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Unilux Appoints Sales and Application Managers

Both will work closely with customers in the metals, printing and converting and papermaking industries and specialty applications for the selection, installation and use of Unilux strobe lights. The lights are used for inspection and flaw remediation of surfaces and the edges of metal strips during high-speed, value-added production processes. Sullivan also will work with Unilux representatives in nine countries and service centers in Mexico and El Salvador.
“Tim and Kevin bring a wealth of talents to Unilux customers,” said Mike Simonis, president. “They have outstanding communications skills and technical knowledge of industrial processes, and their entrepreneurial experiences will help them work effectively to connect the business value of the right Unilux solution to every customer’s specific inspection needs. Their skills and knowledge will be critical as we continue to introduce new products to value-conscious customers in highly competitive markets.”
Sullivan has 20 years of high-tech sales experience in Latin America, working with companies such as Schering Plough, General Electric and Latam Medical Systems and having his own company. A Latin American history major in college and holder of a Master’s Degree in international business, he has firsthand knowledge of the import/export requirements for countries in the region.
Dixon has more than 20 years of industrial sales and field service engineering experience in the Midwest, Germany and China with most of his work in the metals industries. Working as a sales representative, sales manager and service engineer, for companies such as Maxess International, EMG USA, North American Manufacturing Co. and Electric Furnace Company EFCO, he has been involved in every phase of helping companies buy and commission industrial systems that integrate with all operating systems within a facility. With the global nature of many of US Unilux customers, he brings an understanding of how to work with multinational firms. He holds associate degrees in mechanical engineering technology and drafting designing technology from the Engineering Technology Program at Youngstown State University in Ohio.

Unilux Inc., headquartered in Saddle Brook, N.J., has 52 years of experience in designing and manufacturing industrial surface inspection lighting systems for the printing/converting/packaging, metals, papermaking and textile industries. Unilux stroboscopic inspection lights range from handheld, battery-powered units for spot or narrow-web inspection, maintenance and troubleshooting applications to fixed-mounted units capable of inspecting surfaces up to 12m wide. Unilux currently has sales representatives in 58 countries throughout the world along with five service centers.