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Public policy affecting the iron and steel industry.

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EU Looks to Build Hydrogen Electrolysis Capacity

09 July 2020 - The European Union’s Clean Hydrogen Alliance held its inaugural meeting Wednesday and backed a goal to install at least 6 GW of renewable hydrogen electrolysis capacity by 2024. 

EU Steel Producers Disappointed by Decision on Safeguard Measure Revisions

01 July 2020 - The European Steel Association and the IndustriAll European trade union have called for an emergency meeting with EU policy makers after the bloc’s governing body declined to lower limits on steel imports. 

Supreme Court Passes on Section 232 Challenge 

23 June 2020 - The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to hear a challenge to President Donald Trump’s Section 232 tariffs on steel and aluminum imports, an action that leaves the controversial tariffs in place. 

Germany Lays Big Bet on Hydrogen

11 June 2020 - Germany plans to invest EUR9 billion in efforts that promote hydrogen production and use under a national hydrogen strategy adopted Wednesday. 

GOES Transformer Components Focus of New Section 232 Investigation

06 May 2020 - The U.S. Commerce Department will investigate whether imports of transformer laminations and wound cores pose a national security risk to the U.S. 

AISI Confident Infrastructure Funding to be Part of COVID-19 Relief

01 May 2020 - Infrastructure funding should be a part of a COVID-19 relief, and will likely be so, American Iron and Steel Institute chief executive Tom Gibson tell S&P Global Platts.  

Coronavirus Intensifies Debate Over EU Steel Import Limits

01 May 2020 - The coronavirus pandemic has changed the backdrop of the debate over the EU’s steel import safeguard measures and will raise the stakes in a review of the measure’s import limits, reports the Bloomberg news service. 

EUROFER Seeks More Stringent Import Measures 

06 April 2020 - The European Steel Association (EUROFER) is calling on the European Commission to tighten steel import safeguard measures as the new coronavirus wipes out demand, reports Kallanish Commodities. 

Citing Section 232 Tariffs, ATI Joint Venture Idles Finishing Mill  

01 April 2020 - With no relief from the Section 232 tariffs in sight, Allegheny Technologies Inc. (ATI) will idle its Direct Roll Anneal and Pickle plant in Midland, Pa., USA, by the end of June. 

Infrastructure Ought to Be Part of COVID-19 Relief, Steel Groups Say

01 April 2020 - Five U.S. steel trade organizations have urged Congress to provide for public infrastructure investments in the next phase of COVID-19 economic stimulus. 

Cleveland-Cliffs Pauses Work on Toledo HBI Plant

20 March 2020 - Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. is temporarily halting construction at its hot-briquetted iron (HBI) plant in Toledo, Ohio, USA, the company said late Thursday. 

Mills, Service Centers Must Be Allowed to Remain Open, Steel Trade Groups Say 

20 March 2020 - Steel mills and steel service centers are essential infrastructure and should be uniformly excluded from shelter-in-place policies, leaders at the American Iron and Steel Institute and the Metals Service Center Institute have said. 

USMCA Clears Canadian Parliament, U.S. Targets June Implementation

18 March 2020 - Canada’s parliament has ratified the U.S.-Mexico-Canada agreement, officially bringing all of North America into the replacement NAFTA deal. 

U.S. Steel Production So Far Unaffected by Virus, Mills Say 

16 March 2020 - At least as of the end of last week, the coronavirus pandemic hadn’t yet impacted U.S. steel production, mill operators told S&P Global Platts.

EU Should Adopt Carbon Border Tax on Steel, ArcelorMittal Says  

16 March 2020 - ArcelorMittal is calling on EU leaders to include a carbon border adjustment in its EUR1 trillion Green Deal, its plan to make the carbon neutral by 2050. 

EU to Re-Examine Protection Measure Against Steel Imports 

14 February 2020 - The European Commission is undertaking another review of its safeguard measure against steel imports. 

U.S. Steelmakers Hail USMCA Signing

29 January 2020 - President Donald Trump on Wednesday signed the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), calling it a victory for workers, farmers and manufacturers alike.  

Trump Adds to List of Products Subject to Section 232 Tariff 

29 January 2020 - U.S. President Donald Trump has expanded the Section 232 steel and aluminum tariffs to include certain downstream steel products, saying that imports of those items are undermining the intent of the original protections. 

U.S. Steelmakers Cheer Senate Ratification of USMCA

16 January 2020 - The U.S. steel industry is applauding the passage of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), saying the new trade deal would promote investment and ensure that more steel is made within North America. 

China Pledges No New Capacity in 2020

16 January 2020 - China is reiterating a promise that new steel capacity will be strictly prohibited in the year ahead, reports the country’s state-run news agency. 

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