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USW Applauds Canadian Agency’s Decision to Investigate Steel Plate Imports

The United Steelworkers cheered the Canada Border Services Agency’s announcement that it is initiating an investigation into the dumping of carbon steel plate and high-strength low-alloy steel plate from Ukraine.
The agency’s decision was preceded by campaigns from the United Steelworkers and Canada's steel industry concerning a surge in offshore steel imports. In an April letter to International Trade Minister Stockwell Day, Canadian National Director of United Steelworkers Ken Neumann commented, "It is urgent that the Government of Canada investigate whether this surge in offshore imports reflects dumping by a foreign steelmaker and/or subsidization by a foreign government."
"We are very glad the Canadian Border Services Agency will be conducting an inquiry as we requested,” said Neumann. “However, we believe Canadian jobs also require a structural change to Canadian trade law."
Neumann expressed frustration that the Canadian government does not allow unions representing Canadian workers to file complaints under Canadian trade law.
"Unfortunately, unions representing Canadian workers have no standing to file or participate in complaints under either the Special Import Measures Act or the Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act,” said Neumann. “Only companies have been given standing under these laws. By comparison, unions representing American workers routinely take part in similar trade complaints in the U.S."