AIST MENA Member Chapter Formalized

The AIST Middle East North Africa (MENA) Member Chapter was formalized as AIST’s 22nd Member Chapter by the board of directors on Thursday, 1 July 2021 at AISTech 2021 in Nashville, Tenn., USA. During the show, the AIST Board of Directors met and approved the association’s 22nd Member Chapter, the Middle East/North Africa (MENA) Chapter. The approval is the capstone of a multi-year effort to create a group for steel professionals in Middle Eastern and North African countries. 
► Chapter Formation

MENA Event Recaps

Webinar 2024
28 February 2024 • Virtual
The AIST MENA Member Chapter hosted a webinar for 97 registrants on Wednesday, 28 February 2024. The webinar, moderated by the chapter’s programming chair, Ashraf Hanna, director primary metallurgy, RHI Magnesita, focused on “Production of Special Grade Alloy Steel in Egypt.” Watch the Webinar.

AIST Mena Steel Forum 2023
6–8 June 2023 • Cairo, Egypt
Showcasing regional innovations, assets and talent in the steel industry made Cairo, Egypt, the ideal setting for the first in-person AIST Middle East North Africa (MENA) Steel Forum. The AIST MENA Member Chapter has hosted the forum twice virtually, and the first in-person event was received with enthusiasm as no event of its technical and professional caliber had occurred previously in the region. The topics of regional strengths and challenges, economic outlook, and green steel were interwoven throughout the keynote presentations and the six sessions.

Rolling Mill Webinar 2022
22 June 2022 • Virtual
The AIST Middle East North Africa (MENA) Member Chapter conducted a rolling mill webinar on Wednesday, 22 June 2022. Chapter program chair Ashraf Hanna, director primary metallurgy, RHI Magnesita, organized the event for the 40 registered attendees. The webinar presented recent innovation ideas, trials, and developments in rolling mill technology and applications from professionals working in the MENA region.


Joint Webinars 2022
23—24 March 2022 • Virtual
The MENA Member Chapter and Mexico Member Chapter hosted joint webinars on 23 and 24 March 2022. The theme for the two webinars was “Steel Industry From Young Professionals’ Perspectives.” The two-day event featured a total of 13 presentations from members of each of the chapters, including chapter officers and Young Professional members. There were 104 registered attendees for the webinars.

Annual Gathering 2022
25 February 2022 • Cairo, Egypt
The MENA Member Chapter hosted their annual gathering at the Kempinski Nile Garden City Hotel in Cairo, Egypt, on Friday, 25 February 2022. The gathering was the first in-person chapter event since the chapter’s founding in 2021.

MENA Steel Forum 2021
30 November–2 December 2021 • Virtual Conference
Experts from regional and international sectors of the steel industry came together to discuss the shift that the steel industry is making into new technological advancements and what can be implemented in the coming years. Each day of the forum was split into two different sessions that explored various subjects from new innovations in the steel industry to safety management. Each day concluded with a question-and-answer segment.


AIST MENA Chapter Formalized 2021
The AIST Middle East North Africa (MENA) Member Chapter was formalized as AIST’s 22nd Member Chapter by the board of directors on Thursday, 1 July 2021 at AISTech 2021 in Nashville, Tenn., USA.

Webinar 2021
25 May 2021 • Virtual
The Middle East North Africa Member Chapter conducted an Environmental Sustainability and Energy Conservation webinar on Tuesday, 25 May. Karim Alshurafa, SMS group Inc., moderated four presentations for the audience of 133 attendees

Webinar 2021
23 February 2021 • Virtual
The AIST MENA Provisional Member Chapter conducted a webinar focused on direct reduced iron (DRI) technology on Tuesday, 23 February 2021. Ashraf Hanna, RHI Magnesita and MENA Member Chapter programs chair, moderated four presentations for the audience of 95 attendees.

MENA Steel Forum 2020
10–12 November 2020 • Virtual Conference
The Middle East/North Africa (MENA) region is rich with steel production and is home to many active AIST members. AIST hosted a virtual Steel Forum specifically tailored to those in the MENA region on 10–12 November 2020.