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Union to Picket Severstal North America

More than 300 members of Laborers' Local 1191 are picketing in front of Severstal North America in protest of the company's use of an out-of-state, non-unionized company for its demolition project.
Laborers' Local 1191, one of the state's largest construction unions, began picketing at the site at 6 a.m. Monday. The group is challenging a decision by Severstal North America to use Boston, Mass., based Global Demolition to tear down a furnace.
"Not only can we do the work in a way that's safer and more cost-effective, it is a slap in the face to hire non-unionized workers to do the job in the home of organized labor," said Mike Aaron, President of Laborers' Local 1191. "We wanted to send a message to Severstal that we won't sit still for such disrespect."
Aaron also noted that his union represents the best trained and most experienced workers to do the job. "Right now, Severstal is in a no-contract with Laborers' Local 1191," Aaron said.
With 3500 members, Laborers' Local 1191 is one of the state's largest construction unions.