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World Steel Production Continues Plunge through January ‘09

Figures released by the World Steel Association (known formerly as the International Iron and Steel Institute) show that world crude steel production for the 66 countries reporting stood at an estimated 85.8 million tonnes in January 2009 — 24.0% lower than for the same month of 2008, but 4.5% higher than the previous month (December 2008).
Much of the loss in total production was from countries other than China, with double-digit production cut-backs recorded in most of the major regions other than Asia. In sharp contrast to other countries, production in China actually increased 9.9% vs. the previous month (December 2008) and increased 2.4% vs. January 2008. China’s January production, at 41,520 tonnes, represents approximately 48% of total January world crude steel production.
Excluding China’s production, world production fell very slightly (about 0.05%) vs. the previous month (December 2008), but fell by nearly 39% since January 2008.
World Steel Production, Nov. '08
% of Jan. '09 Total
Change vs. Jan. '08
 EU (27)
 Other EU
 N. America
 S. America
 Middle East
Weighing in at 66.8% of total world production for January 2009, production in Asia stood at 57.33 million tonnes in January, 7.8% lower than in January 2008. Representing 48.4% of world production for January, Chinese production was reported at 41.5 million tonnes in January, a 2.4% decrease compared to January 2008, but a 9.9% increase compared to the previous month (December 2008).
The twenty-seven countries of the European Union (EU(27)) produced 9.55 million tonnes of crude steel in January, down a whopping 45.9% from January 2008. Comparing January 2009 to January 2008, crude steel production fell by 85.1% in Luxembourg, by 73.4% in Belgium, by more than 60% in Romania and Slovakia, and by more than 50% in Finland,  Hungary, Netherlands, and Spain. Altogether, the countries in the EU27 contributed 11.1% of the total reported world production in January 2009, compared to 14.9% for all of 2008.
Production in Other Europe totaled nearly 2.2 million tonnes in January, a decrease of 18.7% compared to January 2008. The most significant decreases were recorded in Croatia (-79.0%), Serbia (-72.8%) and Bosnia-Herzegovina (-63.0%). Altogether, these countries contributed 2.5% of the total reported world production in January 2009, virtually unchanged from 2.3% for all of 2008.
Production in the countries of the CIS totaled 5.8 million tonnes in January, reflecting a sizeable 46.9% decrease compared to January 2008. Moldova reported the largest decrease (-69.5%) over the period, followed by Russia (-49.1%), Kazakhstan (-47.1%), and Ukraine (-45.1%). Altogether, these countries contributed 6.5% of the total reported world production in January 2009, compared to 8.6% in all of 2008.
North American production totaled 5.7 million tonnes in January, a steep 51.2% decrease in comparison to January 2008. Comparing January 2009 to January 2008, the largest decreases were recorded in Trinidad and Tobago (-73.2%), El Salvador (-71.0%) and the United States (-52.7%). Altogether, the North American countries contributed 6.7% of the total reported world production in January 2009, down from 9.4% in all of 2008.
South American production for January 2009 totaled 2.4 million tonnes, a significant 41.4% decrease compared to January 2008. The largest percentage decreases took effect in Chile (-59.9%), Brazil (-45.6%), and Columbia (-41.1%). Altogether, the South American countries contributed 2.8% of the total reported world production in January 2009, down from 3.6% in all of 2008.
Production in Africa totaled 1.06 million tonnes in January 2009, a 30.9% decrease compared to January 2008. Comparing January 2009 to January 2008, the largest percentage decreases were recorded in Algeria (-74.3%) and South Africa (-36.5%) over the period. The African countries contributed 1.24% of the total reported world production in January 2009, down slightly from 1.3% in all of 2008.
Production in the Middle East totaled 1.22 million tonnes in January 2009, a 7.5% decrease compared to January 2008. Comparing January 2009 to January 2008, the largest percentage decreases were recorded in Qatar (-65.8%) andSaudi Arabia (-38.1%). Altogether, the countries of the Middle East contributed 1.43% of the total reported world production in January 2009, up slightly from 1.2% in 2008.
Production in Oceania totaled 0.51 million tonnes in January 2009, a 31.7% decrease compared to January 2008. Altogether, the countries of Oceania contributed 0.6% of the total reported world production in January 2009, virtually unchanged from 0.6% for all of 2008.
Total world production for January 2009 increased 4.5% compared to the previous month, December 2008.