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USW Continues to Push for Trade Law Enforcement

The United Steelworkers (USW) has called for a final countervailing duty and a preliminary antidumping duty to be placed on dumped and subsidized Chinese pipe imports known as oil country tubular goods (OCTG) before the six-member U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC).
USW International President Leo W. Gerard said that the future of 6000 workers employed by seven OCTG pipe producers and their communities are at stake. He noted that nearly half of the domestic workforce in that industry segment has been laid off since the case was jointly filed in April by the USW and the participating companies.
"Between the end of 2008 and September 2009, this industry lost 2421 workers," he said.
The pipe imports case is the largest in U.S. history, according to USW, with imports valued at $2.6 billion in 2008.
"We come before you…seeking much-needed trade relief to permit the massive inventories of unfairly traded imports from China to be worked off so our workers can go back to work and regain their livelihoods and dignity," Gerard said.
Nine members of Congress, three U.S. Senators, and two governors joined Gerard and the executives of the petitioner companies calling for enforcement of current trade laws against the imported Chinese pipes.
The seven producers of the OCTG petition are U.S. Steel Corp., Maverick Tube Corp., Evraz Rocky Mountain Steel, TMK IPSCO, V&M Star LLP, V&M TCA, and Wheatland Tube Corp.
USW International Vice President Tom Conway said that this case against China will impact jobs in the entire supply chain for OCTG pipe, including those making flat rolled steel, producing coke, and mining iron ore.
Members of both congressional houses signed letters to ITC Chairman Shara L. Aranoff supporting the USW and other petitioners' position, including 41 members of the House and 13 senators. In presenting the House version of the letter before the ITC, Rep. Betty Sutton (Ohio) laid out the case against allowing Chinese pipe imports to continue unchecked.
"American workers and producers need and deserve a fair chance to compete in their own market," Sutton said. "Now more than ever, it is crucial that this Commission fully and effectively enforce our fair trade laws, and ensure that foreign producers refusing to follow global trading rules are not permitted to further injure American workers, companies, and communities."
Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell added that with more than 2000 American workers who make OCTG laid off this past year, it is imperative for the commission to make an affirmative injury determination.
"Pennsylvania is home to U.S. Steel, Wheatland Tube, and TMK IPSCO. All of these firms produce OCTG," he said. "These firms have been severely impacted by unfairly traded Chinese OCTG, which in the first three-quarters of 2009 accounted for approximately 37% of the U.S. market."