Environmental Committee Activities
The ETC met 11 November 2024, Orlando, Fla., USA
The ETC met one day before hosting the Environmental Solutions: Air & Decarbonization training seminar. With a look to future leadership, a good discussion focused on ways to find volunteers who would consider serving in the new member’s chair role, as well as the future papers chair position openings.
A review of the current Call for Papers verbiage led to agreement that no changes needed to be made. Selection of award recipient(s) based on the environmental papers presented at AISTech 2024 has been finalized, and the award presentation will take place at AISTech 2025. In addition, the ETC will hold five sessions at AISTech 2025.
Planning for the next Environmental course, which will focus on water, has already begun, and discussion included input from the current seminar training team, led by Justin Gould and Joseph Juronoc.
The meeting concluded with Juronoc’s recounting and personal observations from the Sweden Study Tour, which was held in June 2024.
The ETC met 7 November 2023, Charleston, S.C., USA.
The ETC met just before the Environmental Solutions: Water Management training seminar. Bijay Prakash opened the meeting and welcomed everyone. With the next course scheduled for November 2024, a conference planning committee consisting of Joseph Juronoc and Justin Gould was formed. The focus will be on air and environmental topics.
AISTech sessions were outlined by Juronoc and include over a dozen presentations, which will make up multiple sessions. Even though he could not attend, a list of candidate nominees for the Best Paper award was presented by vice chair Adam Pace, and the grading committee will narrow that to one recipient. A study tour in Sweden, hosted by Jernkontoret, is also being considered for June 2024, with a list of sites to visit under development.
The ETC met 10 May 2023, Detroit, MI, USA.
The following officers were elected:
Chair: Bijay Prakash - EVRAZ Rocky Mountain Steel
Vice Chair: Adam Pace - Monroe Environmental
Papers Chair: Joseph Juronoc - Steel Dynamics Inc. – Flat Roll Group Butler Division
Digitalization Liaison: Kevin Deliman - Baltimore Aircoil Co.
The ETC and MRTC met 28 February–1 March 2023, Birmingham, Ala., USA.
Both committees participated in discussions about their sessions for AISTech, safety and fatality data, committee awards, and Technology Training Conferences.
Mike Allega, TimkenSteel Corp., and Vern Martin, Flowcare Engineering, both gave presentations regarding bearings and fans. The next day the two committees went on a tour of the Mercedes-Benz plant in Tuscaloosa, Ala., USA, where they were given an in-depth tour of the all-electric SUV production line.
The ETC met 24 October 2022, Orlando, Fla., USA.
The ETC met prior to the Environmental Solutions: Meeting EPA Air Emission Requirements training conference.
The group reviewed its technical program for AISTech 2023, which has enough abstracts available to have a minimum of one session each day. The AISTech 2024 Call for Papers text was reviewed and approved.
The ETC met 16 May 2022, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
The following officers were elected:
Chair: Adam Pace / Monroe Environmental Corp.
Vice Chair and Young Professional Chair: Alisha Giglio / Hatch Ltd.
Papers Chair: Bijay Prakash / Cleveland-Cliffs Steel LLC
Education Co-Chairs: Bijay Prakash / Cleveland-Cliffs Steel LLC, and Vern Martin / Flowcare Engineering Inc.
Decarbonization Liaison: Xavier d’Hubert / XDH Energy, and Alisha Giglio / Sina Technologies
Digital Transformation Liaison: Kevin Deliman / Baltimore Aircoil Co.
The ETC met 8 March 2022, Grapevine, Texas, USA.
ETC chair Ray Tedford opened the hybrid meeting with welcoming remarks. Nominations for the 2022–2023 committee officers were finalized. The ETC will conduct the final vote at their next meeting at AISTech 2022. The group then reviewed its technical sessions planned for AISTech 2022.
Bijay Prakash, ETC education chair, previewed the upcoming Environmental Solutions: Meeting EPA Air Emission Requirements training conference, which will be held in October 2022.
“Overview of EPA’s PFAS Strategic Roadmap: EPA’s Commitment to Action 2021–2024,” by Tom Maher, Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc.
“Designing Simple and Efficient DSI (Dry Sorbent Injection) Systems, From the Silo to the Injection Lance,” by Xavier D’Hubert, XDH-energy.
Following the technical presentations, the committee traveled to Durant, Okla., USA, to tour CMC Steel Oklahoma’s micro-mill.
The ETC met 8 November 2021, Corpus Christi, Texas, USA
ETC chair Raymond Tedford gave the opening remarks and welcomed everyone to the meeting and the Environmental Solutions: Water Management conference. Attendance was taken and membership of the committee was reviewed. Since AISTech 2021, 23 new members have joined the committee.
The 2021 Steel Industry Fatalities data was discussed. The committee then reemphasized the importance of safety, training and site awareness.
ETC papers chair Alisha Giglio provided an update on the ETC’s AISTech abstracts. A total of 17 papers have been accepted and organized into three sessions: Water Treatment & Auxiliary Technologies, Novel Technology Treatment to Reduce Environmental Footprint, and Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions. The committee then solicited session chair volunteers and reviewed and updated its Call for Papers text.
The ETC discussed the Environmental Solutions: Meeting EPA Air Emission Requirements conference, to be held in October 2022. The organizing committee will include Bijay Prakash, Vern Martin, Ray Tedford, Kevin Deliman and Adam Pace. Conference locations were suggested, including sites such as NorthStar Blue Scope, Nucor Steel Gallatin and Nucor Steel Florida.
The committee then discussed the possibility to organize webinars. David Marshall provided an update about the AIST Decarbonization Subcommittee. The ETC will continue to include decarbonization, greenhouse gas emissions and CO2 mitigation as items of topics but not make it a primary focus. Instead, the Decarbonization Subcommittee will cover that.
The group then attended the Environmental Solutions: Water Management conference.
The ETC met 29 June 2021, Nashville, TN USA.
The following officers were elected:
Chair: Ray Tedford, Schust
Vice Chair: Adam Pace, Monroe Environmental Corp.
Papers Chair and Young Professional Chair: Alisha Giglio, Hatch Ltd.
Education Co-Chairs: Bijay Prakash, Cleveland-Cliffs Steel LLC, and Vern Martin, Flowcare Engineering Inc.
Digital Transformation Liaisons: Erik van der Noll, Danieli Corus, and Kevin Deliman, Baltimore Aircoil Co.
The ETC met 26–27 February 2020, Boston, Mass., USA.
The ETC finalized its AISTech 2020 sessions. The roles of session chair and papers chair were reviewed.
The committee discussed its nominations for officers and the activities of the AIST Digital Transformation Subcommittee.
Environmental Solutions: Meeting EPA Air Emission Requirements will be held 19–21 October 2020.
Alisha Giglio volunteered as Young Professional chair for the ETC.
Adam Rauwerdink of Boston Metal provided a corporate overview of Boston Metal.
Alissa Park of Columbia University presented “Rewiring the Circular Economy for the Iron and Steel Industry Toward a Sustainable Future.”
Sahag Voskian of Verdox provided a corporate overview of Verdox.
On Thursday, 27 February, the group toured Boston Metal in Woburn, Mass., USA. Boston Metal operates from a 10,000+ square-foot state-of-the-art facility. Its patented molten oxide electrolysis process allows for a better, cleaner and lower-cost product.
More than 1,000 kg of metal alloys have been produced by Boston Metal since commissioning its first reactor. Boston Metal has efficiently increased the operating temperature for electrolysis, enabling the technology to address high-melting-temperature metals.