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VAI Ingdesi Automation Implements eVision for Sterling Steel

Voest Alpine Ingdesi Automation was recently awarded a contract to implement eVision for the complete Sterling Steel minimill in Sterling, Ill.

eVision is a web based management tool that allows the users to navigate through the plant to analyze operations and generate reports. eVision is completely customized, and gives access to real-time data from automation systems and hardware platforms within the plant.

Voest Alpine Ingdesi Automation, a supplier of automation, IT solutions and services, is a Voest-Alpine Industrieanlagenbau (VAI) company. VAI, a company of the listed VA Technologie AG, is one of the world’s leading engineering and plant-building companies for the iron, steel and aluminum industries with a multinational company structure and special focus on technology, automation and services. VAI achieved total sales of 976 million EUR in 2003 and employs approximately 3,400 people worldwide.