Galvanizing Technology Committee Activities
Galvanizing Technology Committee (GTC) - 10–11 September 2024, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Safety discussions focused on crane coil gripping systems and adaptations to improve worker safety when trimming coil edges. Eric Almquist provided an overview of the successful European Galvanizing Study Tour and discussed the planned 2025 North American Galvanizing Study Tour.
- Chris Vance of Cleveland-Cliffs Cleveland Works LLC provided a safety presentation in preparation for the following day’s tour of Cleveland Works’ continuous galvanizing line (CGL).
- Victor Hernandez of Linde gave a presentation about direct flame impingement.
- Paul Debski of SMS/Drever gave a presentation about galvanizing line decarbonization options.
- Dennis Quinn and Kevin Bertermann of Fives presented “Annealing Furnace Technology Developments for Decarbonization.”
- Massimiliano Bisson of Bisson Impianti Industriali s.r.l presented “Radiant Tube Solutions for CGLs and CALs.”
- Tom Rohrbaugh of Anderson Furnace presented “Understanding the Operational Intricacies of Typical CGL Combustion Systems.”
- David Pestian of John Cockerill discussed the new jet vapor deposition process.
- Maxime Andre of Inductotherm presented “Induction Heating for Continuous Annealing Furnaces and Future Options for Furnace Decarbonization.”
- John Stedge of Primetals Technologies presented “Use of CFD to Optimize Gas Jet Cooler Design.”
- Paul Dubski of SMS group presented “X-CAP X-Ray Controlled Annealing Process.”
- Max Werner of IMS Systems presented “Radar-Based High-Temperature Strip Sensing With No Onboard Sensor Electronics for In-Furnace Strip Guiding and Width Measurement.”
On 11 September, attendees toured the Cleveland-Cliffs Cleveland Works LLC CGL facility.
More than 75 attendees joined the GTC meeting on 10–11 September 2024.
Galvanizing Technology Committee (GTC) and Cold Sheet Rolling Technology Committee (CSRTC) joint meeting - 2–14 March 2024, San Louis Potosí, Mexico
Updates on membership showcased growth in both committees, setting the stage for discussions on finalizing AISTech sessions and officer nominations for the 2024–2025 term. Presentations were given on cutting-edge advancements in pickling technologies, offering insights into equipment innovations, developments in pickling solutions for advanced high-strength steels, and the integration of automated surface inspection systems. Discussions on investments in cold rolling and galvanizing highlighted Ternium’s forward-looking initiatives for 2024–2025.
The agenda also included talks on cold rolling advancements, emphasizing the importance of upstream quality for the galvanizing line and showcasing advances in automation.
A tour of Outokumpu Mexinox S.A. de C.V.’s facility provided insight in the rolling and finishing of stainless steel.
Safety & Health Technology Committee (SHTC), Galvanizing Technology Committee (GTC) and Digitalization Applications Technology Committee (DATC) joint meeting - 13–14 September 2023, Memphis, Tenn., USA.
The joint meeting centered around two themes: safety enhancements in and around galvanizing lines and the transformative applications of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in operations, quality control, and product disposition, as well as preventive maintenance for galvanizing lines.
During the meeting, attendees were treated to presentations which provided a rich exchange of insights and knowledge, as experts delved into the intricacies of ensuring safety within galvanizing processes while exploring the possibilities of AI and ML.
On the second day of the meeting, participants had the opportunity to tour the galvanizing line at Nucor Steel–Arkansas.
Jerald Gaines, Nucor Steel–Arkansas (center), accepted a plaque of appreciation for hosting a tour during the joint meeting of the Safety & Health Technology Committee, Galvanizing Technology Committee and Digitalization Applications Technology Committee on 14 September 2023.
The GTC met 10 May 2023, Detroit, MI, USA.
The following officers were elected:
Chair: Hossein Sayyar - ArcelorMittal Dofasco G.P.
Vice Chair: Brandon Adkins - Cleveland-Cliffs Weirton
Papers Co-Chairs: Joe Schulp - Vail Rubber Works Inc., and Dean Benoy » DABen LLC
Membership Chair: Shannon Clark - ArcelorMittal Dofasco G.P.
Digitalization Liaison: Eric Almquist - Star Tool and Die Works Inc.
Decarbonization Liaison: Deni Bellai - Hugo MIEBACH GmbH
Mark Marietti (left) and Joe McDermid (right) presented Eric Almquist (center) with the GTC service plaque.
The GTC met 10 May 2023, Detroit, MI, USA.
The following officers were elected:
Chair: Mark Marietti - Cleveland-Cliffs Dearborn Works
Vice Chair: Makade Archibald - Steel Dynamics Inc. – Flat Roll Group Columbus Division
Papers Co-Chairs: Joseph McDermid - McMaster University, and Dan Baker - General Motors
Young Professional Chair: Dan Topham - Nucor Steel–Arkansas
Digitalization Liaison: Thomas Daum - TMEIC Corp. Americas
Decarbonization Liaisons: Stavros Fountoulakis - ArcelorMittal Global R&D – East Chicago, and Dennis Quinn - Fives North American Combustion
The GTC met 16–17 February 2023, Starkville, Miss., USA.
More than 55 GTC members gathered in Starkville, Miss., USA, for the committee’s spring 2023 meeting. After confirming their technical sessions for AISTech 2023, the floor was open for 2023–2024 committee leadership nominations. The new officers will be elected during the GTC’s AISTech 2023 meeting in Detroit, Mich., USA.
The committee next previewed the Materials Science & Technology (MS&T 2023) conference taking place 1–4 October 2023 in Columbus, Ohio, USA, and discussed the status of Galvatech 2023 scheduled for 15–19 October 2023 in Seoul, South Korea.
The group heard reports on the recent 2023 AIST North American Galvanizing Roundup published in the March 2023 issue of Iron & Steel Technology, and received updates on AIST’s Digital Transformation and Young Professionals initiatives.
The main focus of the meeting was recent galvanizing line CAPEX projects and aluminized (AlSi) coating line capabilities and issues. The group heard presentations on newly installed lines at Steel Dynamics Inc. – Flat Roll Group Columbus Division and ArcelorMittal Dofasco G.P., as well as on technologies used for aluminized lines from equipment suppliers such as Clecim, Miebach, McDanel Advanced Ceramic Technologies, SMS group, Praxair Surface Technologies Inc., Atlas Machine and Supply Inc. and Fives Group.
The next day, the committee traveled to Steel Dynamics Inc. – Flat Roll Group Columbus Division where they enjoyed an open and informative tour of the plant’s new #3 Continuous Galvanizing Line.

The GTC and CSRTC held a joint meeting 31 August 2022, Quéretaro, Mexico.
The GTC and CSRTC held a joint meeting in conjunction with Expo Acero 2022. There were about 75 attendees comprising both international and domestic nationals from steel-producing and supplier companies. The presentations covered a variety of subjects, including: coil joining at cold mills and galvanizing lines; controlling/mastering strip shape; in-line monitoring and/or control systems; cold rolling solution maintenance/chemical cleaning at continuous galvanizing lines (CGLs); automated surface inspection systems and quality management systems; and an overview of Nucor-JFE’s CGL.
Special thanks go to Nucor-JFE for hosting a mill tour of their facility.
The GTC met 16 May 2022, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
The following officers were elected:
Chair: Eric Almquist / Star Tool and Die Works
Vice Chair: Mark Marietti / Cleveland-Cliffs Dearborn Works
Papers Co-Chairs: Frank Goodwin / International Zinc Association, and Joseph McDermid / McMaster University
Roundup Chair: Gary Dallin / International Zinc Association
Digital Transformation Liaison: Daniel Baker / General Motors
Young Professional Chair: Dan Topham / Nucor Steel–Arkansas
Decarbonization Liaisons: Stavros Fountoulakis / ArcelorMittal Global R&D – East Chicago, and Dennis Quinn / Fives North American Combustion
Nikhil Kulkarni was presented with the GTC service
plaque (left to right): Mark Marietti, Eric Almquist,
Kulkarni, Joe McDermid and Frank Goodwin.
The GTC met 2 February 2022, virtual meeting
The GTC held a virtual meeting with more than 22 of the 51 attendees being from a steel-producing company. Frank Goodwin reported on the galvanizing programming at AISTech 2022 and stated that there is currently one session scheduled for Monday morning, 16 May 2022. The GTC will again sponsor a session at MS&T22, which is scheduled for 9–13 October 2022 in Pittsburgh, Pa., USA. Goodwin also provided an update on future events, including the Galvanizers Association Annual Conference in Myrtle Beach, S.C. on 27–30 March 2022; the Galvatech Highlights Symposium in Vienna, Austria, on 13–14 June 2022; and the 13th International Conference on Zinc and Zinc Alloy Coated Steel Sheet (Galvatech 2023) in Seoul, South Korea, on 15–19 October 2023.
Nominations were then taken for the 2022–2023 GTC officers. The elections for the officers will occur during the AISTech 2022 GTC meeting.
“Cameras for Downchute Applications,” by Russ Cote of Logika Technologies.
“Thermal Spray Coating Application at Galvanizing Lines,” by Tiago Schulz, Ronaldo Possato and Arthur Cantao of Mil-Spec Metal Finishing Inc.
The GTC met 22–23 September 2021, virtual.
Nikhil Kulkarni, GTC chair, opened the meeting and welcomed everyone. Frank Goodwin reported on the four galvanizing abstract submissions received to date for AISTech 2022. He also discussed the session at MS&T21 that was organized by the GTC.
Other galvanizing events to be held are the Galvanizers Association meeting 27–30 March 2022 in Myrtle Beach, S.C., USA, and Galvatech in Vienna, Austria, 13–14 June 2022.
Day One Presentations:
“Safety and Plant Overview of Nucor Steel Gallatin,” by Chris Hudson, Nucor Steel Gallatin.
“Nucor Steel Gallatin Pickling/Galvanizing Line Overview,” by Paul Debski, SMS group, and Chris Hudson.
“Induction Heating for Heat and Coat Lines,” by Markus Langerjürgen, of Elotherm (SMS group).
“Operations Around the Pot,” by Chris Hudson.
Presentations on the second day were moderated by Stavros Fountoulakis of ArcelorMittal Global R&D.
Day Two Presentations:
“Ingot Charging Systems,” by Marius Samek, Duma-BandZink.
“Heavy Gauge, Heavy Coating: Lessons Learned,” by Mehul Patel, Nucor Steel Gallatin.
“Thick Strip: Specific Defects and Pot Equipment,” by Michel Dubois, consultant to John Cockerill Industries.
“Heavy Coatings on Heavy Gauges — Air Knife Operational Settings for an Effective Wiping: A Case Study,” by Andrea Alessandrini, Danieli-Kohler.
“After-Pot-Cooling Considerations for Heavy Gauge/Heavy Coating Lines,” by Bill Lucas, Fives.
The GTC met 29 June 2021, Nashville, TN USA.
The following officers were elected:
Chair and Young Professional Chair: Nikhil Kulkarni, Steel Dynamics Inc. – Flat Roll Group Jefferson Plant
Vice Chair: Eric Almquist, Star Tool and Die Works
Papers Co-Chairs: Frank Goodwin, International Zinc Association, and Joseph McDermid, McMaster University
Education Chair: Gary Dallin, International Zinc Association
Digital Transformation Liaison: Daniel Baker, General Motors

Eric Almquist (right) presented the GTC service plaque to Nikhil Kulkarni (left) at AISTech 2021.
The GTC held a virtual meeting 15 April 2021
Frank Goodwin reported on the galvanizing session being organized at AISTech 2021 for Tuesday morning. He also noted that the GTC was organizing a session titled “Advances in Metallic Coated Advanced Steels” for MS&T21, which is scheduled to take place 17–21 October in Columbus, Ohio, USA.
Goodwin also reported that Galvatech 2021 will be a virtual event scheduled for 20–24 June 2021.
Dan Baker reported that the Digital Transformation Subcommittee has assembled several core subject papers that are available on as reference learning materials.
Nikhil Kulkarni explained that the Young Professional Recruitment Subcommittee is working hard to extend to universities and requests that committees to reach out to universities near the location of committee meetings to get the students involved.
“GEN3 Furnace Model for GEN3 Steels,” by Alexandre Lhoest and Paul Debski of Drever International.
“Advanced Control for Continuous Line Furnaces to Optimize Performance and Quality,” by Julian Naveira of John Cockerill.
“Virtuo™, a New Generation of Furnace Dynamic Predictive Modeling,” by Kevin Bertermann and Thierry Robin of Fives.
“V-Imodel Math Model,” by Jean-Alain Brochard and Patric Dubois of BLD.
“Beyond Temperature Control: A Furnace Model for Industry 4.0,” by John Stedge of Primetals Technologies.
“How Advanced Furnace Control Improves the Production,” by Martin Fein of Andritz AG.
The GTC held a virtual meeting 13–14 January 2021.
The GTC held a two-day virtual meeting with Jason Fry overseeing. More than 75 committee members took part in the meeting via Zoom.
GTC papers co-chair Frank Goodwin reported on the committee’s scheduled session for AISTech 2021 and reviewed the revised material and registration dates. Volunteers for session chairs were solicited. The group then confirmed their nominations for 2021–2022 committee officers. The final vote will take place during the GTC’s meeting at AISTech 2021.
GTC education chair Gary Dallin gave an update on the 2021 AIST North American Galvanizing Lines Roundup, which was scheduled for publication in the February 2021 issue of Iron & Steel Technology.
Goodwin then informed the committee that Galvatech 2021 is scheduled for 20–24 June 2021 in Vienna, Austria. The conference may be in person or virtual depending on COVID-19 regulations in place.
Goodwin also reminded the committee that abstracts for MS&T 2021 are due 15 March 2021. The conference is scheduled for 17–20 October 2021 in Columbus, Ohio, USA.
GTC digitalization liaison Dan Baker then shared the latest news from the AIST Digital Transformation Subcommittee. The subcommittee is working to produce short videos and training sessions to better educate the greater AIST membership on what digital transformation is and how to expand the digital transformation of the steel industry.
Liz Hunter reported on the Young Professional recruitment subcommittee’s efforts to increase the participation of young professionals in each Technology Committee and at local Member Chapter meetings. She also reiterated the recruitment subcommittee’s suggestion that Technology Committees reach out to universities near the location of committee meetings to encourage student involvement.
“Pre-Oxidation Methods,” by Paul Debski, SMS group Inc./Drever International.
“RTFs and Transverse Flux Induction in the RTF,” by Emmanuel Patard and Kevin Bertermann, Fives ST Corp.
“Cast vs. Fabricated Radiant Tubes,” by Brian Shaw, ANDRITZ Metals USA Inc./FAI-FTC.
“Radiant Tube Efficiency — Surface Area Design,” by Dan Logan, Alloy Engineering.
“SiC Tubes,” by Steven Mickey, WS Thermal Process Technology Inc.
• “Radiant Tube Inserts,” by Carl Nicolia, PSNERGY LLC.
“Rapid Jet Cool Technology — High H2 vs. High-Output Fans,” by Philippe Reynes, ANDRITZ Metals USA Inc.
“Seal Rolls 1,” by John Stedge, Primetals Technologies USA LLC.
“Seal Rolls 2,” by Stephane Mehrain, Fives Steel Division, and Kevin Bertermann, Fives ST Corp.
“Pyrometer Technology and Associated Challenges,” by Thomas Larrick, Williamson Corp.
“Furnace Cameras,” by Russell Cote, Logika Technologies Inc.
“Radar Steering,” by Mike Gilbert, EMG USA Inc.
The GTC held a virtual meeting 17 September 2020.
The GTC’s papers co-chair, Frank Goodwin, explained the abstract selection process for AISTech 2021.
Gary Dallin, education chair, discussed how the data for the Galvanizing Lines Roundup is collected and vetted.
Goodwin then reviewed the galvanizing technical sessions to be presented at MS&T20 Virtual, which is scheduled for 2–6 November 2020. He then discussed Galvatech 2021, which will be held in Austria the week of 20 June 2021.
The technical portion of the GTC meeting, which was moderated by Ed Silva, focused on sink roll bearing technologies. Presentations were given by Mark Hall of McDanel, Dave Heller of Duma-Bandzink and Jimmy Estrada of Kyocera.
The GTC held a virtual meeting 28 April 2020.
The GTC held a virtual meeting with Jason Fry, GTC chair, serving as host for the 72 participants. Ed Silva reported that the Galvanizers Association annual meeting for 2020 was canceled and will now take place next year in Cleveland, Ohio, USA.
Frank Goodwin reviewed the two GTC sessions scheduled for AISTech 2020. He also reported that the GTC is sponsoring a half-day session and poster presentations at MS&T20, which is scheduled for 4–8 October 2020 in Pittsburgh, Pa. Goodwin also updated the committee on Galvatech 2020, which has been rescheduled for 8–12 November 2020 in Vienna, Austria. The program includes three parallel sessions over three days on product applications and basic research and development. The conference will feature 185 general session presentations and five plenary lectures. The conference includes a tour of voestalpine’s galvanizing line.
The European Galvanizing Study Tour originally scheduled for June 2020 has been postponed. The planning will be discussed further at Galvatech in November.
Gary Dallin reported on the status of the AIST North American Galvanizing Lines Roundup, which will be published in the February 2021 issue of Iron & Steel Technology.
The committee finished their virtual meeting by electing their 2020–2021 officers. The new GTC officers are:
Chair: Nikhil Kulkarni, Steel Dynamics Inc. – Flat Roll Group Jeffersonville Plant.
Vice chair: Eric Almquist, Star Tool and Die Works.
Papers co-chairs: Frank Goodwin, International Zinc Association, and Joe McDirmid, McMaster University.
Education chair: Gary Dallin, GalvInfo Center.
Young Professional chair: Nikhil Kulkarni, Steel Dynamics Inc. – Flat Roll Group Jeffersonville Plant.