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Workers Begin Reviving Idled Wire Rod Mill

“This is a landmark day for the mill and for the city of Georgetown. There is still a lot of work to do but it is very encouraging and satisfying to see skilled and experienced steelworkers walking back through the gates to take up their jobs again,” said Sanjeev Gupta, executive chairman of GFG Alliance, the Gupta family portfolio of metals and mining businesses. 

Gupta said that the 20 Steelworkers who reported under a recall agreement will be joined by another 20 in mid-April. Initially, the company plans hire back 125 people, but double the roster as it ramps up production at the former ArcelorMittal facility. 

“The GFG Alliance has big ambitions to invest and help to revive the U.S. steel industry, and today is a hugely significant milestone in the process. We’re now eager to press ahead with all the preparatory activity and get production going again at this iconic site,” Gupta said. 

You can read the company's full announcement here.