The IMC SCTC met 22–23 January 2019, RINL Vizag Steel, Vishakhapatnam, AP, India. The IMC SCTC focused on final identification of key performance indicators for benchmarking surveys on BOFs, EAFs and casters. The AIST Process Benchmarker® (APB®) module parameters were used as the basis for the committee’s benchmarking surveys. The parameter formats of the APB suited the needs of the committee with a few additions that are specific to Indian processes. The day ended with a presentation by Brian Bliss, AIST general manager — Programs & Publications, who provided an overview of Technology Committee activities that could be considered for the IMC SCTC. On 23 January 2019, the IMC SCTC reconvened for a morning of technical presentations followed by a plant visit to Vizag Steel. Girdham Ram Tard from NMDC presented on inclusions and clean steel practices in the BOF steelmaking process. The presentation covered the types and shapes of inclusions, how the different inclusions can be formed during the steelmaking process, the impact of these inclusions on the final product, and how steelmaking operators can control their presence. Abhijit Sarkar of JSW Steel presented on clean steel practices in secondary steelmaking operations. JSW recognizes the importance of clean steel practices and has implemented equipment and processes to improve their steel’s cleanliness. Improved ladle stirring and better sulfur control at the ladle metallurgy furnace (LMF) were completed. An enhanced level 2 system was installed to improve tracking of MnS and CaS levels and, at the JSW RH degassing facility, equipment improvements were made to create better vacuum systems and result in fewer leaks during operations. Sid Misra presented on clean steel techniques at Tata Steel Kalinganagar. Tata Steel Kalinganagar uses a CAS-OB system for its secondary refining. The system requires an “open eye” in the ladle slag prior to the insertion of the bell into the ladle. The benefit of a CAS-OB for Tata Steel is the ability to rapidly increase the steel temperature (8–10°C/minute) vs. an LMF (3–4°C/minute). To improve the steel cleanliness in the ladle, Tata Steel will install a second stir plug to provide the necessary gentle stir at the end of treatment. Rishi Ranjan, the final presenter for the meeting, discussed the clean steel practices used at the Vizag Steel RH degasser. He presented on the theory of degassing, the process and its benefits to the final product, and issues being experienced at Vizag Steel with its current RH degasser facility. The meeting concluded with a plant visit to Vizag Steel #2 Steelmaking Shop. Included in the tour was a visit to the basic oxygen furnace converter operation, the ladle metallurgy furnace station and the four billet casters.  |  | 1. The India Member Chapter Steelmaking & Casting Technology Committee met on 22–23 January 2019. 2. Attendees had the opportunity to visit Vizag Steel’s #2 Steelmaking Shop. |
The IMC IMTC met 24–25 January 2019, RINL Vizag Steel, Vishakhapatnam, AP, India. A Syamsundar, deputy general manager R&D for Vizag Steel, greeted everyone and thanked them for attending this important function of the IMC. The IMTC chair welcomed Brian Bliss, AIST general manager — Programs & Publications, to the meeting. Bliss gave an overview of AIST and focused on the variety of activities that AIST Technology Committees can conduct. Of particular interest to the IMC IMTC was the potential to visit North America for a blast furnace Study Tour and to have technical discussions with the AIST Ironmaking Technology Committee. Mr. Bhatacharyya presented an overview of the ironmaking facilities at Vizag Steel. The next presentation was “RAFT Control in the Blast Furnaces at JSW,” by A Srinivas Rao. Following an overview of the ironmaking facility at JSW Vijayanagar and theoretical concepts of RAFT control, he presented two case studies con-ducted at the facility. Discussions were then held on pet coke use in a blast furnace and on the use of sinter vs. pellets for blast furnace production. Pellets are best for the blast furnace, but at times availability and quality can cause production issues. Sinter is used as a less-expensive iron source but other issues may result. A roundtable discussion on facility issues and safety practices was conducted prior to a presentation by JSW on blast furnace waste generation and utilization. Representatives from other facilities shared their waste reutilization practices. The next day’s agenda began with Aditi Tarafdar, M.N. Dastur & Co., presenting on alternative ironmaking processes, specifically COREX and FINEX. Direct reduced iron (DRI) is becoming a critical iron metallic as, in India, quality scrap is becoming inconsistent and expensive to obtain. In India, DRI is made via coal-based reformers or natural gas reformers but natural gas is a very limited and expensive resource. COREX and FINEX as alternatives can use non-coking coals, iron ore fines and other iron sources, so they are viable alternatives to DRI production. The business meeting concluded with a discussion on how to benchmark blast furnace data to identify optimal performance levels. A plant visit to the RINL Vizag Steel Blast Furnace #3 was held. Attendees visited the casthouse floor, the slag granulation facility and the blast furnace operating pulpit.  | The India Member Chapter Ironmaking Technology Committee met on 24–25 January 2019. |  | Technical presentations and a roundtable discussion were part of the agenda for the IMC IMTC meeting. |
►AIST International Steel Academy 2017 4–7 December 2017 • Shavak Nanavati Technical Institute, Tata Steel Ltd. • Jamshedpur, India |
►AIST International Steel Academy 2013 9–13 December 2013 • Corporate Center at Jindal Steel & Power Ltd. (JSPL) • Raigarh, India |
Executive Committee Orientation — March 2013 The AIST India Member Chapter recruited eight new executive committee members. The executive committee roster is as follows: Chair — S.S. Mohanty, SAIL Past Chair — Open Vice Chair — V.R. Sharma, JSPL Vice Chair — Anand Sen, Tata Steel Officer-at-Large — Rajiv Bhatnagar, Essar Officer-at-Large — Ravindra Ranjan, RINL/VSP Officer-at-Large — P.K. Ghorui, JSW Officer-at-Large — Prasant Dash, NMDC ISP Secretary-Treasurer — B.N. Mukhopadhyay Industrial Advisor — Open JPC Advisor — Niranjan Samaddar AIST Staff Liaison — Stacy Varmecky An India Member Chapter executive committee orientation session was held 25–26 March 2013 at the Radisson Blu Plaza in New Delhi, India. The objective of the session was to introduce AIST’s mission of service to the steel industry and to cultivate the vision of the India Member Chapter and its future activities. Six executive committee members attended the meeting. Currently, the committee is planning the 2013 International Steel Academy and working to determine additional programs that can serve the Indian steel market. In addition, they are focused on creating achievable membership growth objectives for the coming year. |
►AIST International Steel Academy 2011 5–8 December 2011 • Tata Steel Ltd. Shavak Nanavati Technical Institute • Jamshedpur, India |