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voestalpine Stahl to Equip Linz Works with 28 Warehouse Management Systems

These systems will help voestalpine optimize the warehousing and transport processes for coils, slit strip and sheet packs in the cold rolling mill.
3tn’s systems control the transport and storage of products, while using the available storage space most efficiently. They optimize multi-layer stacking, taking into account product characteristics and all applicable specifications and restrictions. This avoids unnecessary shifting operations — and the associated risk of damaging any stored material — and speeds up the transport processes.
The order scope includes the supply and commissioning of five autonomous TWMS/metals systems, which 3tn will customize in cooperation with voestalpine to the specific requirements of the Linz works, and the licenses for 23 additional systems. The systems will cover the entire transport and storage process chain from the exit of the hot strip mill via the pickling line and the slitting and cut-to-length lines down to the dispatching of the coils, slit strip and sheet packs.
The functional specifications to be drawn up in the pre-project phase will include the entire requirements of all 28 systems. Thanks to this approach, all systems will have a common source code basis.
The first five systems will be for:
•          a coil store with cranes operated by crane drivers,
•          a coil store with driverless cranes,
•          an automatic high-bay store for coils,
•          an outdoor storage area with mandrel pilers and vehicle tracking via GPS,
•          the management of transports across various warehouses, for example, by chain conveyors and shuttle systems.
After this phase, the other 23 systems will be adapted to the specific conditions in the individual areas of the works, either by voestalpine alone or with the support of 3tn. The comprehensive parameterizing functions of TWMS/metals will reduce the adaptation effort to a minimum. Dialog-based modification of the custom rule-sets, for example, of those defining the storage and transport activities and the assignment of priorities, a topology editor and a report designer guarantee optimal adjustments to varying conditions.
Thorsten Tönjes, one of the two founders of 3tn, is convinced that it was the right decision to focus on solutions for the metals industry: “During the tendering phase, we visited reference installations together with our customer. Among these references were various solutions which came very close to what they were expecting from their new system. Last but not least, also the great number and the up-to-dateness of the reference systems seem to have influenced voestalpine’s decision. From project to project, we have added many new helpful functionalities to the basic TWMS/metals version. And it is a secure investment in the future: The system is highly parameterizable and scalable. These characteristics make it easy to adapt the system to changing conditions.”
The process of drawing up the functional specification documents is scheduled to last until March 2015. The first systems will go live starting in October 2015.
The TWMS/metals transport and warehouse management system optimizes warehousing processes. All storage activities are target-oriented and in line with the requirements of the product. Most efficient use is made of the storage space available in various warehouses or even plant-wide. The system also optimizes crane movements, avoids unnecessary shifting operations and accelerates the transports. It creates transparency as it makes all information readily available and all activities intuitively comprehensible, while reducing the tracing effort to virtually zero.
3tn developed TWMS/metals specifically for the metals industry. The system is preconfigured for all products, means of transport and warehouse arrangements common in that industry. In one direction, it communicates with ERP and MES systems and, in the other direction, with the basic automation systems and the sensor equipment.
A central element of TWMS/metals is the visualization of warehouses in real time as near-reality 3D views. In the crane cabins, the current warehouse situation is displayed exactly as seen by the crane operators. Arrows guide the crane operators from one position to the next, while all information they need for processing an order is being displayed.
A three-dimensional view is implemented on the client terminals in the offices. The users may freely move about this display and view the warehouse from any perspective. If they wish to know where a certain coil is, they can zoom in on it from the total view, as known from “Google Earth”.
A characteristic feature of these systems is their extensive scaling and parameter-setting capacities. Custom rule-sets facilitate the installation and service of the systems. Integrated control editors enable the parameters to be modified during the software run time.
By means of the service-oriented architecture (SOA), 3tn achieves high scalability and serviceability. If required, processes can be handled by several servers, allowing the system to grow in line with customer requirements. This software architecture also allows updates and service activities for individual warehouses to be performed without affecting the overall system. Through these features, the systems achieve an exceptionally high degree of availability.