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VAI Starts up Revamped Slab Caster for Shagang

Voest-Alpine Industrieanlagenbau GmbH (VAI) recently started up the twin-strand No. 1 Slab Caster it had modernized for Jiangsu Shagang, P.R. China. The caster upgrade was part of a steel plant relocation project from Germany to China, where VAI was the technology provider for the entire production route.

Caster start-up was carried out utilizing control technologies including LevCon mold-level control, DynaGap soft-reduction technology for improved slab inner quality, MoldExpert for process parameter control inside the mold, and Level 2 process control. All control technologies were applied beginning with the first heat, in accordance with VAI's "Connect and Cast" philosophy.

The caster upgrade comprised installation of straight mold technology for highest product quality; hydraulic mold-width adjustment (DynaWidth); hydraulic oscillator (DynaFlex); VAI's strand-guide system with SMART® technology and DynaGap soft reduction; and level 2 process control.

This start-up of Caster No. 1 follows start-up of Jiangsu Shagang’s Caster No. 2 just six months earlier.

Voest-Alpine Industrieanlagenbau (VAI), a company of the listed VA Technologie AG, is one of the world’s leading engineering and plant-building companies for the iron, steel and aluminum industries with a multinational company structure and special focus on technology, automation and services. VAI achieved total sales of 976 million EUR in 2003 and employs approximately 3,400 people worldwide.

Following the announcement on December 10, 2004, by Siemens AG Österreich of a takeover bid for VA Tech, the general period of acceptance terminated on February 9, 2005. Over 90% of VA Tech stock was sold to Siemens at a price of EUR 65. Consequently, one precondition for a takeover by Siemens has been fulfilled. However, until the anti-trust authorities in the EU, USA and Canada approve the takeover, both VA Tech and Siemens are subject to a prohibition on the concentration process.