and impact AIST has on the steel-producing community throughout the world, and the ongoing efforts in sustaining the global steel industry. Carter surveyed the room as part of his discussion to see how many present were under 30 years of age. Of the 85 attendees at the meeting, only six stood as members of that age group. Carter declared that this is our challenge — to engage and keep young engineers in the organization and in the steel industry. Carter detailed the many activities and benefits of AIST; especially those geared toward young engineers. He encouraged those in the audience age 30 and under to take advantage of the free membership and to attend local Member Chapter meetings and AISTech to see firsthand the training and networking opportunities AIST offers.  |  | 1. Larry Marks (right), Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter chair, presented a plaque of appreciation to AIST president Wendell Carter (left) for his keynote presentation at the Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter dinner meeting. 2. Members of the Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter’s executive committee were in attendance at the chapter’s dinner meeting on 12 October 2016. |
Golf Outing — August 2016 On Monday, 29 August 2016, the AIST Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter’s Cleveland Section golf outing was held at the Medina Country Club in Medina, Ohio, USA. The 115 golfers utilized all 27 of the course’s holes. Following golf, the attendees enjoyed a networking and fellowship dinner. Proceeds from the event benefited the AIST Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter’s scholarship fund. |
 | The Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter Canton section golf outing on 25 July 2016 drew 128 golfers. |
Golf Outing — July 2016 On Monday, 25 July 2016, the AIST Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter hosted its 57th annual Joe Szasz Memorial golf outing. The 128 golfers who attended the annual fundraising event at Shady Hollow Country Club in Massillon, Ohio, USA, enjoyed a wonderful day of golf and networking. The 18-hole scramble was followed by dinner, awards and prizes in the Shady Hollows reception room. The event is one of two golf outings the Northeastern Member Chapter sponsors each year in its efforts to raise money to fund the chapter’s four scholarships: the Alfred B. Glossbrenner Scholarship, the John Klusch Scholarship, the Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter Akron University Scholarship and the Northeastern Ohio Youngstown State Scholarship. In total, the Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter awards US$16,000 annually in scholarships. At the dinner, Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter chair Larry Marks of TimkenSteel Corp. detailed the scholarship efforts that the chapter has been engaged in since 1988, when the Glossbrenner scholarship was founded, and recounted the number of student engineers who have been helped through these scholarship efforts over the past 28 years. The names of this year’s scholarship recipients were also announced (see page 44). |
Student Engineers Night — March 2016 On Thursday, 3 March 2016, the AIST Northern Ohio Member Chapter hosted a Student Engineers Night at the Sheraton Suites Akron/Cuyahoga Falls in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, USA. The evening provided a good networking opportunity for both student and young professional engineers. The dinner meeting focused on giving local engineering students insight into what the steel industry offers in terms of career paths for graduating engineers. Students from Youngstown State University and Akron University were in attendance, along with 60 guests and members. The evening was a BYOYE (Bring Your Own Young Engineer) event, designed to provide student engineers with more firsthand information about the opportunities available in steel through interaction with engineers new to steel. The evening’s agenda included presentations from three recent graduates who discussed their experiences entering the workforce and tips for the student engineers to help them better meet company’s expectations upon entering the industry. Matt Benovic, senior project manager, R.E. Warner & Associates, kicked off the night by reviewing his work experiences on a number of steel-related projects. Amanda Cox, steel business associate, TimkenSteel Corp., discussed her experiences with TimkenSteel and their “Steel Business Associate” program, in which she has worked in a multiple areas of the steel manufacturing process. Cox provided insight about the variety of career paths available to engineers pursuing careers in steel. Erik Schwandt, shift manager, mechanical maintenance at ArcelorMittal Cleveland, concluded the presentations by detailing his experiences with ArcelorMittal both as a co-op and engineer shift manager and by illustrating the varied responsibilities an engineer is exposed to within the steel industry.
 |  | Engineering students from Akron University and Youngstown State University attend the Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter’s Student Engineers Night on 3 March 16. | The Northeastern Ohio’s Member Chapter’s Student Engineers Night featured three keynote presentations (left to right): Erik Schwandt, ArcelorMittal Cleveland; Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter chair Larry Marks, Timken Steel Corp.; Amanda Cox, TimkenSteel Corp.; and Matthew Benovic, R.E. Warner & Associates. |
Dinner Meeting — September 2015 On Tuesday, 29 September 2015, the AIST Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter hosted a dinner meeting at the Holiday Inn Cleveland South–Independence in Independence, Ohio, USA. The dinner was held in conjunction with AIST’s Pipe and Tube — A Practical Training Seminar. The event featured a networking reception and dinner with a keynote presentation by Carolee Vanicek, director of tube manufacturing for TimkenSteel Corp. There were 110 attendees at the dinner, which included chapter members, guests and attendees from the conference.  |  | 1. Larry Marks (left), Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter chair, TimkenSteel Corp., presented a plaque of appreciation to Carolee Vanicek (right) of TimkenSteel Corp. for serving as keynote speaker at the chapter’s dinner meeting. 2. The Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter’s dinner meeting was held on 29 September 2015 (left to right): John Bondy, Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter committee member, ArcelorMittal Cleveland; Larry Marks; Steve Shapasian, Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter committee member, Middough Inc.; Pete Rebeulta, Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter vice chair, Minteq International Inc.; Gregg Bond, Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter committee member, TimkenSteel Corp.; Carolee Vanicek; Yvonne VanCamp, Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter treasurer, Globex Corp.; and Don Salsbury, Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter secretary, R.E. Warner & Associates Inc. |
Cleveland Section Golf Outing — August 2015 On Monday, 24 August 2015, the AIST Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter’s Cleveland Section held a golf outing at the Medina Country Club in Medina, Ohio, USA. The event was sold out with 150 golfers. Afterward, the attendees enjoyed dinner, which was open to non-golfers to participate in the networking and fellowship. Proceeds from the event will benefit the AIST Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter’s scholarship fund. |
Canton Section Golf Outing — July 2015 The AIST Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter Canton Section hosted its annual Joe Szasz Memorial golf outing on 20 July 2015 at the Shady Hollow Country Club in Massillon, Ohio, USA. The event format was a scramble and featured the Jack Friedman Memorial Shootout competition following the regular play. The shootout included longest drive, longest putt and closest to the pin challenges. There were 114 participants in the outing. The winning team at the Northwest Member Chapter golf tournament included (left to right): Brent Hilden, Steve Vincent, Darrell Wheeler and Darrell Johnson, all from Nucor Steel Seattle Inc. |
 Dinner Dance — March 2015 The Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter hosted a Mardi Gras party and dinner dance on Saturday, 28 March 2015 at the Marriott Cleveland at Key Center in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. There were 81 attendees at this year’s event, which featured a networking reception, dinner, photo booth and dancing to music by Rudy and the Professionals. |
Dinner Meeting — October 2014 The AIST Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter hosted a dinner meeting on Wednesday, 29 October 2014 at the Doubletree by Hilton in Independence, Ohio, USA. The event was held in conjunction with the AIST Specialty Alloy & Foundry Technology Committee meeting. Terry G. Fedor II, executive vice president of U.S. Iron Ore Operations for Cliffs Natural Resources Inc. and the AIST 2013–2014 president, served as keynote speaker. There were 105 attendees at the dinner. |
Cleveland Section Golf Outing — August 2014 The Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter’s Cleveland Section golf outing was held on Monday, 25 August 2014 at the Medina Country Club in Medina, Ohio, USA. There were 154 golfers and 160 dinner attendees at the event. Both the Canton and Cleveland section golf outings are held to raise money to support the AIST Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter’s Scholarship Fund, which awarded more than US$12,000 to students in 2013. |
Canton Section Golf Outing — July 2014 On Monday, 21 July 2014, the Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter’s 55th annual Canton Section golf outing was held at the Shady Hollow Country Club in Massillon, Ohio, USA. There were 138 attendees at the outing. |
Award Presentation — June 2014 On Tuesday, 3 June, the Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter held an executive committee planning meeting in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, USA. At the meeting, Bryan Mikula and John Wilson were honored as the recipients of the 2013 Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter Outstanding Service Award. |
Cleveland Section Golf Outing — August 2013 The Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter hosted its annual Cleveland Section golf outing on Monday, 26 August 2013 at the Medina Country Club in Medina, Ohio. There were 160 participants this year. |
Canton Section Golf Outing — July 2013 On 22 July 2013, the AIST Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter hosted its annual Canton Section golf outing at the Shady Hollow Country Club in Massillon, Ohio. There were 111 participants in this year’s outing. |
Youngstown Section Golf Outing — June 2013 The Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter Youngstown Section Golf Outing was held on Monday, 10 June 2013 at the Trumbull Country Club in Warren, Ohio. Forty-eight participants enjoyed a day of networking on the golf course. |
Valentine’s Social and Dinner Dance — February 2013 On Saturday, 16 February 2013, the AIST Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter hosted its annual Valentine’s social and dinner dance at the Marriott Cleveland at Key Center in Cleveland, Ohio. Attendees enjoyed a reception and dinner, followed by musical entertainment by Rudy and the Professionals. |
Cleveland Section Golf Outing — August 2012 The Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter’s Cleveland Section golf outing was held on Monday, 27 August 2012 at the Media Country Club in Medina, Ohio. The event, which helps to fund the Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter scholarship program, had 160 attendees. |
Canton Section Golf Outing — July 2012 The Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter’s annual Canton Section Golf Outing was held on Monday, 23 July 2012 at the Shady Hollow Country Club in Massillon, Ohio. There were 120 participants in the outing, which will benefit the AIST Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter Scholarship fund. |
Youngstown Section Golf Outing — June 2012 The Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter’s annual Youngstown Section Golf Outing was held on Monday, 11 June 2012 at Trumbull Country Club in Warren, Ohio. This year, 58 golfers participated in the event. Proceeds will benefit the Northeastern Ohio Chapter Scholarship fund. |
Dinner Meeting — April 2012 The Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter’s annual “Past Chair and Plant Managers Night” dinner meeting was held on Tuesday, 24 April at the Sheraton Suites in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. The keynote presentation was given by Thomas D. Moline, vice president of steel manufacturing, The Timken Co. There were 96 attendees at the dinner meeting, including past chairs of the Northeastern Member Ohio Chapter and local plant managers. |
Valentine’s Social and Dinner Dance — February 2012 On Saturday, 11 February, the Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter hosted a Valentine’s Day social dinner dance at the Cleveland Marriott at Key Center. Approximately 130 attendees braved the cold and snowy Cleveland weather to attend the event. Entertainment was provided by Jimmy and the Soul Blazers. This was the first Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter dinner dance since 2009. The chapter would like to thank the table sponsors, reception sponsors and attendees. |