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Trade Issues

Steel-related trade disputes and actions, including antidumping and countervailing duty orders.

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Sanctions End, and Iran Goes Shopping

25 January 2016 - Italian mill builder Danieli expects to sign commercial agreements with Iran worth up to US$5.7 billion as economic sanctions end and the country set about to modernize.

China, U.S. Plan to Hold Bilateral Steel Meeting

21 January 2016 - U.S. and China officials, along with representatives from their respective steel industries, have tentatively agreed to meet for a bilateral steel-sector discussion later this year, American Iron and Steel Institute President and CEO Thomas Gibson said.

U.S. Commerce Department Proposes Big Dumping Margin on Chinese-Made Corrosion-Resistant Steel

23 December 2015 - The U.S. Department of Commerce has made a preliminary determination that steel producers in China, India, Italy and South Korea have dumped corrosion-resistant steel in the U.S.

Minnesota Officials Urge White House to Act Quickly on Steel Dumping

23 December 2015 - Steel industry executives, legislators and laid-off union miners in Minnesota’s Iron Range told the White House chief of staff that quick and decisive action is needed to stop what they called the national steel-dumping crisis.

Overseas Cold Rolled Producers Benefiting From Unfair Subsidies, U.S. Commerce Department Rules

17 December 2015 - The U.S. Department of Commerce has preliminarily ruled that cold-rolled flat steel products from China, India, Brazil and Russia are benefiting from unfair government subsidies and set duties ranging from zero to 227.3 percent.

India Imposes Import Duties on Stainless Products

15 December 2015 - India has imposed an anti-dumping duty on cold rolled stainless flat products from China, the European Union, the United States and other countries to protect domestic manufacturers.

Canada Issues Final Determination in Plate Trade Case

09 December 2015 - The Canada Border Services Agency (CSBA) has issued its final determination in a trade case involving hot rolled carbon and high-strength, low-alloy steel plate from Russia and India, finding that those products have been dumped or subsidized.

India Weighing Additional Levies on Imported Steel

08 December 2015 - India is considering additional trade measures to protect domestic steelmakers, the Reuters news service reported.

American Lawmaker Wants to Put a Five-Year Halt on Steel Imports

24 November 2015 - A U.S. lawmaker said he plans to introduce a bill banning steel imports for five years to protect the country’s ailing iron ore miners and steelmakers, according to reports.

Steelmakers Press for Action Against China Imports

13 November 2015 - Unfairly traded steel products exported to North America pose a serious and immediate threat to the industry, the leaders of several steelmakers said on Thursday.

EU Steel Summit Yields No Action, But More Discussions

10 November 2015 - European Union ministers agreed they must take steps to protect their steelmakers from the onslaught of imported Chinese steel, but failed to come to terms on a plan for how to do so during a summit meeting held 9 November in Brussels, Belgium.

U.S. Trade Commission Affirms Commerce Ruling in Welded Line Pipe Case

06 November 2015 - The U.S. International Trade Commissions has made its final determination in a case involving South Korean and Turkish welded line pipe, affirming that unfairly traded imports from those countries have harmed domestic producers.

U.S. Commerce Department Imposes Preliminary Duties on Imported Steels From China, Other Countries

04 November 2015 - The U.S. Department of Commerce has set preliminary duties of up to nearly 236 percent on corrosion-resistant sheet steel imported from China steel and is continuing to evaluate additional protections for American producers.

SMA President: 'We're Not Getting the Margins We Need'

29 October 2015 - Imports of Turkish-made rebar are poised to capture 25 to 30 percent of the U.S. market this year, handily exceeding the high-water mark, CMC Americas President Tracy Porter said on Thursday.

China Loses Appeal On Trade Ruling

14 October 2015 - The World Trade Organization (WTO) has rejected China’s appeal on a ruling over its use of anti-dumping duties against Japanese- and EU-made high performance, seamless stainless tube.

Analysts Expect Chinese Steel Exports to Plateau by 2020

05 October 2015 - JPMorgan analysts said they believe Chinese-made steel exports will be leveling off, capped by a wave of protectionist trade measures, reports BloombergBusiness.

U.S. Producers Seeking Protection for Welded Stainless Pressure Pipe

30 September 2015 - American producers of welded stainless pressure pipe are accusing their Indian counterparts of dumping products, thereby impacting volume, pricing and profits.

Update: Mexico Imposing Additional Trade Protections for Domestic Steelmakers

30 September 2015 - Mexico is increasing duties on a variety of steel products, hoping to shield domestic producers from inexpensive imports from China and other countries.

U.S. Trade Commission Pursues Cold Rolled Import Investigation

25 September 2015 - Producers from seven countries appear to be selling hot rolled coil at less than market value, undercutting American producers, the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) has ruled.

Indian Steel Ministry Asks Producers to Consider Iranian Investments

22 September 2015 - India’s steel ministry has asked domestic producers to consider making capital investments in Iran, which is extending its rail network and expanding ports and highways, according to The Indian Express newspaper.

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