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worldsteel Reports on Sustainability Performance of the Steel Industry

Edwin Basson, director general of worldsteel, said: “Measuring performance is the first step in making progress and having defined indicators allows companies to benchmark themselves and encourages further improvement. Sustainability reporting at a global level is a major effort that the steel industry undertakes to manage its performance and demonstrate its commitment to sustainability. In 2004, 42 steel companies participated with a rise to 149 companies in 2014. We are pleased that the steel industry has made steady improvements in most indicators over the past decade.
“The steel industry believes that sustainable development must meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Members of worldsteel are committed to a vision in which steel is recognized as a key element of a sustainable world. This is achieved by a financially sound industry that takes leadership in environmental, social and economic sustainability.
“We recognize that continued engagement and collaboration with our stakeholders is essential as we strive to become a fully sustainable industry in a sustainable world. We encourage both our members and nonmembers to join us in the reporting program and to implement the seven principles outlined in our sustainable development policy in order to monitor and improve their sustainability performance.”
The 2014 Sustainability Indicators publication presents the latest 2013 results for eight sustainability indicators reported on by the steel industry.
For environmental performance, in 2013, average greenhouse gas emissions was at 1.8 metric tons of CO2 per metric ton of crude steel cast and energy intensity was at 20.0 GJ per metric ton of crude steel cast. Material efficiency indicator results showed that 96.4% of materials used on-site to make crude steel are converted to products and by-products. The environmental management systems (EMS) indicator demonstrated that 90.2% of steel industry employees and contractors worked in EMS registered production facilities.
For social performance, the lost time injury frequency rate (LTIFR) was 1.6 injuries per million hours worked in 2013 while the employee training indicator showed that employees (at both production & non-production facilities) received an average of 7.8 training days during the year.
For economic performance, investment in new processes and products in 2013 was at 8.6% of revenue while economic value distributed (EVD) reached US$582.7 billion, or 97.3% of revenue.
To download the publication from worldsteel’s website, click here.