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Trade Issues

Steel-related trade disputes and actions, including antidumping and countervailing duty orders.

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U.S. Commerce Department Sets Preliminary Duties on Russian OCTG Imports

15 March 2022 - On Monday, the U.S. Department of Commerce issued a preliminary determination that affirms Russian exporters of oil country tubular goods (OCTG) received countervailable subsidies.

European Union Bans Key Iron and Steel Imports From Russia

14 March 2022 - The European Union announced last Friday that it will prohibit imports of “key goods in the iron and steel sector” from the Russian Federation, the latest in a series of severe economic sanctions placed on the country in response to its invasion of Ukraine.

U.S. Reaches Deal With Japan to Cut Steel Tariffs

08 February 2022 - The two countries announced on Monday the removal of tariffs on approximately 1.25 million metric tons of Japanese steel imports per year.

U.S. and U.K. to Commence Trade Dispute Talks

20 January 2022 - According to the Reuters news service, the United States and the United Kingdom agreed on Wednesday to begin discussions to resolve their trade dispute over U.S. steel and aluminum tariffs.

New Year Brings New Tariff Quota System for EU Steel Imports

05 January 2022 - New import rules for EU-made steel took effect this week, capping shipments at 3.3 million metric tons before tariffs kick in.

U.S. to Consult With Japan on Addressing Global Excess Capacity

15 November 2021 - The U.S. Department of Commerce announced the beginning of consultations with Japan to address global steel and aluminum excess capacity.

U.S., EU Come to New Agreement on Steel Tariffs

01 November 2021 - The United States and the European Union have reached a deal that will revise the Section 232 tariffs on EU metal products, effectively ending a years-long trade dispute between the two government bodies.

Steel Industry’s Overcapacity Could Trigger Sharp Downturn, Says OECD

27 September 2021 - During its 90th session, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)’s Steel Committee warned of potential future downturns if the growth in steel demand slows.

EU Renews Steel Safeguard Measure 

30 June 2021 - The European Union is extending the steel import safeguard measures that it put in place following imposition of the U.S. Section 232 tariffs. 

Biden Administration Looks to Settle Steel Tariff Dispute by December

15 June 2021 - The U.S. Section 232 tariffs on steel and aluminum will remain in place for the time being, but the Biden administration on Tuesday said it is committed to resolving the dispute with the EU over the tariffs.  

Report: Section 232 Tariffs on EU Steel Could Lift By Year’s End

09 June 2021 - The U.S. and the EU could announce a commitment next week to rescind America’s Section 232 tariffs on steel and aluminum and Europe’s retaliatory tariffs that were imposed in response, reports the Reuters news service.

The Biden Administration’s Tariff Dilemma 

28 May 2021 - The Biden administration is facing a difficult decision when it comes to the Section 232 steel and aluminum tariffs, reports The Hill.

Section 232 Tariffs Must Remain, Producers Tell Biden Administration

19 May 2021 - U.S. steel producers and the United Steelworkers union are urging the Biden administration to keep in place the Section 232 tariffs on imported steel and aluminum, arguing that they are having the intended effect. 

US, EU Plan Talks on Steel Tariffs, Excess Steel Capacity

18 May 2021 - The United States and the European Union are opening discussions on combating excess steel capacity and ending America’s Section 232 tariffs on steel imports from the European Union.

Section 232 Tariffs Should Stay, Argues Economic Think Tank

24 March 2021 - The global steel overcapacity problem should be fixed through some sort of a multi-lateral solution, but until one is reached, the U.S. should keep its Section 232 tariffs in place, according to the left-leaning Economic Policy Institute. 

U.S. Steel Tariffs Survive Another Challenge 

05 February 2021 - The U.S. Court of International Trade has upheld the Section 232 steel and aluminum tariffs, ruling against a group of steel users who argued that the way the tariffs were imposed was flawed, reports the Reuters news service. 

Mexico Promises to Watch U.S. Electrical Steel Exports

05 November 2020 - Mexico will begin to closely monitor exports of electrical transformer laminations and cores under an agreement with the U.S. 

Trump Tightens Up Restrictions on Brazilian Steel Imports

02 September 2020 - U.S. President Donald Trump is lowering the limits on Brazilian steel imports, reports the Reuters news service.  

Commerce Department Affirms Circumvention Ruling in CORE Case

09 July 2020 - The U.S. Department of Commerce has issued affirmative rulings in circumvention cases involving steel sheet made and in China and shipped elsewhere for final processing. 

EU Steel Producers Disappointed by Decision on Safeguard Measure Revisions

01 July 2020 - The European Steel Association and the IndustriAll European trade union have called for an emergency meeting with EU policy makers after the bloc’s governing body declined to lower limits on steel imports. 

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