Past Midwest Member Chapter Events

Annual Young Steel Professionals’  — November 2024

On 12 November 2024, the AIST Midwest Member Chapter hosted their annual Young Steel Professionals’ Night at the Avalon Manor in Merrillville, Ind., USA, with 332 in attendance.

Elizabeth Borges, U. S. Steel – Gary Works served as moderator of the panel of six young steel professionals that yielded an great discussion: Joseph Barbercheck, Cleveland-Cliffs Burns Harbor; Zachary Bugajsky, U. S. Steel – Gary Works; Declan Cannon, Cleveland-Cliffs Riverdale; Govanni Gjonaj, U. S. Steel – Gary Works; Hem Patel, Cleveland-Cliffs Indiana Harbor; and Daniel Whelan, NLMK Indiana.

The chapter also hosted their annual holiday dinner dance on 7 December 2024, where nearly 300 members and guests enjoyed a festive evening of dinner and dancing at the Blue Chip Casino in Michigan City, Ind., USA.

Nearly 300 attendees enjoyed the Midwest Member Chapter’s annual holiday dinner dance on 7 December 2024.

Annual Kickoff Meeting — October 2024

On Tuesday, 8 October 2024, the AIST Midwest Member Chapter hosted their annual kickoff meeting at the Avalon Manor in Merrillville, Ind., USA. Traci L. Forrester, executive vice president, environmental and sustainability, Cleveland-Cliffs Inc., gave a presentation for the audience of 385 industry professionals and students in attendance.

Annual Vendor Fair — September 2024

On Tuesday, 10 September 2024, the AIST Midwest Member Chapter hosted their annual Vendor Fair at the Avalon Manor in Merrillville, Ind., USA. This year’s event featured 82 vendor booths and nearly 300 local professionals and their guests were in attendance.

Golf Outing — June 2024

The Midwest Member Chapter held their annual golf outing at Sand Creek Country Club in Chesterton, Ind., USA, on Monday, 10 June 2024. The sold-out crowd of 240 players enjoyed a day on the course, despite overcast and windy conditions. The first-place team was Connors Industrial (a four-peat) with a winning score of -14. Proceeds from the outing benefit the chapter’s scholarship fund.

Members of the winning foursome for the fourth consecutive year from Connors Industrial (left to right): Thomas Cope, Gino Panici and Shawn Long.

Four of the 14 Midwest Member Chapter 2024–2025 scholarship recipients attended a breakfast before the golf outing on 10 June 2024 (left to right): Melissa Cook, Celia Faroh, Aidan Taskoff and Austin Wojcik.

Tom Cipich (left) congratulated Celia Faroh (right) at the chapter golf outing on 10 June. Faroh, who will attend the University of Notre Dame, is the 2024–2025 recipient of the chapter’s Tom Cipich Non-Engineering Scholarship.

Dinner Meeting — April 2024

The Midwest Member Chapter hosted a dinner meeting on Tuesday, 9 April 2024, at the Avalon Manor in Merrillville, Ind., USA. Christian J. Gianni, United States Steel Company, spoke to the 258 members, guests and students in attendance.

Presentation — March 2024

On Tuesday, 12 March 2024, Randy Palmateer, business manager, Northwestern Indiana Building and Construction Trades Council, and Dewey Pearman, executive director, construction advancement foundation of Northwest Indiana, presented “Construction Trades Progress.” There were 320 members, students and guests in attendance at the Avalon Manor in Merrillville, Ind., USA.

Dinner Meeting — January 2024

On Tuesday, 9 January 2024, 235 professionals and students attended the chapter dinner meeting at the Avalon Manor in Merrillville, Ind., USA. The evening featured a keynote presentation titled “Energy Efficiency and Hydrogen Utilization for Blast Furnace and Reheating Furnace,” by a trio of speakers: Tyamo Okosun and Nicholas Walla, Purdue University Northwest, Center for Innovation Through Visualization and Simulation; and Kevin Kondrat, Gerdau Special Steel North America Monroe Mill.

The chapter hosted a meeting on Tuesday, 13 February, where AIST 2023–2024 president Barry T. Schneider, president and chief operating officer, Steel Dynamics Inc. (SDI), provided an overview of AIST programs and upcoming events as well as current projects underway at SDI to the 320 attendees.

The AIST Maintenance & Reliability Technology Committee presented the AIST Reliability Achievement Award – Silver to U. S. Steel – Gary Works for their project titled “No. 2 Caster Stopper Rod Actuator Delay Reductions.”

It was a hockey night in Chicago on Thursday, 15 February 2024, when 28 chapter members and guests attended a Chicago Blackhawks game against the Pittsburgh Penguins at the United Center in Chicago, Ill., USA.

Midwest Member Chapter officers and committee members presented a of appreciation to 2023–2024 AIST president Barry T. Schneider (center) at the 13 February meeting in Merrillville, Ind., USA.

The Reliability Achievement Award – Silver was presented to U. S. Steel – Gary Works at the Midwest Member Chapter meeting (left to right): Jeremy Bryant, Carl Garringer, Maintenance & Reliability Technology Committee chair John Accurso and AIST’s Shannon Kiley

Christmas Dinner Dance — December 2023

The Midwest Member Chapter held its Christmas dinner dance at a new venue on Saturday, 2 December 2023. The holiday soiree was held at the Blue Chip Casino in Michigan City, Ind., USA, for 382 attendees.

Young Steel Professionals’ Night — November 2023

Tuesday, 8 November 2023, the AIST Midwest Member Chapter hosted their annual Young Steel Professionals’ Night at the Avalon Manor in Merrillville, Ind., USA, with 355 in attendance.

Lauren Hart, senior manager of operational excellence, Cleveland-Cliffs Burns Harbor, served as moderator of the five presentations from the following young steel professionals: Mitchell Hendrickson, associate maintenance engineer – hot rolling, Cleveland-Cliffs Burns Harbor; Robert Huber, operations shift manager, U. S. Steel – Gary Works; Austin Nardi, cast finishing, Cleveland-Cliffs Indiana Harbor; Jakub Nieroda, electrical engineer – hot strip mill, Cleveland-Cliffs Riverdale; and Thomas Stobbe, plant engineering, U. S. Steel – Gary Works.

Keynote Speaker — October 2023

On Tuesday, 10 October 2023, the AIST Midwest Member Chapter welcomed keynote speaker Ron Talbot, senior vice president — electrical operations, Northern Indiana Public Service Co. (NIPSCO), to their annual kickoff dinner at the Avalon Manor in Merrillville, Ind., USA. Talbot provided an insightful overview titled “NIPSCO’s Generation Transition” to the audience of 350 industry professionals and students in attendance.

Annual Vendor Fair — September 2023

On Tuesday, 12 September 2023, the AIST Midwest Member Chapter hosted their annual vendor fair at the Avalon Manor in Merrillville, Ind., USA. This year’s event featured 76 vendor booths and nearly 300 hundred local professionals and their guests were in attendance. The chapter would like to thank the raffle prize sponsors for the US$1,500 in prizes won.

Golf Outing — June 2023

On Monday, 12 June 2023, the AIST Midwest Chapter held a golf outing at the Sand Creek Country Club in Chesterton, Ind., USA. Even the chilly temperatures didn’t dampen the day for the 218 golfers.

1. A group of golfers enjoyed the day out on the course during the Midwest Member Chapter golf outing (left to right): Nick Furdek, Cleveland-Cliffs Riverdale; John Nowacki, Eco-Block; Michael Cope, Connors Industrials; Thomas Cope, Progress Group; and Gino Panici, Commercial Group Lifting Co. 2. Brad Ahbe (left) and Jake Maruk (right) from Magneco-Metrel joined the Midwest Member Chapter golf outing on 12 June 2023.

Dinner Meeting — April 2023

The Midwest Member Chapter hosted a dinner meeting on Tuesday, 11 April 2023, at the Avalon Manor in Merrillville, Ind., USA, with 230 people in attendance. Keynote speaker Sean McCann, engineering project manager, U. S. Steel – Gary Works, gave an informative presentation on the new pig iron caster project at U. S. Steel – Gary Works.

Midwest Member Chapter vice chair Mike Schwentor (right) presented a plaque of appreciation to Sean McCann (left), U. S. Steel – Gary Works, in recognition of his keynote presentation at the chapter’s 11 April 2023 dinner meeting.

Hockey Game — March 2023

On Tuesday, 14 March 2023, Chris Meyer, project engineer, and Lisa Young, process engineer, Cleveland-Cliffs IronUnits, provided an informative overview of Cleveland-Cliffs’ new hot briquetted iron facility for the Midwest Member Chapter. There were 320 members, students and guests in attendance at the Avalon Manor in Merrillville, Ind., USA.  
The chapter also hosted an outing to the Chicago Blackhawks hockey game at the United Center in Chicago, Ill., USA, on Tuesday, 21 February 2023. A group of 27 members and friends attended the game to watch the Blackhawks win.

Keynote Presentation — February 2023

2022–2023 AIST president Keith J. Howell, chief operating officer, ArcelorMittal North America, gave a keynote presentation to his own Midwest Member Chapter on Wednesday, 15 February 2023. Howell provided an overview of AIST, including key initiatives as well as an informative synopsis of ArcelorMittal North America. There were 320 members, students and guests in attendance at the Avalon Manor in Merrillville, Ind., USA.
In addition, AIST executive director Ron Ashburn presented the 2022 Energy Achievement Award on behalf of the AIST Energy & Utilities Technology Committee. The team from Cleveland-Cliffs Burns Harbor took home the prize for their walking beam reheat furnace installation and start-up project. The award recognizes outstanding energy conservation through the application of innovative technology.

AIST executive director Ron Ashburn (far right) presented the 2022 Energy Achievement Award to the team at Cleveland-Cliffs Burns Harbor at the Midwest Member Chapter meeting at the Avalon Manor in Merrillville, Ind., USA.

Dinner Meeting — January 2023

On Tuesday, 10 January 2023, the Midwest Member Chapter hosted a dinner meeting at the Avalon Manor in Merrill-ville, Ind., USA. Keynote speaker Pravin C. Mathur, executive director – metals, combustion and energy, Linde, pre-sented “Hydrogen Steelmaking” to the audience of 293 attendees.

1. Detroit Member Chapter chair Joe Juronoc (left), Cleveland-Cliffs Dearborn Works, presented a plaque of appreciation to 2022–2023 AIST president Keith J. Howell (right), ArcelorMittal North America, for his keynote speech at the chapter’s dinner meeting in Southgate, Mich., USA, on 17 January 2023. 2. Midwest Member Chapter chair Ted Vrehas (right), Graycor Industrial Contractors Inc., presented a plaque to Pravin C. Mathur (left), Linde, for his keynote presentation at the chapter’s 10 January 2023 dinner meeting in Merrillville, Ind., USA.

Christmas Dinner — December 2022

The Midwest Member Chapter held their Christmas dinner dance on Saturday, 3 December 2022, at the Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile in Chicago, Ill., USA. The annual gathering attracted 265 attendees to the Windy City for the festive evening.

Young Steel Professionals’ Night — November 2022

On Tuesday, 8 November 2022, the AIST Midwest Member Chapter hosted its annual Young Steel Professionals’ Night at the Avalon Manor in Merrillville, Ind., USA, with 273 people in attendance.
Soumitra Agashe, senior division manager hot rolling and finishing, BH, Cleveland-Cliffs Burns Harbor, served as moderator of the five Young Professional presentations:

  • Ashley Fuller, U. S. Steel – Midwest Plant.

  • Katie Labere, Cleveland-Cliffs Indiana Harbor.

  • Donte Rayford, U. S. Steel – Gary Works.

  • Gonzalo Romo, Cleveland-Cliffs Riverdale.

  • Lidia Yakovleva, Cleveland-Cliffs Burn Harbor.

Annual Vendor Fair — September 2022

On Tuesday, 13 September 2022, the AIST Midwest Member Chapter hosted their annual vendor fair at the Avalon Manor in Merrillville, Ind., USA. Hundreds of local professionals and their guests had the opportunity to network and visit the 78 booths at the event.

Golf Outing — August 2022

On Thursday, 18 August 2022, the AIST Midwest Member Chapter hosted their second golf outing of the summer with 132 golfers in attendance at White Hawk Country Club in Crown Point, Ind., USA. All proceeds from the outing benefit the chapter’s scholarship fund.

A foursome enjoyed a day on the golf course at the Midwest Member Chapter golf outing on 18 August (left to right): Mike Sparks, Dellner Bubenzer; Russ Walters, Nucor Steel Kankakee; Warren Jones, Tri-State Industrial Sales; and Rob Brashear, Tri-State Industrial Sales.

Golf Outing — June 2022

On Monday, 13 June 2022, the AIST Midwest Member Chapter held a golf outing at the Sand Creek Country Club in Chesterton, Ind., USA. A total of 208 golfers enjoyed a day of fellowship and friendly competition, with the foursome from Connors Industrials Inc. winning the day.

The first-place team from Connors Industrials Inc. captured by their winning score at the Midwest Member Chapter’s golf outing on 13 June 2022 (left to right): Shawn Long, Oxylance; Dan Barczak, HarbisonWalker International; Thomas Cope, The Progress Group; and Michael Cope, Connors Industrials.

Dinner Meeting — April 2022

The Midwest Member Chapter hosted a dinner meeting on Tuesday, 12 April 2022, at the Avalon Manor in Merrillville, Ind., USA, with 308 people in attendance.
Barry T. Schneider, senior vice president, Flat Roll Steel Group, Steel Dynamics Inc., gave a keynote presentation featuring an informative overview of the latest projects underway at Steel Dynamics Inc. He was preceded by a few remarks from guest speaker Frank J. Mrvan, U.S. Representative for the First Congressional District of Indiana.

AIST Midwest Member Chapter officers pose with speakers Barry Schneider, Steel Dynamics Inc., and U.S. Representative Frank J. Mrvan at the Chapter dinner meeting on 12 April 2022 (left to right): Jason Strobel, Christine Knuth, Schneider, Midwest Chapter chair Bijay Prakash, Mrvan and Midwest Chapter vice chair Ted Vrehas.

Dinner Meeting — March 2022

2021–2022 AIST president Steven J. Henderson, vice president west division, Commercial Metals Company, was the keynote speaker at the Midwest Member Chapter’s dinner meeting at the Avalon Manor in Merrillville, Ind., USA, on Tuesday, 8 March 2022. There were 280 members, students and guests in attendance.

Attendees, including faculty and students from Purdue University Northwest, enjoyed a keynote presentation from 2021–2022 AIST president Steve Henderson (center) at the Midwest Member Chapter’s meeting in Merrillville, Ind., USA, on 8 March 2022.

Dinner Meeting and Hockey Game Outing — January 2022

On Tuesday, 11 January 2022, the Midwest Member Chapter hosted a dinner meeting at the Avalon Manor in Merrill-ville, Ind., USA. Keynote speaker Kevin Van de Ven, vice president and general manager, Nucor Steel Kankakee Inc., presented “Growing Our Core and Expanding Beyond — How Nucor’s Strategic Investments Are Building the 21st-Century Economy” to the audience of 221 attendees.
The chapter also hosted an outing to a Chicago Blackhawks hockey game at the United Center in Chicago, Ill., USA, on Thursday, 13 January. A group of 25 members and friends attended the game.

1. Detroit Member Chapter chair Joe Juronoc (left) presented a plaque of appreciation to 2021–2022 AIST president Steven Henderson (right) at the chapter’s dinner meeting on 18 January 2022 in Southgate, Mich., USA. 2. Bijay Prakash (right), Midwest Member Chapter chair, presented a plaque to Kevin Van de Ven (left), Nucor Steel Kankakee Inc., for his keynote presentation at the chapter’s dinner meeting in Merrillville, Ind., USA.

Christmas Dinner — Dance December 2021

The Midwest Member Chapter held their annual Christmas dinner dance on Saturday, 4 December 2021, at the Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile in Chicago, Ill., USA, where 360 attendees enjoyed the festivities and fellowship of the event.
The chapter presented an Outstanding Service Award to long-time chapter secretary Mario Munguia in appreciation of his years of leadership and dedication to the chapter. Munguia stepped down from his role as secretary to enjoy retirement and his family. 
The chapter also awarded a plaque of appreciation to Bill Hills, president and chief executive officer, S\TEC Group Inc., who coordinated the annual Christmas dinner dance for the chapter for many years. He also retired this year. The chapter offered their thanks and congratulations to Munguia and Hills.

1. Members of the Midwest Member Chapter executive committee attended the Christmas dinner dance in Chicago, Ill., USA, on 4 December 2021. 2. Midwest Member Chapter chair Bijay Prakash (right), Cleveland-Cliffs Burns Harbor, presented an Outstanding Service Award plaque to departing chapter secretary Mario Munguia (left). 3. Prakash also presented a plaque of appreciation to Bill Hills (left) for his many years of organizing and hosting the chapter’s annual Christmas dinner dance.

Young Steel Professionals’ Night—November 2021

On Tuesday, 9 November 2021, the AIST Midwest Member Chapter hosted their annual Young Steel Professionals’ Night at the Avalon Manor in Merrillville, Ind., USA, with 350 people in attendance.
Nancy Hake, general manager quality and metallurgical engineering, NLMK Indiana served as moderator of the five presentations from the following Young Professionals: Zach Bloede, engineer 1, U. S. Steel – Gary Works; Patrick D. Hosty, quality engineer, U. S. Steel – Gary Works; Hailey Rizor, systems engineer, RoviSys; Elijah Pass, process automation engineer, Cleveland-Cliffs Burns Harbor; and Rorey Smith, process engineer, NLMK Indiana

Keynote Speaker — October 2021

On Tuesday, 12 October 2021, the AIST Midwest Member Chapter welcomed keynote speaker Lourenco Goncalves, chair-man, president and chief executive officer, Cleveland-Cliffs Inc., to a sold-out crowd at the Avalon Manor in Merrillville, Ind., USA. Goncalves captivated the audience of 578 steel industry professionals and students in attendance.

1. AIST Midwest Member Chapter chair Bijay Prakash (right), Cleveland-Cliffs Indiana Harbor, presented a plaque to keynote speaker Lourenco Goncalves (left) at the sold-out dinner meeting on 12 October 2021. 2. Students from Purdue University Northwest attended the Midwest Member Chapter meeting to learn from industry leader Lourenco Goncalves.

Members of the Midwest Member Chapter welcomed Lourenco Goncalves and Mark Lopez, chief of staff for U.S. Representative Frank Mrvan, to the chapter dinner meeting in Merrillville, Ind., USA, on Tuesday, 12 October 2021

Golf Outing — August 2021

On Thursday, 19 August 2021, the AIST Midwest Member Chapter hosted its second golf outing of the summer with 103 golfers in attendance at White Hawk Country Club in Crown Point, Ind., USA. All proceeds from the outing benefit the chapter’s scholarship fund.
The Midwest Member Chapter held its annual vendor fair at the Avalon Manor in Merrillville, Ind., USA, on Tuesday, 14 September 2021. The event featured tabletops from 60 companies and more than 200 industry attendees enjoyed the event.

Golf Outing — June 2021

On Monday, 14 June 2021, the AIST Midwest Member Chapter hosted the June Golf Outing at Sand Creek Country Club in Chesterton, Ind., USA, for 212 golfers. The outing was played in a scramble format and the winning team came from Connors Industrial with a score of 62 (10 under par). Team members included: Michael Dean Cope, Thomas Charles Cope, Gino Panici and Grady Kring.

Webinar — February 2021

The AIST Midwest Member Chapter hosted a webinar on Tuesday, 9 February 2021. The webinar featured a keynote presentation from Lourenco Goncalves, chairman, president and chief executive officer, Cleveland-Cliffs Inc., titled “The New Cleveland-Cliffs.”
In his presentation, Goncalves shared his vision for Cleveland-Cliffs and discussed its newfound position in the steel market. With its acquisitions of AK Steel and ArcelorMittal USA’s integrated operations, Cleveland-Cliffs is now the largest producer of flat-rolled steel in North America.
Despite that position, Goncalves said the company will place its focus on value rather than on volume. Steelmaking is capital-intensive, he said, and when a company pursues tons out the door, it sometimes gives away returns on investment that will be missed in the future.
“Return on invested capital needs to be pursued every day. If you don’t do that, you do a disservice to your employees, your company and your shareholders,” he said.
Cleveland-Cliffs shareholders have invested in a company that is now the largest blast furnace operator in the U.S. And although some are ready to eulogize the blast furnace, Goncalves told webinar attendees that Cleveland-Cliffs is now the lowest-cost U.S. steel producer. Scrap supplies are tightening, he said, and there is an emerging tug of war between the U.S. and China for high-quality feedstock.
As it is, electric arc furnaces (EAFs) account for 10% of China’s overall production, a relatively small percentage. But consider, Goncalves said, that 10% of China’s crude steel output exceeds the entirety of U.S. steel output. And if China succeeds in a goal to increase EAF output to 20% of market share, its electric furnaces alone will more than double all of U.S. steel production.
With in-house pellet and ironmaking capacity, and with the start of its direct reduction plant in Toledo, Ohio, USA, Cleveland-Cliffs will be able to operate outside of that dynamic, he said.
The keynote presentation was followed by a question-and-answer session with moderator Wendell Carter, Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. and 2016–2017 AIST president. There were 293 attendees registered for the event.

1. Ron Smolen, H.A. Smolen Co. Inc. and AIST Midwest Member Chapter treasurer, shared a behind-the-scenes view of the chapter’s socially distanced webinar staging at the Avalon Manor in Merrillville, Ind., USA, on 9 February 2021. 2. Bijay Prakash (right), Cleveland-Cliffs Indiana Harbor and AIST Midwest Member Chapter chair, presented a plaque of appreciation to Wendell Carter (left), Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. and 2016–2017 AIST president, for moderating the webinar.

Dinner Meeting — March 2020

The Midwest Member Chapter held a dinner meeting on Tuesday, 10 March 2020. Keynote speaker Glenn Pushis, senior vice president, special projects, Steel Dynamics Inc. (SDI), presented “New Mill Capabilities — Sinton, Texas,” an overview of construction process and plans for SDI’s greenfield flat roll mill currently underway in Sinton, Texas, USA. There were 387 in attendance at the Avalon Manor in Merrillville, Ind., USA

Glenn Pushis, Steel Dynamics Inc., presented a keynote speech at the Midwest Member Chapter’s meeting on 10 March 2020.

Meeting — February 2020

Ronald J. O’Malley, F. Kenneth Iverson Chair Professor in Steelmaking Technologies and director, Kent D. Peaslee Steelmaking Manufacturing Research Center, Missouri University of Science and Technology and 2019–2020 AIST president was the keynote speaker at the AIST Midwest Member Chapter meeting on Tuesday, 11 February. O’Malley provided an overview of AIST and a presentation titled “Collaborative R&D in Steel Manufacturing at the Peaslee Steel Manufacturing Research Center” to the 284 in attendance at the Avalon Manor in Merrillville, Ind., USA.

Midwest Member Chapter treasurer Ron Smolen (center), R.A. Smolen & Co., and Midwest Member Chapter chair Rich Trzcinski (right), Process Plus, presented a check for US$42,000 to the AIST Foundation for the 14 scholarships that the Chapter awarded in 2019. 2020–2021 AIST president Ron O’Malley (left) accepted the check at the Chapter meeting on 11 February 2020.

Roundtable and Dinner Meeting — January 2020

The Midwest Member Chapter hosted a Reliability Roundtable Discussion and dinner meeting on Tuesday, 14 January 2020, at the Avalon Manor in Merrillville, Ind., USA.
Mick Kostur, principal engineer, ArcelorMittal USA Maintenance, served as the moderator of the discussion featuring four producer panelists: Aaron Bermes, U. S. Steel – Gary Works; Matt Bookholt, ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor; Rob Jones, ArcelorMittal Indiana Harbor; and Tim Schroll, U. S. Steel – Gary Works. There were 340 people in the audience.

1. Tim Shroll, U. S. Steel – Gary Works, presented as part of a producer panel discussion at the Midwest Member Chapter’s meeting on 14 January 2020. 2. Rich Trzcinski (left), Midwest Member Chapter chair, presented a plaque of appreciation to Rob Jones (right), ArcelorMittal Indiana Harbor, for participating in the producer roundtable discussion.