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Steel Manufacturers Association

The Steel Manufacturers Association (SMA) consists of 34 North American steel producers who account for over 75% of domestic steelmaking capacity. SMA’s members represent a growing and dynamic segment of North America’s steel industry. Most are EAF steel producers, or mini-mills, who use a feedstock almost entirely composed of recycled steel scrap to make new steel.

Latest News

Nucor Executive Takes Over as SMA Chairman

07 February 2019 - The Steel Manufacturers Association has elected Nucor executive Dave Sumoski as chairman of the EAF-focused trade group. 

SMA Presents Awards for Safety, Environmental Stewardship and Community Involvement

08 October 2018 - The Steel Manufacturers Association has recognized a Steel Dynamics Inc. employee for his on-going efforts to improve the industry’s safety. 

Steel, Aluminum Industries Respond to Section 232 Decision

01 June 2018 - The steel and aluminum industries are weighing in on the Trump administration's decision to impose the Section 232 tariffs on imports from Canada, Mexico and the European Union. Here's what they're saying: 

Steel Association Hopes for Quick Decision on Section 232 Action

25 January 2018 - The Steel Manufacturers Association is urging U.S. President Donald Trump to make a speedy decision on the course of action he’ll take relative to the Commerce Department’s Section 232 investigation. 

Trade Policy Expert Joins Steel Manufacturers Association

15 January 2018 - The Steel Manufacturers Association has hired a U.S. trade official with previous steel and metals policy experience to lead the organization’s trade lobbying efforts. 

Decision Time: Trump Receives Commerce Department's Awaited Section 232 Report

12 January 2018 - The U.S. Department of Commerce has concluded its Section 232 investigation on steel imports and has sent its long-awaited report to President Donald Trump, but it will not immediately release its findings and conclusions, officials have announced.

U.S. EAF Producers Gain a Bigger Voice in Congress

25 October 2017 - In a move emblematic of the shifts in American steel production, a southern U.S. representative has been appointed as co-chairman of the Congressional Steel Caucus. 

Bayou Steel Announces New Sales Team Appointments

14 June 2017 - Bayou Steel Group is reconfiguring its sales team and has named a former Gerdau director to lead its sales efforts, the steelmaker has announced. 

SMA Honors Vallourec Executive 

08 June 2017 - The Steel Manufacturers Association has recognized a Vallourec USA executive for his work on public policy enabling the U.S. steel and pipe industry. 

Steel Groups Offer NAFTA Recommendations

06 June 2017 - Six North American steel industry groups have issued a joint policy statement outling their wishes for a revised North American Free Trade Agreement. 

SMA: There's Reason to be Cautiously Optimistic About the Domestic Steel Industry

27 January 2017 - Representatives of the Steel Manufacturers Association said the industry is “cautiously optimistic” about its prospects under the Trump administration.  

The Time is Now for Meaningful Commitments on Capacity Reductions, SMA Chairman Says

26 August 2016 - In spite of new trade laws and a spate of anti-dumping cases, unfairly traded steel imports continue to pose significant challenges for U.S. steelmakers, the chairman of the Steel Manufacturers Association said on Friday.

Steel Manufacturers Association Names New Board Leaders

29 January 2016 - Commercial Metals Co. senior vice president Tracy Porter has been elected chairman of the U.S.-based Steel Manufacturers Association.

SMA President: 'We're Not Getting the Margins We Need'

29 October 2015 - Imports of Turkish-made rebar are poised to capture 25 to 30 percent of the U.S. market this year, handily exceeding the high-water mark, CMC Americas President Tracy Porter said on Thursday.

SMA Lauds Congressional Votes on Trade Bills

25 June 2015 - The Steel Manufacturers Association (SMA) today applauded recent Congressional passage of two trade bills.

Global Steel Industry Calls On Governments to Take Action Against China’s New Steel Policy and Overcapacity

18 June 2015 - The American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), the Steel Manufacturers Association (SMA), the Canadian Steel Producers Association (CSPA), Specialty Steel Industry of North America (SSINA), the Committee on Pipe and Tube Imports (CPTI), the Latin American Steel Association (Alacero), the Mexican Iron and Steel Industry Chamber (Canacero), the European Steel Association (Eurofer), the Turkish Steel Producers Association (TCUD) and the Brazil Steel Institute have issued a joint industry statement concerning China's new steel policies on 16 June 2015.

SMA Presents Annual Awards for 2015

14 May 2015 - The Steel Manufacturers Association (“SMA”) presented its annual awards for 2015, recognizing the safety, environmental stewardship, innovation and community involvement efforts of the EAF steel industry.

Associations of Europe and North and Latin America Present Critical Document to the “New” Chinese Steel Industry Policy

21 April 2015 - Eight national and regional associations representing the steel industries of Europe, North and Latin America joined in expressing their concern to the Chinese government about the recently revised “Adjustment Policy 2015” to the Chinese national steel strategy, released last March.

Steel Industry Leaders to Testify Before U.S. Congress on Unfair Imports Crisis

25 March 2015 - The United Steelworkers Union (USW) will be joining steel company CEOs, and steel industry representatives on Capitol Hill, Thursday, 26 March 2015, 8:30am–10:00pm to testify at a Congressional Steel Caucus hearing on the "State of American Steel."

SMA Responds to Senate Vote on Keystone XL Pipeline

19 November 2014 - A measure to approve construction of the Keystone XL pipeline failed passage in the United States Senate by a 59-41 vote, falling just one vote short of the supermajority necessary for passage. The Steel Manufacturers Association (SMA) commented on the development.

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