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U. S. Steel Targets Cut in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

“Committing to a global greenhouse gas intensity reduction target is central to U. S. Steel’s strategy to become a world-competitive ‘best of both’ integrated and mini-mill steel company,” said U. S. Steel president and chief executive officer David B. Burritt. 

“These reductions will be equivalent to the amount of CO2 being generated by more than 850,000 average-sized homes each year. By creating targeted carbon-reduction initiatives to accelerate our transformation toward a future of sustainable steel, we create value for all stakeholders.”

The company said it will look to curb emissions across its operations, both in the U.S. and overseas. It will measure performance by comparing the rate of carbon dioxide equivalents emitted per ton of finished steel shipments, measuring against 2018 levels. 

It also said it intends to achieve its goal in part through its expansion into electric arc furnace steelmaking, an effort that so far includes installation of an EAF at its Fairfield works in Alabama and its planned acquisition of Big River Steel. 

“Further carbon intensity reductions are expected to come from the company’s introduction of state-of-the-art endless rolling and casting technology and construction of a cogeneration facility at its Mon Valley Works announced in May, as well as implementation of ongoing energy efficiency measures, continued use of renewable energy sources and other process improvements,” the company said.