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U.S. Trade Commission Proceeding With Import Investigation Into Cold Rolled Flat Products

The commission launched a preliminary investigation into imports from Brazil, China, India, Japan, Korea, Russia and the United Kingdom after receiving a complaint in July. The complaint was filed by flat rolled producers AK Steel Corp., ArcelorMittal USA, Nucor Corp., Steel Dynamics Inc. and United States Steel Corporation.

“We believe that American manufacturers can compete against any nation's products as long as the playing field is level,” U. S. Steel said in a statement at the time. “Unfortunately, other nations have mastered the use of illegal and market-distorting practices to take market share, suppress prices and harm American producers.”

The domestic steelmakers also alleged that China, Korea, India, Brazil and Russia are each heavily subsidizing their own producers.

The complaint also had included the Netherlands, but the commission determined that the volumes of cold rolled flat products imported from there are negligible. Therefore, it agreed to end the investigation.

As for the remaining investigations, the commission said it will make preliminary countervailing duty determinations by 21 October and preliminary anti-dumping duty determinations by 4 January 2016.