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U. S. Steel to Challenge ITC Decision on Welded Line Pipe from Mexico

United States Steel Corp. has announced its intention to challenge a recent determination by the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) regarding an antidumping duty order on large-diameter welded line pipe from Mexico. The ITC had determined that revocation of that order would not be likely to cause material injury to domestic producers.
"This is a significant product for domestic producers and we strongly disagree with the ITC's conclusion that dumped imports from Mexico will not harm the domestic industry,” explained U. S. Steel Chairman and CEO John P. Surma. “In fact, we are already seeing negative effects from the ITC's decision caused by low-priced imports from Mexico.”
U. S. Steel has filed papers indicating that is appealing this decision to a binational dispute resolution panel to be convened under the terms of the North American Free Trade Agreement.,
"U. S. Steel remains committed to its longstanding policy of fighting unfair trade in order to ensure that conditions in the United States reflect true market competition," Surma added.
U. S. Steel's appeal will seek a reversal of the ITC's determination and ask that the antidumping order on large-diameter line pipe from Mexico be reinstated. No timetable for briefing or decision in this appeal has yet been released.