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Steel Market Development Institute

The Steel Market Development Institute (SMDI) is a business unit of the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI). SMDI’s objective is to grow the markets for steel in the automotive, construction and container industries and for value-added long products, as well as in non-traditional steel markets such as energy. The SMDI also influences local, state and federal officials on the benefits of steel to ensure legislation that provides a level playing field for steel products and practices.

Latest News

Advanced Steel Featured On 2014 North American Truck of the Year Winner

13 January 2014 - The Steel Market Development Institute (SMDI) — a business unit of the American Iron and Steel Institute — announced that the 2014 North American Car and Truck/Utility of the Year (NACTOY) truck award winner again features a significant amount of advanced high-strength steel, which offers significant lightweighting benefits at a lower cost.

Winners Named in Third Annual International Student Competition on Cold-Formed Steel Design

02 January 2014 - Co-sponsors of an international student competition on cold-formed steel design announced three winners from Virginia Tech University and the University of Waterloo in Canada.

SMDI: When It Comes to Food Packaging Choices, Sustainability Trumps Novelty

09 December 2013 - An independent research study conducted by MindClick Global on behalf of the Steel Market Development Institute (SMDI) found that when asked about sustainability in food packaging choices, two-thirds of consumers preferred steel cans.

SMDI: Lightweight Steel Twist Beam Achieves 30% Mass Reduction

04 December 2013 - Furthering its mission to help automakers meet stringent fuel economy requirements, the Steel Market Development Institute's (SMDI) Automotive Applications Council unveiled the results of its lightweight steel twist beam study today.

New Research Results Advance the Seismic Design of Steel Bridges

13 November 2013 - The Steel Bridge Task Force of the Steel Market Development Institute (SMDI) announced that new research results could significantly limit the damage sustained in a large earthquake, allowing for quicker repairs and reopening to traffic.

SMDI and Michelin Kick off 5th Annual Steel Wheel Design Competition

03 October 2013 - The Steel Market Development Institute’s (SMDI) Wheels Task Force, in partnership with Michelin, kicked off its fifth annual Steel Wheel Design Competition with Southfield, Mich.-based Lawrence Technological University (LTU) last week.

Key Cold-Formed Steel Framing Associations to Form Coalition

16 September 2013 - Four key trade associations representing the steel stud industry have joined together to promote the use of cold-formed steel framing in construction.

New Study Confirms Lightweight Steel Wheels Equivalent in Mass to Aluminum at 40% Cost Savings

09 August 2013 - The Steel Market Development Institute's Wheels Task Force recently unveiled the results of its latest lightweight steel wheel project which developed a stylish new steel wheel design solution that is equivalent in mass to a comparable aluminum wheel, but at a 40% cost saving.

New Life Cycle Assessment Study Shows Replacing Wood Utility Poles with Steel Lowers Key Environmental Impacts

07 August 2013 - A detailed life cycle assessment (LCA) study commissioned by the Steel Market Development Institute, found that when comparing overall environmental performance, galvanized steel utility poles outperform wood poles in key environmental measures.

SMDI Says Obama Climate Action Plan Vehicle Strategy is Flawed

10 July 2013 - The Steel Market Development Institute (SMDI) says one of the three pillars of the Obama Administration's Climate Action Plan — to cut carbon emissions in America by implementing strict fuel economy regulations for American vehicles —  is a sound objective, but seriously flawed.

Steel Industry Names William Heenan As Recipient Of 2013 SMDI Lifetime Achievement Award

17 May 2013 - The Steel Market Development Institute (SMDI) announced that William M. Heenan, Jr. is the recipient of the 2013 Steel Market Development Institute Lifetime Achievement Award.

Ford Fusion Design Team Earns Automotive Excellence Award at 12th Annual Great Designs in Steel Seminar

07 May 2013 - The Steel Market Development Institute (SMDI), a business unit of the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), gave top honors to Ford Motor Company's Ford Fusion design team at the 12th Annual Great Designs in Steel Seminar (GDIS) in Livonia, Mich. On 1 May.

Great Designs in Steel Seminar Demonstrates Steel’s Leading Position in Auto Industry

06 May 2013 - More than 1,400 steel and automotive experts gathered in Livonia, Mich., on 1 May to discuss a key aspect of the automotive industry’s future success: advanced steel technologies.

Steel Industry Unveils Design Tool For Material Comparison In Automotive Applications

03 May 2013 - WorldAutoSteel, along with the Steel Market Development Institute, unveiled a new tool that enables vehicle designers to quickly and accurately evaluate material selection tradeoffs, including mass, cost and GHG emissions, for automotive applications.

North American Steel Industry Celebrates Sustainability and Superior Recycling Attributes of Steel on Earth Day

22 April 2013 - The 43-year-old annual Earth Day observance is an opportunity for individuals and organizations around the world to become "part of the solution" when it comes to protecting the planet. With its long-standing commitment to sustainable products and practices, the North American steel industry plays an integral role in making the planet safer, cleaner and greener.

North American Steel Industry Celebrates Sustainability and Superior Recycling Attributes of Steel on Earth Day

22 April 2013 - The 43-year-old annual Earth Day observance is an opportunity for individuals and organizations around the world to become "part of the solution" when it comes to protecting the planet. With its long-standing commitment to sustainable products and practices, the North American steel industry plays an integral role in making the planet safer, cleaner and greener.

Mike Engestrom Receives AISC Lifetime Achievement Award

17 April 2013 - The Steel Market Development Institute (SMDI) congratulates Michael F. Engestrom, technical marketing director, Nucor-Yamato Steel, who is being presented with the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Institute of Steel Construction.

Bloomberg: North American Carmakers to Triple Thin-Use Steel Use by 2025, Body Says

02 April 2013 - North American automakers may triple their use of stronger, thinner steel by 2025 to increase fuel efficiency, according to a lobby for producers of the metal, Bloomberg reports.

SMDI Launches Steel Packaging Campaign

27 March 2013 - With an emphasis on performance, the Steel Market Development Institute (SMDI) will launch a national education campaign to highlight the depth of steel’s leadership in meeting the sustainability needs of the packaging industry.

USAMP and A/SP Receive US$6 Million Award for Advanced High-Strength Steel Project

25 February 2013 - The United States Automotive Materials Partnership LLC (USAMP), in collaboration with the Auto/Steel Partnership (A/SP), received a competitively solicited award for US$6 million from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) for its “Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) Approach to Development of Lightweight, Third-Generation Advanced High-Strength Steels (3GAHSS)” project.

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