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The latest news headlines from professional associations and other groups involved in the steel industry.

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U.S. Senate Steel Caucus Hosts Capitol Hill Reception

20 September 2013 - On 12 September, Senate Steel Caucus Co-Chairs Senators Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) and Jeff Sessions (R-AL), and Vice Chairs Senators Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Pat Toomey (R-PA), hosted an informal meet-and-greet reception on Capitol Hill for current and perspective Senate Steel Caucus Members, as well as representatives from the steel industry.

125 Events Expected Nationwide for Fifth Annual SteelDay on 4 October

20 September 2013 - Where will you be on SteelDay this year? Whether you visit a structural steel facility, tour a job site or attend a seminar, join the structural steel industry’s largest educational and networking function as it returns for a fifth successive year on 4 October 2013.

U.S. Producers of Grain-Oriented Electrical Steel File Trade Case Against Seven Countries

18 September 2013 - AK Steel Corporation and ATI Allegheny Ludlum, the two U.S. producers of grain-oriented electrical steel (GOES), as well as the United Steelworkers (USW), which represents workers engaged in the production of GOES at ATI Allegheny Ludlum, filed antidumping duty petitions on 18 September charging that unfairly traded imports of GOES from seven countries are causing material injury to the domestic industry.

MSCI: Improvement in July Service Center Shipments Disappears in August

18 September 2013 - U.S. and Canadian service center shipments of both steel and aluminum returned to the year-over-year trend that was experienced earlier this year in contrast to the modest growth displayed last month, the Metals Service Center Institute reports.

July U.S. Steel Shipments Up 6% M-o-M, Down 4% Y-o-Y

16 September 2013 - The American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) reported that for the month of July 2013, U.S. steel mills shipped 8,274,511 tons, a 6.0% increase from the 7,806,319 tons shipped in the previous month, June 2013, and a 4.6% increase from the 7,910,486 tons shipped in July 2012.

Key Cold-Formed Steel Framing Associations to Form Coalition

16 September 2013 - Four key trade associations representing the steel stud industry have joined together to promote the use of cold-formed steel framing in construction.

SEASI Gives Analysis of Steelmaking and Ferrous Scrap Supply in ASEAN

12 September 2013 - ASEAN’s total steelmaking capacity is estimated at 39.4 million tonnes in 2013 and is expected to expand by 6–7 million tonnes by next year, the South East Asia Iron & Steel Institute (SEASI) reports.

World Steel Association Announces 8th Virtual Steelmaking Challenge

11 September 2013 - Each year since 2005, the World Steel Association (worldsteel) has hosted the steeluniversity Virtual Steelmaking Challenge, where students and young industry employees can test their skills using the sophisticated online process simulations.

EUROFER: Decision on EU ETS Increases Unilateral Cost Burden for EU Industry

10 September 2013 - EUROFER has strong concerns about the European Commission’s decision on Member States' national implementation measures (NIMs) for the third EU ETS trading period.

EVRAZ North America and USW Extend Agreement at Pueblo

09 September 2013 - The United Steelworkers (USW) Locals 2102 and 3267, their respective executive boards and EVRAZ North America have approved a three-year extension of the existing collective bargaining agreement for the Pueblo, Colo., facility.

AIIS: U.S. Exports Inch Up in July

09 September 2013 - U.S. steel exports increased in July by 2.2% over June according to government reporting analyzed by the American Institute for International Steel (AIIS).

AIIS: Domestic Industry Files Another Trade Case

05 September 2013 - On 4 September 2013, a group of domestic producers of reinforcing bar filed antidumping cases against Turkey and Nafta partner Mexico and a countervailing duty case against Turkey, the American Institute for International Steel (AIIS) reports.

AISI: U.S. Steel Import Permits Up 7% in August

04 September 2013 - The American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) reported that steel import permit applications for the month of August total 2,686,000 tons: a 7% increase from the 2,508,000 permit tons recorded in July and 9% increase from the July preliminary imports total of 2,475,000 tons.

Reuters: U. S. Steel's Locked-Out Canadian Workers Vote to Accept Contract

03 September 2013 - Workers locked out at U.S. Steel’s Lake Erie works in Canada have voted to accept a contract offer, according to results posted on their union's website late on Friday, Reuters reports.

Cliffs Natural Resources and USW Reach New Labor Agreement for Bloom Lake Mine

30 August 2013 - Cliffs Natural Resources Inc. announced that the United Steelworkers Union local membership have ratified a three-year labor contract agreement for its Bloom Lake Mine in Fermont, Quebec.

AIIS: Imports Inch Up in July as Market Remains Weak Compared to 2012

27 August 2013 - U.S. steel imports increased in July compared to June by 0.6% according to preliminary data released by the government and analyzed by the American Institute for International Steel (AIIS).

AIST Foundation Announces Junior Faculty Award to Honor Dr. Kent D. Peaslee

26 August 2013 - The Association for Iron & Steel Technology (AIST) Foundation has announced a new award to honor the legacy of the recent AIST president who passed away unexpectedly in May 2013.

Preliminary U.S. Steel Imports Increase 1% in July

26 August 2013 - Based on preliminary Census Bureau data, the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) reported that the U.S. imported a total of 2,475,000 tons of steel in July 2013, including 1,956,000 tons of finished steel (up 0.6% and down 0.9%, respectively, vs. June final data).

AISI: Preliminary U.S. Steel Imports Increase 1% in July

26 August 2013 - Based on preliminary Census Bureau data, the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) reported that the U.S. imported a total of 2,475,000 tons of steel in July, including 1,956,000 tons of finished steel (up 0.6% and 0.9%, respectively, vs. June final data).

Finished Steel Apparent Use in Latin America Remained Stable While Production Fell

23 August 2013 - Finished steel apparent use in Latin America reached 33.1 million tons in January-June 2013, in line with the same period of 2012, according to the region’s steel association Alacero.

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