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U.S. Announces Anti-Dumping Margins on Imported Hot Rolled Steel

The margins, which range from 3.97 percent to 49.05 percent, apply to producers in Australia, Brazil, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, Turkey and the United Kingdom.

The action arises from a complaint from U.S. producers AK Steel Corp., ArcelorMittal USA, Nucor Corp., SSAB Enterprises, Steel Dynamics Inc. and United States Steel Corporation, which have said their overseas counterparts are making steel for more than they are selling it in the U.S., undercutting prices.  

The complaint is also supported by the United Steelworkers union (USW), which said the country needs to ensure that domestic producers have a level playing field on which to compete.  

“With more than 12,000 ongoing layoffs across the American steel and iron ore mining industry, plus tens of thousands of Steelworkers’ jobs depending on this decision, it sends a strong signal that our government will enforce international trade laws to defend American manufacturing jobs," said USW International President Leo W. Gerard in a statement.

"If we allow illegal trade practices to choke the American manufacturing sector and its workers, we foolishly undermine our country's ability to compete globally, and dangerously undermine our national security."

The Steel Manufacturers Associaiton also welcomed the news. 

“The outcomes of these investigations are critical to domestic steel producers, the workforce and surrounding communities that have been harmed by the ongoing surge of unfairly traded hot-rolled steel products. Massive global overcapacity in steel is causing problems around the world, and the U.S. cannot continue to be the market of last resort for the world’s overcapacity problem,” said association President Philip K. Bell in a statement. 

A final determination in the case is due this summer. Final determinations are also due later this year in separate cases involving cold rolled steel and corrosion-resistant steel.