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Steel Industry Leaders Urge Preservation of Buy America Provisions

Steel industry groups are urging Congressional Leadership and members of the Conference Committee working on reconciliation of Senate and House versions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to “maintain strong Buy America language” in the final stimulus bill “to ensure those funds stimulate our economy by putting our workers back to work.”
In a letter, the groups — American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), Committee on Pipe and Tube Imports (CPTI), Steel Manufacturers Association (SMA), and the Stainless Steel Industry of North America (SSINA) — noted that the Buy America provision only requires that federally-funded transportation projects procure American iron and steel made by American workers if it is readily available. The letter also pointed out that nearly nine out of ten Americans support such a provision in the economic stimulus plan, according to a Harris poll.
“An economic recovery package with strong Buy America provisions for infrastructure investment projects will strengthen our nation’s infrastructure, put millions of hard working Americans back to work, and help revitalize the domestic manufacturing sector—in full compliance with our international trade agreements,” stated the groups in the letter.
“Procurement of competitively priced steel products and specialty metals from competitive domestic sources will not cost the U.S. taxpayer more,” noted the groups. “It will in fact generate payroll and income tax returns to the U.S. government as a result of stimulating American jobs.

“To allow the materials to be sourced from outside the U.S. will defeat the economic multiplier effect that is the basis of any form of monetary stimulus.”