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Severstal NA Honored by SMA for Zero Lost Time Accidents at Severstal Columbus

“Companies continue to create innovative methods to improve and implement safety procedures. Severstal Columbus is recognized for showing exemplary performance for having zero lost time accidents,” said Thomas Danjczek, President of SMA.
In 2011, Severstal North America markedly improved its Safety Recordable Rate, achieving a 42% reduction at its Dearborn, Mich., facility and a 24% reduction at the Columbus facility. At Dearborn, the LTA incidence rate was reduced by of 15%, while Columbus saw zero LTAs. The company is certified to OHSAS 18001 and ISO 14001 standards.
“We have undertaken a fundamental change in our approach to safety, which is part of a global initiative at Severstal, including performing significant audits, clearly defining roles and responsibilities in our health and safety management system, and emphasizing the use of personal protective equipment,” stated Mel Baggett, Vice President of Human Resources, Severstal North America. “We have also initiated a significant amount of safety training at both facilities, implemented robust IT safety support systems, and streamlined our diagnostics of safety problems.
“We are anticipating that all of these initiatives, combined with the drive and dedication of our employees and management to further advance our safety performance, will lead us to our ultimate goal of zero injuries,” added Baggett.
SMA will present Severstal Columbus with the safety award at the SMA Safety Committee Meeting on March 5, 2012 in Birmingham, Ala.
Severstal North America, a major North American steelmaker, specializes in the full range of high quality light flat rolled products. Corporate headquarters and integrated operations are located in Dearborn, Mich., and a new state-of-the-art electric arc furnace operation in Columbus, Miss., serves the growing demand for steel in the southeastern United States. Severstal North America also has several joint ventures for high quality, value-added coated products, as well as Mountain State Carbon, a jointly owned coke-making facility. Severstal North America is a wholly-owned subsidiary of OAO Severstal, one of the world’s largest vertically integrated steel and mining companies.