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voestalpine Fosters Innovative Ideas with the Steel Research Award 2015

Research, development, and innovation have always enjoyed the highest priority at technology and capital goods group voestalpine. With a record research budget of € 141 million for the business year 2014/15, voestalpine is Austria’s most research-intensive company. For this reason, the Group is also supporting young scientists, sponsoring the first voestalpine Steel Research Award in cooperation with the Montanuniversität Leoben and the Austrian Society for Metallurgy and Materials (ASMET) in 2015. With € 12,000 in prize money, the award will be presented every two years to young academics from all over the world for outstanding work in steel-related research.
Successful research and development at the voestalpine Group is global. Almost 800 employees in more than 70 voestalpine companies are active in R&D around the world. An important key to successful research is global networking and cooperation with external R&D partners, especially universities. voestalpine is currently involved in several hundred research projects in over 20 countries, working together with around 80 universities and research institutes. Research focuses on sectors with the highest technological and quality demands, such as mobility and energy. Developing ultrahigh-strength steels for lightweight and extremely resilient components for the automotive and aviation industries is just one of many examples of voestalpine innovation.
“Whatever the future may bring, it will be largely 'made of high-tech steel', and continue to improve our quality of life. Research and development is, and remains, a key strategic factor for voestalpine, one in which we invest on an ongoing basis in order to secure our technological and quality leadership over the long term,” says Franz Michael Androsch, head of Group’s Research and Development.
“We are delighted to be able to help ambitious young researchers in their scientific careers. They represent the capital for a competitive as well as economically successful group over the long term,” says Androsch. Young academics worldwide may submit research projects in the fields of metallurgy, materials science, processing technology, and application. The closing date for submissions is 27 March 2015. An independent jury of experts will judge the projects according to their timeliness, originality, practicality and feasibility, and scientific relevance. For more information about submissions, please visit