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Woodings to Provide Equipment for Major Blast Furnace Upgrade in North America

Woodings Industrial Corporation, a worldwide leader in the manufacture of metals industry equipment, announced that it has been selected to design and manufacture a substantial amount of equipment for part of a major upgrade of a blast furnace at one of North America’s leading steelmakers. 
Woodings will provide a number of critical components for the steel producer’s blast furnace upgrade including:
              Four new 54-inch hot blast valves
              Tuyere stocks including:
·                     40 blow pipe assemblies which consist of lower elbow and blowpipe
·                     28 downlegs
              All ancillary maintenance equipment and tuyere carts.
The tuyere stocks Woodings will provide are the result of a joint arrangement with Siemens VAI; Woodings uses the patented Siemens tuyere stock design which feature a unique expansion bellows. Advantages of this design include better control of movement, longer tuyere stock life and an improved seal on the furnace for more consistent operation and less maintenance.
“This is a significant blast furnace project for our customer and we are delighted to be able to play a large role in this project,” said president Robert T. Woodings.   “As always, being able to provide equipment that will help producers reach their productivity, reliability and efficiency targets is our goal. That is exactly the outcome we expect with this project.”

About Woodings Industrial Corp. The only hot metal equipment supplier offering design, engineering, manufacturing and service from one source, Woodings Industrial Corp. is the oldest continuous family-operated business in North America’s steel industry. A worldwide leader in the manufacture of metals industry equipment, Woodings uses the most current technologies to design, engineer and manufacture an extensive line of traditional and not-so-traditional hot metal equipment, such as tap hole drills, clay guns, blast furnace top hydraulic charging units, tuyere stocks, blast furnace valves, hydraulic distributors and specialty products for continuous casters. Woodings is the exclusive supplier of Grabe overlay components in North America and has plants at its headquarters in Mars and Harmony, Pa., along with offices in Detroit, Mich. and Gary, Ind.