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Steel Manufacturers Association

The Steel Manufacturers Association (SMA) consists of 34 North American steel producers who account for over 75% of domestic steelmaking capacity. SMA’s members represent a growing and dynamic segment of North America’s steel industry. Most are EAF steel producers, or mini-mills, who use a feedstock almost entirely composed of recycled steel scrap to make new steel.

Latest News

American Steel Industry Supports WTO Decision on Chinese Export Policies

31 January 2012 - The American Iron and Steel Institute, the Steel Manufacturers Association, the Specialty Steel Industry of North America, the Committee on Pipe and Tube Imports, and the United Steelworkers support the favorable decision by the Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization, which held that China’s restraints on exports of various raw materials violated its WTO obligations.

Don B. Daily Memorial Fund Selects Recipients

03 November 2011 - The Steel Manufacturers Association (SMA) and the Association for Iron & Steel Technology (AIST) Foundation are proud to announce the first-year recipients of the newly established Don B. Daily Memorial Fund to Promote Steel Industry Safety and Health.

Don B. Daily Memorial Fund to Promote Steel Industry Safety and Health

03 March 2011 - SMA and the AIST Foundation are partnering to commemorate the life and industry service of Don B. Daily by establishing the Don B. Daily Memorial Fund to promote a safe workplace for the steel manufacturing industry and to increase the number of students studying health and safety awareness in manufacturing.

Steel Industry Calls for Currency Reform Legislation

28 September 2010 - Five key steel organizations, including the American Iron and Steel Institute, have sent a letter to all the members of the U.S. House of Representatives urging their support of the amended version of H.R. 2378, The Currency Reform for Fair Trade Act.

AISI, Other Associations Call for Currency Reform for China

10 June 2010 - The American Iron and Steel Institute and five other North American steel industry trade associations have sent a letter to the U.S., Canadian and Mexican Trade and Finance Ministers urging “strong and coordinated” efforts to achieve “a large and sustained appreciation” of China’s currency.

Domestic Steel Groups Release Study on the Effects of China’s Economic Policies

29 July 2009 - The American Iron and Steel Institute and the Steel Manufacturers Association release a study describing the negative impact of China’s economic policies on the U.S. and world economies.

Domestic Groups Object to Chinese Steel Trade Practices

19 May 2009 - Domestic steel industry groups issue statement highlighting Chinese efforts to politically influence ongoing legal proceedings concerning dumped and subsidized imports of oil country tubular goods.

Steel Industry Groups Petition U.S. Trade Representative

26 March 2009 - Steel industry groups direct a letter to Ambassador Ron Kirk urging him to ‘consult with other governments and to request immediate consultations’ regarding Chinese actions to boost steel exports by reintroducing or enlarging Value Added Tax rebates.

Steel Industry Groups Petition U.S. Trade Representative

26 March 2009 - Steel industry groups direct a letter to Ambassador Ron Kirk urging him to ‘consult with other governments and to request immediate consultations’ regarding Chinese actions to boost steel exports by reintroducing or enlarging Value Added Tax rebates.

Steel Industry Leaders Urge Preservation of Buy America Provisions

11 February 2009 - Steel industry groups are urging Congressional Leadership to maintain strong Buy America language in the final stimulus bill to ensure the funds will stimulate the domestic economy by putting industry workers back to work.

Steel Industry Leaders Urge Preservation of Buy America Provisions

11 February 2009 - Steel industry groups are urging Congressional Leadership to maintain strong Buy America language in the final stimulus bill to ensure the funds will stimulate the domestic economy by putting industry workers back to work.

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