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U. S. Steel

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U. S. Steel Records Q3 Profit, Reaches Agreeement on Stelco Sale

01 November 2016 - United States Steel Corp. posted a third-quarter profit of US$51 million and has agreed to sell the former Stelco to a private investment firm, the company announced on Tuesday.

Chinese Steelmakers Trying to Evade U.S. Import Tariffs, American Steelmakers Allege

23 September 2016 - Several U.S. steelmakers are accusing their Chinese counterparts of circumventing newly imposed tariffs on cold-rolled and corrosion-resistant steels by diverting products into another country before exporting them.

In Indiana, Steelworkers Rally Over U. S. Steel Layoffs, and ArcelorMittal Advances Optimization Plan

26 August 2016 - The United Steelworkers union is rallying this afternoon in downtown Gary, Ind., protesting U. S. Steel Corp.’s decision to layoff approximately three dozen maintenance workers at the Gary Works, reports The Times newspaper of northwest Indiana.

Commerce Department Sets Duties on Hot Rolled Coil Imports

08 August 2016 - The U.S. Commerce Department will impose anti-dumping duties of between 3.7 and 34.3 percent on hot rolled coil from seven countries, the department has announced.

U. S. Steel Records Another Loss, But Sees Better Results Ahead

27 July 2016 - United States Steel Corp. lost US$46 million in the second quarter due in part to losses in its tubular division, but the steelmaker said it expects conditions to continue to improve for its other businesses during the second half of the year.

Commerce Department Clears the Way for Anti-Dumping Duties on Cold Rolled Steel

22 July 2016 - The U.S. Commerce Department has set final anti-dumping margins of between 1 percent and 35.4 percent on cold rolled steel from five countries – Brazil, Korea, Russia, India and the United Kingdom.

U. S. Steel Revises Injury Reporting Policy

21 July 2016 - United States Steel Corp. is changing its injury-reporting policy to allow workers to give notification after they’ve realized an injury has occurred, the United Steelworkers union has announced.

Workers Return to Idled U.S. Steel Corp. Mill

28 June 2016 - Steadily improving market condtions have allowed United States Steel Corp. to recall most of the laid-off employees at its East Chicago tin mill in northwest Indiana, reports The Times newspaper.

U.S. Trade Commission Upholds Duties on Corrosion-Resistant Steel

27 June 2016 - The U.S. International Trade Commission has affirmed that domestic producers are being harmed by imports of corrosion-resistant steel from five countries, including China.

U.S. Cold Rolled Producers Injured by Imports, U.S. Trade Commission Finds

22 June 2016 - American producers have been harmed by unfairly traded imports of cold rolled sheet from China and Japan, the U.S. International Trade Commission ruled on Wednesday.

Report: Investment Firm Hopes to Merge the former Stelco, Essar Steel Algoma

20 June 2016 - A New York-based private equity firm has plans to acquire two ailing Canadian steelmakers and merge the businesses, reports The Hamilton Spectator newspaper.

Two Potential Buyers Said to Have Bids on U. S. Steel Canada

15 June 2016 - A private equity firm and an industrial conglomerate have entered the final stage of bidding for U. S. Steel Canada, which is operating under creditor protection as it seeks a buyer, reports The Hamilton Spectator newspaper.

U.S. Should Resolve Trade Disputes Through Discussion, Not Protectionist Measures, Says China Official

03 June 2016 - Barring Chinese-made steel from the U.S. market would be an abuse of trade remedies, Zhu Guangyao, China’s vice minister of finance, said on Thursday, according to Xinhua, the country’s official news agency.

Trade Commission Moves Forward on U.S. Steel Corp. Complaint

27 May 2016 - The U.S. International Trade Commission will pursue United States Steel Corporation’s Section 337 trade complaint against the largest of Chinese steel producers, the commission has announced.

Steel Industry Urged to Embrace Innovation, and Quickly

17 May 2016 - United States Steel Corporation chief executive Mario Longhi issued a challenge to the steel industry, saying that it must innovate or run the risk of being displaced by other materials.

Producers, Buyers Ask U.S. Trade Commission to Quash U.S. Steel Complaint

15 May 2016 - China’s second-largest steelmaker – and some U.S. buyers – have told the U.S. International Trade Commission that it should reject United States Steel Corporation’s petition to bar imports of Chinese-made steel from entering the country, according to reports.

U. S. Steel Issuing Nearly US$1 Billion In New Bonds

03 May 2016 - United States Steel Corporation is nearly doubling the amount of new debt it plans to issue to repay maturing borrowings.

Stolen Data Helped Chinese Producer Quickly Commercialize Ultra High-Strength Steel, Alleges U. S. Steel

28 April 2016 - China broke into U. S. Steel's computer network and stole production research on its advanced steels, allowing at least one overseas producer to side-step years of work and quickly roll out ultra high-strength grades, U. S. Steel alleges in its Section 337 complaint before the U.S. International Trade Commission.

Losses Continue to Mount for United States Steel Corp.

26 April 2016 - United States Steel Corp. posted a first-quarter net loss of US$340 million on Tuesday and announced that it filed a Section 337 petition seeking to bar unfairly traded, Chinese-made steel products from entering the country.

U. S. Steel Is Letting Go of One-Fourth of its Nonunion Workforce in U.S.

06 April 2016 - United States Steel Corporation is cutting 25 percent of its nonunion payroll in the U.S., the steelmaker has confirmed.

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