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Vallourec Organizes Third Safety Day

Vallourec held a Safety Day with the theme of security for its 22,000 employees throughout the world as a reminder of the crucial role that safety plays in its company culture.
The company considers safety in the workplace to be a prime expression of the Group’s values and key to operational excellence. An action plan called CAPTEN Safe was implemented in 2008, and this was continued in 2011 by a second three-year plan called CAPTEN+ Safe.
Vallourec notes that active involvement of all levels of the management teams, a structured method and training program, as well as the contribution of all the personnel via Continuous Improvement Teams and regular safety visits, have led to a reduction of occupational accidents by 70% between 2008 and 2011 and the lost time injury rate (LTIR1) has dropped from 9 to 2.7.
On Safety Day, staff at all the Vallourec sites around the world gather to devote their time to safety. Workshops are organized to raise awareness of professional and domestic risks, and a “Safety Award” is attributed to the team that has led the most valuable project and action in this area. As in previous years, Vallourec Executive Committee members are present alongside the teams and show support for this major Group event.
“We have made huge progress in terms of safety and in the space of three years we have managed to divide the number of accidents by three, beyond the target that we had set ourselves. Every year, this Group-wide annual Safety Day exists to remind us that safety must remain our number-one priority. The goal of ensuring an even safer working environment for all our staff, throughout the world, must drive us to further strengthen our actions to establish the reputation and high level of performance we aspire to," said Philippe Crouzet, Chairman of the Vallourec Management Board.
The safety approach is part of the Group’s overall social responsibility policy, according to its new Sustainable Development Charter.
Vallourec is a world leader in premium tubular solutions primarily serving the energy markets, as well as other industrial applications. In 2011, its sales amounted to €5.3 billion. The company has more than 22,000 employees, integrated manufacturing facilities, advanced R&D, and presence in more than 20 countries.