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Vtorchermet NLMK Continues Growth in 2011

NLMK Long Products subsidiary Vtorchermet NLMK set up 18 new scrap metal processing sites in 2011 in various regions across Russia. The company purchased 22 handling machines and 88 vehicles for process needs, and it also assembled and commissioned three shearing presses.

Vtorchermet NLMK invested over RUR330 million into its Technical Upgrade Programme in 2011. Over that time period, the company made its largest investment in a new scrap-processing site in Podolsk, in the Moscow region, that will support NLMK’s Kaluga EAF-based mini-mill, part of NLMK Long Products, which is currently under construction. Last year, the company invested over RUR180 million into the project and at the end of this year, a shredder will be launched at the site.

Last year, Vtorchermet NLMK shipped 3.3 million tonnes of ferrous scrap, up 4% year-on-year. In-house scrap collection amounted to 2.7 million tonnes, representing an 18% increase. NLMK Group’s self-sufficiency in scrap grew from 71% to 81% over the same time period, and by 2016 it is expected to reach 86%, even considering the 40% increase in steelmaking capacities in 2011-2013.
Larger in-house scrap collection volumes are expected to bring Vtorchermet NLMK’s share of the Russian scrap market to 25% over the same period.

Vtorchermet NLMK
(formerly Uralvtorchermet), a scrap-processing unit of NLMK Long Products, is one of the largest and best-equipped scrap collectors in Russia with production sites in 37 regions across the country. Vtorchermet NLMK supplies ferrous scrap to both NLMK Long Products and NLMK steelmaking plants. It can process up to 3 million tonnes of ferrous scrap per year.

NLMK Long Products, one of the largest long steel and metalware manufacturers in the Russian market, is NLMK’s subsidiary, consolidating NLMK Group’s Long Products Division since December 2009. NLMK Long Products companies make up an integrated production structure covering the entire cycle from the collection and processing of ferrous scrap to manufacturing downstream steel products including rebar, wire rod, and metalware. NLMK Long Products key companies include NSMMZ in the Sverdlovsk region (EAF and long products), UZPS (metalware), and the Kaluga EAF Mini-Mill, which is currently under construction. The company’s raw material division is represented by Vtorchermet NLMK, one of Russia’s leading scrap-collecting businesses, present in various regions around the country.