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WCI Steel Begins Blast Furnace Reline

WCI Steel, Inc. announced that the $15.3 million reline of its blast furnace began on schedule Friday, with the furnace expected to come back on line July 17.

WCI has scheduled a number of other maintenance projects to be completed during the reline, including:

  • The reline of the No. 2 BOF vessel.
  • Furnace maintenance at the hot strip mill.
  • Generator and motor repairs at the tandem mill.

The 42-day reline began with blowdown of the furnace, followed by removal of blowpipes and tuyeres. The furnace was then quenched and secured to allow crews to work inside the furnace.

The scope of the reline includes replacement of the brick and refractory lining, installation of a new tuyere jacket, replacement of copper mantle plates and copper stack cooling plates, improvements to the water distribution system and repairs to the gas cleaning system.

Patrick G. Tatom, WCI's President and CEO, said the reline will ensure that the blast furnace continues to supply high-quality iron for WCI's steelmaking operations. The furnace was last relined in 1995. "We've gotten off to a good start and fully expect to complete the reline on schedule so we can get back to the business of making steel and servicing our customer base," Tatom said.

WCI will meet key customers' critical needs during the reline, Tatom said, even though production units will be idled. Orders have been shipped or will be shipped during the reline on a schedule coordinated with customers. "Our commercial and production planning teams have been working with customers over the last six months to minimize the impact of the interruption in our normal production," he said. "We greatly appreciate our customers' cooperation and their willingness to work with us during the reline."

Production units at WCI will be idled sequentially as they run out of steel to process. Employees not working because of the shutdown will either take vacation or be placed on temporary layoff.

Tatom explained that the company has adequate borrowing capability under its revolving line of credit to cover reline costs.

WCI is an integrated steelmaker producing more than 185 grades of custom and commodity flat-rolled steel at its Warren, Ohio, facility. WCI products are used by steel service centers, convertors and the automotive and construction markets. The company, which has approximately 1,700 employees, filed a voluntary petition for protection under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code on Sept. 16, 2003.