Material Handling Technology Committee Activities

The MHTC and TLTC met jointly 19–21 March 2024, Tampa, Fla., USA.
The meeting began with a tour of Port Tampa Bay, setting the stage for subsequent discussion. Attendees were welcomed by Chance Suggs and Mike Leard, who opened the meeting with insightful remarks and emphasized the importance of collaboration. Key agenda items included finalizing AISTech 2024 sessions, officer nominations and reviewing previous meeting minutes. Discussion topics ranged from membership engagement strategies to safety considerations, highlighting the committees’ dedication to fostering a safe and inclusive environment.

The joint AIST and Association of American Railroads Open Top Loading Rules meeting marked a continuation of the collaborative efforts within the industry.

MHTC and TLTC Tour of Port Tampa Bay

Mike Leard (left) presented Wade Elliot (right) with a plaque of appreciation for hosting the MHTC’s and TLTC’s tour of Port Tampa Bay.

The MHTC, TLTC and CTC met jointly 1 November 2023, Corpus Christi, Texas, USA.
The MHTC and TLTC dedicated their meeting time to planning for the upcoming Material Handling Training Workshop. This essential workshop is set to take place on 15–16 October 2024, in Houston, Texas, USA. Concurrently, they mapped out the logistics for their spring meeting with the Association of American Railroads scheduled for March 2024.
Meanwhile, the CTC delved into the status of updates to various AIST Technical Reports. The committee’s diligent efforts ensure the continuous advancement of crane technology.

The three committees united for comprehensive presentations on rigging, loading and securing practices. The collective expertise and collaboration witnessed during this joint meeting contribute significantly to the ongoing advancements in material handling, transportation and logistics, and cranes technology.

The next day, all three committees enjoyed an insightful tour of Steel Dynamics Inc. – Flat Roll Group Southwest-Sinton Division.

MHTC chair Mike Leard (left) presented a plaque of appreciation to Thad McClone (right) for hosting MHTC, TLTC and CTC members for a plant tour of Steel Dynamics Inc. — Flat Roll Group Southwest-Sinton Division on 2 November 2023.

Matthew Leard (left) and John Marsh (right) presented the MHTC service plaque to Jesse DeSpain (center).

The MHTC met 9 May 2023, Detroit, MI, USA.
The following officers were elected:

  • Chair and Digitalization Liaison: Michael Leard - Pannier Corp.

  • Vice Chair: John Marsh - California Steel Industries

  • Papers Chair: Keith Gallup - California Steel Industries

  • Young Professional Chair: Joseph Frederick - Toplift North America

  • Education Co-Chairs: Everette Davis and Larry Guinn - Nucor Steel–Berkeley

  • Decarbonization Liaison: Laurence Cox - PGT Trucking Inc.

Jesse DeSpain presented a plaque of appreciation to Don Bryant for hosting the MHTC’s tour of Steel Dynamics Inc. – Flat Roll Group Columbus Division (left to right): Anthony Nath, Jason Thompson, DeSpain, Scott Serene, Bryant, Jan Persson, Michael Leard, Keith Gallup, John Marsh and J.D. Woodward.

The MHTC met 20 September 2022, Louisville, Miss., USA
The meeting began with a tour of Steel Dynamics Inc. – Flat Roll Group Columbus Division.
The afternoon started with Jesse DeSpain welcoming the attendees and thanking Taylor Machine for hosting. John Marsh reviewed the abstracts that were accepted for AISTech 2023 and reported that he will work with Transportation & Logistics Technology Committee’s paper chair to organize them into two sessions. The AISTech 2024 Call for Papers text was discussed and approved.
The group had a discussion on truck loading safety and the securing of loads across different mills. They also discussed the onboarding of new employees and what training is recommended.
Matthew Hillyer of Taylor Machine gave a presentation on their future projects, including the electrification of their big machines. DeSpain presented on the utility task vehicles Nucor Steel–Texas is using.

Chance Suggs (left) and Michael Leard (right) presented
 the MHTC service plaque to Jesse DeSpain (center).

The MHTC met 17 May 2022, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
The following officers were elected:

  • Chair: Jesse DeSpain  /  Nucor Steel–Texas

  • Vice Chair: Michael Leard  /  Pannier Corp.

  • Papers Chair

  • Digital Transformation Liaison: Michael Leard  /  Pannier Corp.

  • Education Co-Chairs: Everette Davis and Larry Guinn  /  Nucor Steel–Berkeley

  • Decarbonization Liaison: Laurence Cox  /  PGT Trucking Inc.

The MHTC met 1 March 2022, virtual meeting.
The group discussed the latest Steel Industry Fatalities report, noting that most of the recorded fatalities had to do with mobile equipment and trucks. Next, the six presentations submitted for both the MHTC and the Transportation & Logistics Technology Committee (TLTC) were discussed and organized into two joint sessions at AISTech 2022.
Nominations for committee leadership for the 2022–2023 term were discussed. Officer elections will take place at the MHTC’s next meeting at AISTech 2022 in Pittsburgh, Pa., USA.
Finally, the attendees heard a presentation from Larry Cox of PGT Trucking. Cox shared his insight on truck driver safety at steel mills as well as the current trucking shortage.

The SHTC and MHTC met 3 November 2021, Fort Worth, Texas, USA.
The group had their business meeting in the morning followed by a tour in the afternoon and a reception with The Making, Shaping, and Treating of Steel: 101 conference attendees.
During their business meeting, the committee chairs Justin Hoover of Steel Dynamics Inc. (SHTC) and Jesse DeSpain of Nucor Steel–Texas (MHTC) welcomed the group to their first in-person meeting since early 2020. The group had a lengthy safety discussion that covered steel industry fatalities, NASCAR lighting examples, tactical parking, as well as a focus on hand-related injuries and incident management programs.
The group also reviewed each committee’s AISTech session development, awards and upcoming Technology Training Conferences, including the Congress on Safety in Engineering and Industry 2022 on 15–17 August 2022 and the planning of an AIST Safety & Health Conference for fall 2023.

Larry Guinn (right) presented the MHTC service plaque to Bruce Zimmerman (left) at AISTech 2021.

The MHTC met 30 June 2021, Nashville, TN USA.
The following officers were elected:

  • Chair: Jesse DeSpain, Nucor Steel–Texas

  • Vice Chair: Will Jones, Nucor Steel Tuscaloosa Inc.

  • Papers Chair and Digital Transformation Liaison: Michael Leard, Pannier Corp.

  • Education Co-Chairs: Everette Davis and Larry Guinn, Nucor Steel–Berkeley

The MHTC held a Virtual meeting 9 February 2021.
MHTC chair Bruce Zimmerman opened the committee meeting and reviewed the current membership numbers. The group then discussed latest Steel Industry Fatalities Report, followed by a roundtable discussion.
The MHTC’s AISTech 2021 technical sessions were reviewed. The committee will have a session on Tuesday afternoon and a joint session on Wednesday afternoon with the Safety & Health Technology Committee.
Nominations for committee officers for 2021–2022 were reviewed; candidates will be officially voted in at AISTech 2021 in Nashville, Tenn., USA,
The group then went over plans for the next MHTC-sponsored Technology Training Conference, which is scheduled for fall 2022.

  • “Mill-Duty Laser Measurement Integrated With Material Handling Equipment,” by Steven Lubeck, Laser-View Technologies.

  • “Railroad Auto Switching,” by Jesse DeSpain, Nucor Steel–Texas.

The MHTC and TLTC held a joint virtual meeting 6 October 2020.
The group held a roundtable discussion about the current industry fatalities statistics.
Michael Leard, Digital Transformation liaison, discussed the committees’ needs for digital transformation. The group would like to see content on 3D printers, simulation, machine learning and autonomous vehicles.
Will Jones and Chance Suggs led the discussion on AISTech 2021 planning. The committees are planning one joint session and received several volunteers for session chairs.
The committees are planning on holding a joint training conference in 2022. Larry Guinn and Everette Davis, training conference chairs, will be spearheading the effort and organized a group to help plan it.

  • “Steeled for Safety: Visual Aid Technologies to Increase Safety With Material Handling,” by Chris Machut, HoistCam by Netarus.

  • “Modern Logistics With Automatic Packing Lines, YMS and ASRS,” by Jagannathan Rajagopalan, Pesmel.

  • “Restricted No-Fly Zone Management for Overhead Cranes,” by Steve Lubeck, Laser-View Technologies.

The MHTC and TLTC held a joint virtual meeting 6 May 2020.
The MHTC and TLTC held a virtual joint meeting with MHTC chair Bruce Zimmerman and TLTC chair Kevin Ray serving as hosts. The mission statements were reviewed and approved for both committees. The committees have organized two sessions at AISTech 2020, which were reviewed as well.
During the meeting the group elected their officers for 2020–2021. The following officers were elected by MHTC:

  • Chair: Bruce Zimmerman, Nucor Steel–Indiana.

  • Vice chair: Jesse DeSpain, Nucor Steel–Texas.

  • Papers chair: Will Jones, Nucor Steel Tuscaloosa Inc.

  • Education co-chairs: Everette Davis and Larry Guinn, Nucor Steel–Berkeley.

  • Young Professional chair: Davis Taylor, Taylor Machine Works Inc.

The following officers were elected by the TLTC:

  • Chair: Kevin Ray, Nucor-Yamato Steel Co.

  • Vice chair: Allan Welch, Olympic Steel.

  • Papers chair: Chance Suggs, Berg Pipe.

  • Education co-chairs: Everette Davis and Larry Guinn, Nucor Steel–Berkeley.

  • OTLRC chair: Rance Wetzel, American Cast Iron Pipe Co.

  • Young Professional chair: Drake Snarski, AK Steel – Middletown Works.

The committees then discussed their objectives for the upcoming year, which includes the development of a Technology Training course scheduled for fall 2021. MHTC and TLTC education co-chairs, Larry Guinn and Everette Davis, along with the Safety & Health Technology Committee, will take the lead and help to organize this course. A roundtable discussion followed in which attendees discussed how they are handling the COVID-19 pandemic, how their plants are adapting and how they are managing company travel restrictions.

The MHTC met 4–5 February 2020, Mobile, Ala., USA.
The Material Handling Technology Committee began its meeting with a review of the 2019 Steel Industry Fatalities report compiled by AIST. The report sparked a roundtable discussion on ways to improve safety in material handling operations.
MHTC’s AISTech 2020 sessions were finalized and the roles of session chair and papers chair were re-emphasized.
Nominations for the 2020–2021 MHTC officers were approved. The final vote will take place at AISTech 2020.
Jesse DeSpain, Will Jones and Ken Timmings presented an overview of the MHTC’s Fall 2019 meeting at the Panama Canal.
DeSpain then presented on a new railroad weigh-in motion scale project at Nucor Steel–Texas.
The committee wrapped up the first day of the meeting by previewing its May 2020 meeting at AISTech 2020. The MHTC also brainstormed future meeting locations and potential joint meetings with other Technology Committees.
The meeting concluded the next day with a tour of the Alabama State Port Authority.

MHTC vice chair Jesse DeSpain (left), Nucor Steel–Texas, presented a plaque of appreciation to Mike Richardson (right), Alabama Steel Terminals, for hosting the MHTC’s tour of the Alabama State Port Authority.

During his presentation, Ken Timmings of KTSDI spoke about the importance of STEM education.

The MHTC met 16–17 October 2019, Panama City, Panama.
The MHTC reviewed the 2019 Steel Industry Fatalities report, followed by a safety roundtable discussion.
The group then discussed its AISTech 2020 session development. It has a joint session with the Transportation & Logistics Technology Committee (TLTC), and will look at a joint session with both the Safety & Health Technology Committee (SHTC) and the TLTC. The three committees held a joint session at AISTech 2019, which was very successful. The roles of papers chair and session chair were reviewed.
The MHTC plans to host a training seminar with the TLTC and SHTC, possibly in fall 2021.

  • Ken Timmings of KTSDI and Tim Klugesherz of Mobil Elektronik GmbH (M.E.) discussed port and steel applications for KTSDI utilizing M.E. components. A particular emphasis was placed on STEM education events/programs reaching elementary school students.  

  • Will Jones of Nucor Steel Tuscaloosa Inc. discussed forklift and material handling training at Nucor that involves using a Go-Pro camera. Nucor continues to enhance safety and training with new technology and video training. 

  • Jason Thompson of Taylor Machine Works Inc. discussed an online guide for tire and rim safety.   

  • Bruce Zimmerman of Nucor Steel–Indiana provided a presentation on material handling, rail, trucking and general safety at the Crawfordsville site.

The following day, the group had the opportunity to tour the Panama Canal. A full recap of the experience appears on pages 148–155 of this issue.

The MHTC met 7 May 2019, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
The following officers were elected:

Chair: Bruce Zimmerman, Nucor Steel–Indiana

Vice chair: Jesse DeSpain, Nucor Steel–Texas

Papers chair: Will Jones, Nucor Steel Tuscaloosa Inc.

Education co-chairs: Everette Davis and Larry Guinn, Nucor Steel–Berkeley

Jesse DeSpain, MHTC papers chair, accepted a plaque of appreciation from Bruce Zimmerman, MHTC vice chair, for hosting the tour of Nucor Steel–Texas (left to right): Dan Reinholtz, Kevin Ray, DeSpain, Jackie Overbey, Zimmerman, Mike Lanigan and Brian Dunne.

The MHTC met 16–17 January 2019, Jewett, Texas, USA. The MHTC reviewed the 2018 Steel Industry Fatalities, followed by a safety roundtable discussion.
Jesse DeSpain, MHTC papers chair, reviewed the committee’s AISTech 2019 sessions and reviewed the roles of session chair and papers chair. A joint session with the Safety & Health Technology will be held on Tuesday morning, with a full session on Tuesday afternoon.
Nominations were taken for MHTC officers for the 2019–2020 term.
The next joint MHTC/Transportation & Logistics Technology Committee training conference was discussed, which is to take place in 2021.
The AIST Digital Transformation Task Force representative from the MHTC will be Bruce Zimmerman.
Mike Lanigan Jr. from Mi-Jack Products will investigate a tour of the Panama Canal for the MHTC’s Fall 2019 meeting on 15–17 October. 
Mi-Jack Products will serve as host for the meeting, which will be limited to 25 MHTC members. 
On Thursday, 17 January, the group toured Nucor Steel–Texas’ operations and shipping facilities.

The MHTC and SHTC met 17–18 October 2018, Tulsa, Okla., USA.
The committees reviewed the 2018 Steel Industry Fatalities Report, followed by a roundtable discussion. Ron Harber, Opta Minerals Inc., shared a safety video developed by ArcelorMittal. Both committees agreed to share this video with all members.
Ricky Rollins, SHTC papers chair, and Jesse DeSpain, MHTC papers chair, discussed their respective committees’ AISTech 2019 technical session development.
The SHTC has selected 16 abstracts and the MHTC has selected seven. Both committees agreed on two joint sessions along with the Transportation & Logistics Technology Committee.
Instructions for papers chair and session chair were reviewed.
The 2019 Safety and Health Innovation Award will be presented during the SHTC meeting at AISTech 2019.
Malcom Dunbar presented “Leading Safety Into the Future,” which will be the title of a multi-association safety and health conference in June 2020 in Philadelphia, Pa., USA. Dunbar and Brad Bray are serving as AIST’s representatives for organizing this conference with members from AIME, TMS, SME, SPE, ASCE, ASME, and The National Academies.
The objectives of the conference are to provide an opportunity for science, engineering, and industry sectors to discuss safety management successes and challenges within their operations, provide networking opportunities to share experiences, case studies and best practices, and seek areas for collaboration on safety initiatives.
Scott Stephan, director of safety compliance for Melton Truck Lines Inc., gave an overview of the facility, which served as a primer for the tour that was to take place the following day.
Kenny Rogers, director of corporate development for SafeRack, talked about general industry fall protection practices.

Dan Taylor (left), senior vice president, sales and marketing, and Brice Peters (right), vice president, sales and marketing for Melton Truck Lines, accepted a plaque of appreciation from Robbie Woods (center), California Steel Industries, SHTC chair.
Tony Nath was presented with the MHTC service plaque at AISTech 2018 (left to right): Doug Niksch, Bruce Zimmerman, Nath, Jesse DeSpain and Everette Davis.

The MHTC met 8 May 2018, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
The following officers were elected:

  • Chair: Tony Nath, Nucor Steel Gallatin

  • Vice chair: Bruce Zimmerman, Nucor Steel–Indiana

  • Papers chair: Jesse DeSpain, Nucor Steel–Texas

  • Education chair: Everette Davis, Nucor Steel–Berkeley

The MHTC met 17–18 January 2018, Modesto, Calif., USA.
The MHTC reviewed the 2017 Steel Industry Fatalities  report, followed by a roundtable safety discussion.
The committee’s AISTech sessions were finalized by Jesse DeSpain, MHTC papers chair. The MHTC has two joint sessions with the Transportation & Logistics Technology Committee. In addition, the roles of session chair and papers chair were reviewed.
Nominations for MHTC officers for the 2018–2019 term were approved.
The MHTC’s Fall 2018 meeting was discussed. It will be held 12–13 September 2018. A tentative tour site is Melton Trucking in Tulsa, Okla., USA. The topic for the meeting will be truckers’ hours of operation.
The following technical presentations were given:

 • “Interactive Training for Mobile Equipment Safety,” by Jack Moreland, Purdue University Northwest. Moreland suggested that AIST members utilize Purdue University Northwest’s facilities to improve their material handling operations. Contact him at for more information.

 • “We Are the Switch Gazers,” by Moises Torres, California Steel Industries.

The MHTC and TLTC met 12 October 2017, Louisville, Ky., USA. The group reviewed the 2017 Steel Industry Fatalities report, followed by a roundtable discussion. Both committees were reminded how they can and should contact all active committee members about any safety or material handling–related issue.
AISTech 2018 session development was reviewed by Jesse DeSpain, MHTC papers chair, and Allan Welch, TLTC papers chair. Two joint sessions were scheduled. Session chairs were selected, and the instructions for papers chair and session chair were reviewed.
Doug Niksch and Everette Davis, education co-chairs for the MHTC and TLTC, provided a review of the 2017 Material Handling and Transportation Logistics Training Seminar. All agreed that the three-tour format was a success. A recap of the event appears on page 137 of this issue, with a review of the three tours on page 118.
The following technical presentations were given:

  • “Material Handling & Transportation Simulation Modeling at NLMK,” by Jason Merschat, Advanced Process Optimization Inc.

  • “Modern Logistics for Automatic Coils, Plates and Sheets Tracking, Transfer and Storage System,” by Jagannathan Rajagopalan, Pesmel.

Winter 2018 meeting presentations were discussed. Contact Larry Guinn, TLTC chair, or Tony Nath, MHTC chair, before 1 January 2018 to make a presentation for these meetings.

1. Jason Merchant, Advanced Process Optimization Inc., presented in the afternoon during the MHTC/TLTC joint meeting.
 2. Jagannathan Rajagopalan, Pesmel, also presented at the joint meeting.
Everette Davis was presented with the MHTC service plaque (left to right): Tony Nath, Douglas Niksch, Davis, Bruce Zimmerman and Jesse DeSpain.

The MHTC met 9 May 2017, Nashville, Tenn., USA.

The following officers were elected:

  • Chair: Tony Nath, Nucor Steel Gallatin

  • Vice chair: Bruce Zimmerman, Nucor Steel–Indiana

  • Papers chair: Jesse DeSpain, Nucor Steel–Texas

  • Education co-chairs: Doug Niksch, Mi-Jack Products Inc., and Everette Davis, Nucor Steel–Berkeley

The MHTC met 18–19 January 2017, Columbus, Miss., USA. The MHTC reviewed the 2016 Steel Industry Fatalities report, followed by a safety roundtable discussion.
The MHTC reviewed its technical sessions for AISTech 2017. The MHTC will hold two joint sessions with the Transportation & Logistics Technology Committee on Tuesday and Wednesday. The roles of session chair and papers chair were discussed. Election of MHTC officers for 2017–2018 will take place during AISTech 2017.
An update was given on the  2017 Material Handling and Transportation Logistics — A Practical Training Seminar. The conference will be held at the Seelbach Hilton in Louisville, Ky., USA, on 10–12 October 2017. Doug Niksch confirmed the three tour locations: UPS Regional Service Complex, Amazon Distribution Center and Jeff Boat.  The MHTC’s fall 2017 meeting will follow the training seminar tour on Thursday, 12 October 2017.
The MHTC’s winter 2018 meeting site will be held in Modesto, Calif., USA, on 18–19 January 2018. Transbotics will host the meeting, which will feature automated guided vehicle technologies and steel mill applications.

The following presentations were given:

  • “Overhead Crane Safety Lighting Innovations,” by Susan Snapp, Steel Dynamics Inc. – Flat Roll Group Columbus.

  • “Material Handling With Magnets — Special Emphasis in VerticalEye Coils,” by Alex Hernandez and David Baker, SGM Magnetics.

  • “AGV Technology and Mill Applications,” by Chuck Russell, Transbotics.

  • “New-Age Scale Operations,” by Jonathan Wismann, Nucor Steel Gallatin.

  • “SwitchRite Switch Point Indicator Is the Solution,” by Bruce Zimmerman, Nucor Steel–Indiana.

Tony Nath (left), MHTC vice chair, presented a plaque of appreciation to Hal Nowell (right), general sales manager, Taylor Machine Works, for hosting the MHTC’s meeting and plant tour.

The MHTC met 14–15 September 2016, Louisville, Miss., USA.
The MHTC reviewed the 2016 Steel Industry Fatalities report, followed by a roundtable safety discussion.
Bruce Zimmerman, papers chair, gave an update on the MHTC’s AISTech 2017 technical session development. Eight abstracts were selected for two joint sessions with the Transportation & Logistics Technology Committee. Session chairs were selected, and the roles of papers chair and session chair were reviewed.
The MHTC’s representatives at the AIST Leadership Conference will be Everette Davis, Tony Nath and Bruce Zimmerman.
Doug Niksch, education chair, discussed the 2017 Technology Training Conference. A possible third tour is being considered with UPS. The seminar program will be completed before 1 December 2016.
Bobby King of Greenfield Products  gave a presentation entitled “Barge Cover Lid Lifter,” and Hal Nowell of Taylor Machine Works gave a presentation on Taylor forklifts. The MHTC toured the Taylor Machine Works complex on Thursday, 15 September.

The MHTC service plaque was presented to Everette Davis
(left to right): Bruce Zimmerman, Larry Guinn, Davis, Tony
Nath and Doug Niksch.

The MHTC met 17 May 2016, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

The following officers were elected:

  • Chair: Everette Davis, Nucor Steel–Berkeley

  • Vice chair: Tony Nath, Nucor Steel Gallatin

  • Papers chair: Bruce Zimmerman, Nucor Steel–Indiana

The MHTC and TLTC met 16 September 2015, Canton, Ohio, USA. The MHTC and TLTC reviewed the 2015 Steel Industry Fatalities report, followed by a safety roundtable discussion. Fall protection for truck loading was the main topic of discussion.
Doug Niksch, education chair for both committees, discussed the 2016 Material Handling and Transportation Logistics Training Seminar, to be held 11–14 April 2016 in Nashville, Tenn., USA. Bridgestone Tire will serve as the host plant. Niksch reviewed the program outline for the conference and noted that a presenter is needed for the trucking regulations topic. George Price of Berg Steel Pipe and Mike Wheatley of Vallourec Star were added to the panel discussion titled “Moving Steel Safely, Effectively, Efficiently.” Members of both the MHTC and TLTC are encouraged to attend and support this training seminar.
The annual Association of American Railroads (AAR) and the Open Top Loading Rules Committee (OTLRC) Subcommittee joint meeting will take place following the 2016 Material Handling and Transportation Logistics Training Seminar on Thursday morning, 14 April 2016.
Bruce Zimmerman and David Haslar discussed the MHTC’s and TLTC’s AISTech 2016 technical session development. Four abstracts were selected to complete the Tuesday morning session. Additional abstracts will be scheduled for the Wednesday morning session.
The following presentations were given:

  • “Fall Protection at Nucor Steel–Nebraska,” by Mark Petracek of Nucor Steel–Nebraska.

  • “Bulk Loading Program at TimkenSteel,” by Matt Griffith of TimkenSteel Corp.

  • “High-Density Storage at TimkenSteel,” by David Haslar of TimkenSteel Corp.

The MHTC service plaque was presented to Gregg Bond (left to right): Everette Davis, Gregg Bond, Doug Niksch and Tony Nath.

The MHTC met 5 May 2015, Cleveland, Ohio, USA.
 The following officers were elected:

  • Chair — Everette Davis, Nucor Steel–Berkeley

  • Vice chair — Tony Nath, Nucor Steel Gallatin

  • Papers chair — Bruce Zimmerman, Nucor Steel– Indiana

  • Education chair — Doug Niksch, Mi-Jack Products Inc.

Meeting Highlights:
The joint MHTC and TLTC fall meeting was discussed. Presentations will  be  given  by  representatives from TimkenSteel Corp., United States Steel Corporation and Nucor Steel Tuscaloosa Inc.
Doug Niksch reviewed the 2016 Material Handling & Transportation Logistics Technology Training Conference program outline. The conference will be held on 11–14 April 2016 in Nashville, Tenn., USA. Bridgestone  Tire will host a tour of its facility.

The MHTC and TLTC met 12–14 April 2016, Nashville, Tenn., USA. 
The committees reviewed the 2016 Steel Industry Fatalities report in a  roundtable discussion.
The committees’ AISTech 2016 technical sessions were reviewed. Two joint sessions are to be held in the morning on Tuesday and Wednesday. The roles of session chair and papers chair were re-emphasized.
Nominations for MHTC and TLTC officers for the 2016–2017 term were confirmed.
The group discussed the 2017 Material Handling Transportation & Logistics Technology Training Conference. The conference was cancelled in 2016. The 2017 conference will be held on 3–5 October 2017 in Louisville, Ky., USA.
Hal Nowell of Taylor Machine Works Inc. and Doug Niksch of Mi-Jack Products Inc. gave technical presentations.
The Association of American Railroads (AAR) and the AIST Open Top Loading Rules Subcommittee held their annual joint meeting. The following items were discussed:

  • Recent beam load testing with Steel Dynamics Inc.

  • Impact testing at Nucor-Yamato Steel Co.

  • Impact testing continues with pipe load configurations for 200 series pipe.

  • Slab shipments are being tested.

  • AAR circulars will be made available to AIST so that they can be distributed in a timely manner to affected steel shippers.

  • Need to resolve issue for using stub stakes for plate shipments.

Myles Morgan (right) senior field engineer, Bridgestone Tire, hosted the MHTC’s and the TLTC’s tour of the Bridgestone LaVergne Plant facility.