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United Steelworkers File Charges against Latrobe Specialty Steel

Union workers locked out at Latrobe Specialty Steel have filed an unfair labor practice charge with the National Labor Relations Board. The charge states that the lockout, which began on May 9, 2008, is unlawful.
Union members had voted on May 8 to end the strike that began on May 1. Management, however, rejected the union members’ proposal.
The charge, filed on May 12 on behalf of 360 locked-out employees also stated that the company had unlawfully terminated workers' health insurance benefits when the union began a strike on May 1. The charge also stated that the company had engaged in unlawful surveillance of peaceful picketing activity; had failed to provide relevant information to the union; and has generally bargained in bad faith.
“The members of our union are willing to sit down at any time and negotiate a new labor agreement,” said USW Local 1537 President Kevin Caruso. “We've offered to return to work in order to address the company's expressed desire to continue supplying its customers, but management refused this offer. The lockout is unlawful in light of the company's bad-faith bargaining, and we'll work with the National Labor Relations Board to prove our case. Despite management's illegal activities, our members' solidarity remains strong.”